Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

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December, Thursday 18, 2014: It has been three years since UN Embassy bombing in Vienna resulting in the deaths of several delegates including then-king of Wakanda T'Chaka; The Sokovia Accords have since been ratified. The Avengers who refuse to sign the Accords have been forced into "retirement" or declared "Persons of Interest" and warrants have been issued for their arrests. And keepign with the Accords, any known super-powered persons exceeding category tl-5 have been re- classified as WMDs and relocated to restricted campus for their protection.

Nick Fury retains control of S.H.I.E.L.D. following his skill handling of the attempted Hydra uprising which was quietly contained within the hangers of the Tiskeleon. Tony Stark continues to fund the Avengers and has relocated them to a renovated Stark facility in upperstate New York, Natasha Romanoff has assumed the mantle of leadership of the current Avengers lineup. Together they have begun begun the work in keeping with the Accords of making the world a safer place for all peoples of Earth as directed by the Accords; The primary duty of the Avengers, now known as the Innitiative, has become handling of WMD resistant to the Accords; The United States has begun discussions of a second, more specific national registration which would require a mandatory genetic screening at age birth and manual complaince with all people who have not so been tested.

However, not everyone has agreement with these proceedings, most noteably Steve Rogers who retiring from the Avengers has since become a very vocal descenter and activist protesting the the Accords. There have been rumors that he leads a team of super-powered "activists" who run interference when possible to prevent families from being split up by the actions of the Accords and the Innitiative. This group has been covertly with an as yet unidentified sympathier within the initiative from various Wakandan Embassies and a network of numerous underground safehouses (provided by an unknown sympathizer to their cause) to identify and find superpowered humans before S.H.I.E.L.D./Initiative is able to too those found into "protective custody".

From the sidelines, various groups and people of possible interest watch with growing interest ranging from academics like Professor Charles Xavier and the reclusive Doctor Henry McCoy to noted researchers like as Moira MacTaggert and Karl Lycos, revered evangelists such as the good Reverend William Stryker, to industrialists like Emma Frost and Boliar Trask and rising political stars such as Donald J. Trump.

Meanwhile, Asgard has relocated to the oceanside village of Tønsberg now renamed "New Asgard" in Norway in homage to their Asgardian heritage. They have begun the great task of building their great former realm now here on Earth, but the work goes slow as they have become distracted at times with their daliences with mortal Terrains.

DATE December, Thursday 18, 2014
CLIME: Foggy
TEMP: 29°
  1. To register, login in to our Discord
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  3. Read over our guides, timelines, rules, and FAQs, then make a character.
  4. Currently we are post Winter Soldier/pre-civil war. Mutatnts are on the horizon and things are a foot and the world awaits her champions!
AFTERNOON; Midday; Castle Rock is a small New England mill town in Maine. The population of Castle Rock, down from 50,000+ in 1918, is now around 1,500as of the last census. A roadsign existing since 1982 established that Castle Rock is 37 miles from Portland and 188 miles from Boston, Massachusetts. The town is situated to the south of Mexico, Rumford, and Motton in the center of Oxford County. In it's glory days the sleepy little town served as a hub for the fishing industry with mighty scooners harboring daily and a population that had swelled to nearly 50,000 by 1912. Now that population has dwindled to less than 2,000, Castle Rock, once a city, is now a small town in decline. The town shares a common border with Chester's Mill, and is the county seat of Castle County.

And it is here in Castle Rock that Cerebro has detected a possible new mutant.

News survyes of the town indicate that it is a close community that while friendly to guests as her primary economy is now centered on hospitality and tourish, is not necessarily a town welcoming to new comers. Castle Rock strives to be be a nice place to visit but not a place that wants you to live there. The is strongly republicain leaning with a conservative religious base; It is now for its exquiste Dutch apple pies.
Narrator: Ditko 1

  Psyche  FC/

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Psyche:: As the SR-71 skirted it's way over the cloud clover thick with the promise of holiday snow, Jean Grey was preparing to raise a mind link by which all of the X-Men on this investigative diagnostic could communicate the more sensitive information of their mission with one another without drawing unwanted attention or risking catching the interesting of any of the small-minded lookie-loos waiting for them down below in Castle Rock.

:: Ok Scott, mind link up. If you would each of you give me a visual nod or hand raise signaling you are in the link, please do so following standard mission protocol. I'll start, Scott, I see you. ::

The tone of Jean's telepathy turned from the self-serious to the playful as she telepathically announced the establishment of the team psi-link and initiated the call and response mission procedure for acknowledging the mental link had been successfully engaged by all. As the bird landed, she took a seat besides Scot Summers' {Cyclops} who was landing the plan and gave him a playful wink. She expected the others would follow suit, Scot would turn to another and address them over the link and wait for a visual reply, and so on and so forth until all those participating minus the Professor had responded with a visual cue.

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nix nottub
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  Iceman  FC/

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Iceman:: With the SR-71 Blackbird having landed, Bobby invited Lorna to join him with an extended hand as he deplaned. They had landed in an open field, one which practically shined a spotlight on the Black as night bird's presence as it sat their on the snowy open field. Hiding a jet this size, this color, in this climate and locale would be a problem for most, but not the X-Men, not when they have the assistance of Iceman and {Polaris}, mistress of magnetism.

Using his endothermic abilities, Bobby was quick to construct a snowy cover for their transport, one which would be augmented structurally by Polaris expected Bobby. he imagined she would use her magnetic abilities to call up some structural supports to help their ice canopy retain it's structural integrity; Bobby had faith in his ice, but you never know what tomorrow holds, maybe sunny skies.

No sooner had he erected the snowy camoflaugh then he sensed the mind link taking hold within his mind. He gave Lorna a wink to signal he was away of the link, she would likely return the gesture.

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  Cyclops  FC/

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Cyclops:: With the SR-71 Blackbird having finished being secured and Cyclops having seen first-hand to proper mooring and securing of the bird which was now camouflaged into the local Maine winter landscape thanks to the workings of Bobby Drake, aka {Iceman} and his endothermic abilities.

While the men had been worked to secure the plane itself, Jean Grey, {Psyche} of the X-men and sister-from-another-mother Lorna Dane, {Polaris} had deplaned two SUVs which the bird had carried with them. The team new why they were here, Xavier had explained it to them just as he was about to once again by mental rapport.

X-Men. I have had Hank monitoring the situation in Castle Rock while you have been in transit and he has informed me that Reverend William Stryker is to be in Castle Rock this night, he is taking part in a local fund-raiser for a would be presidential candidate. This means that there maybe possible media and security concerns present we had not initially anticipated when you had boarded the Blackbird. Still, I am confident in you and your capabilities that you can quietly determine if there is a mutant presence in Castle Rock and if we can be of assistance or if it is best left to it's own means. Be careful and may god's grace be with you.


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  Colossus  FC/

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Colossus:: Piotr heard the instructions through telepathy from Jean Grey and Scott's words.

"Then I suppose we should go quickly. If there is a threat they could attack Stryker. Although Stryker himself can be a threat himself. He's not exactly found of mutants from what I've heard." said Piotr.

He walked off the plane joining the others knowing they might not have much time.

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Narrator: Ditko 1

  Cyclops  FC/

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Cyclops:: His upper lip stiffened slightly as he took Piotr's words in, he rubbed his fingers against his chin as he thought about those words. He glanced sideways at Jean and Lorna, and then to Bobby before turning his attention back towards Piotr. He nodded in agreement.

We have two vehicles, I want Jean to stay here with the Blackbird and act as our basecamp. According to the data we have on the manifestation, if it is of mutant origin, then its currently somewhere downtown. We'll need to do a little triangulation but together I'm sure we pull this off. Bobby, Piotr, I want the two of you to take one of the SUVs up to the north end Riverview Drive which runs along the Castle Rock coastline. Piotr, drop Bobby about mid way up, then park, get out and split up, one of you taking the coastline boardwalk and the other head a few blocks into town and then start walking down towards Main Street. Lorna and I will do the same starting from the southend. Remember to activate the cerebra app on your xFones, sling on your earbuds so you can hear if anything is pinging as you take in the sights and sounds of this this sleepy little town while we walk around and let the cerebrAPP do it's work. If we're lucky, we'll get a ping or two before nightfall; Remember to put your earbuds in so you can hear clearly if anything pings with alerting the natives of what your doing. Luckily for us, its the holidays and they've got a small holiday bizarre going and most of the local shops seem to be participating in it so none of us should look too out of place; Lorna, you might want to use the image inducer app to tint your hair color blond or brown – Your green tresses, beautiful though they are probably isn't the right look for this town."

He paused as he considered if there was anything else he needed to say. Stryker was Here, that was a concern. He didn't seem like anything than a distraction though unless they allowed themselves to become distracted by the man his followers. He was like any other religious fanatic who had come before him, he would speak false praise, he would pilfer his flock, and then he would fall from grace in some pathetic self-serious parody of the Christ ascending into hell. Best to steal clear of that though Scott. They had a single objective, see if there was a mutant in town, determine if he was approachable, if so, then to make contact and evaluate that mutants situation.

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  Colossus  FC/

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Colossus:: Colossus nodded heading to the jeep with bobby to begin the mission. Hopefully they found this possible threat fast before things escalated. With Stryker around things could only get worse.

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Narrator: Ditko 1

  Cyclops  FC/

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Cyclops:: Cyclops had given them strict orders when splitting the team into smaller search parties with Scot and Lorna starting from the south end of Castle Rock's historic downtown, Alex and Jean starting from the the middle west side, and Piotr and Bobby starting from the northland. Once they arrived in their areas, they were all to split up further into groups of one and the part of tourist while they conduct their search for the new mutant manifestation which had been recorded by Cerebro.

They were all equipped with xPhones, smartphones that would make even those who owned the latest STARK sx smartphone envious. In addition to advanced computer processing capabilities, app stability, extended range, and superior battery life, the phones also were equipped with health monitoring capabilities, emergency homing beacon, and a small-ranged cerebra which could detect a single mutant if it were given a pre-determined mutant which theirs had been. They were all to spread out so the phones could from a cerebra-net and start searching for scanning for their target. They were to occupy their general ping points and play tourists while the search was being conducted. So, play sight-seers until further notice.

Piotr was driving the jeep, and they'd reach ping-point for Bobby to deplane the SUV.

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  X  FC/

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X:: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very

ON DECK: Psyche

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