CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Flaws are divided into several categories: Combat, Defensive, Detection, Faith, Magic, Mental, Power, Physical, Restricted, Social, Supernatural, & Other. Each category describes a specific shortcoming of a character.
Below is a list of 25 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly ...
* We know that our ultimate list of flaws is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!

Flaws are divided into several categories: Combat, Defensive, Detection, Faith, Magic, Mental, Power, Physical, Restricted, Social, Supernatural, & Other. Each category describes a specific shortcoming of a character.
Below is a list of 25 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly ...
* We know that our ultimate list of flaws is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!

Flaws are divided into several categories: Combat, Defensive, Detection, Faith, Magic, Mental, Power, Physical, Restricted, Social, Supernatural, & Other. Each category describes a specific shortcoming of a character.
Below is a list of 25 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly ...
* We know that our ultimate list of flaws is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!

Mental Flaws can be fairly obvious or hidden, but they exist none the less and cause the character problems; Donald Trump is an example of someone with many many mental flaws and deficits (mentally and morally)

Addiction (Mental):: He suffers from an addiction to some substance, such as nicotine, alcohol or some hard drug. The substance can range from relatively trivial and easily obtained such as caffine which probably won't cause them any real difficulties. If the substance is illegal, dangerous or liable to cause health or psychological problems, these substances can affect the characters mental, spiritual, and physical well being and run the risk of extremely painful withdrawals if he can't obtain it.
Low Self-Esteem:: Captain Example suffers from an inherent lack of self-worth. He lacks confidence about who he is and what he is capable of. He often feels incompetent, unloved, or inadequate. Captain Example struggles with his low self-esteem on a near constant basis and is consistently afraid about making mistakes or letting other people down.
Moral Code:: The moral compass that guides Captain Example through their daily life. It is the measure by which he measures both his own actions and those of others against as being good and just. Moral codes are heavily dependent upon culture. The influence of Captain Example's moral code can be seen in many parts of his life from how he acts, to how he dresses, and even to how he treats others; When taking this flaw, please define the tenets and precepts of Captain Example's moral code.
Weak-Willed:: For all of Captain Example many merits, a strong will is not one of them. As the old saying goes, the body is strong, but the flesh is weak and in his, his flesh is very weak. He is easily tempted, and be dominated by the simplest of mentalists and even hypnotized from across a room by a skilled mesmerist; If you throw a candy bar and say fetch, Captain Example just might.

Physical Flaws describe physical shortcomings of the character.

Addiction (Physical):: Captain Example suffers from an addiction to some substance, such as nicotine, alcohol or some hard drug. The substance can range from relatively trivial and easily obtained such as caffine which probably won't cause them any real difficulties. If the substance is illegal, dangerous or liable to cause health or psychological problems, these substances can affect the characters mental, spiritual, and physical well being and run the risk of extremely painful withdrawals if he can't obtain it.
Addiction (Supernatural):: Captain Example suffers from an addiction to some substance, such as nicotine, alcohol or some hard drug. The substance can range from relatively trivial and easily obtained such as caffine which probably won't cause them any real difficulties. If the substance is illegal, dangerous or liable to cause health or psychological problems, these substances can affect the characters mental, spiritual, and physical well being and run the risk of extremely painful withdrawals if he can't obtain it.
Defective Sense(s):: Captain Example' suffers from senses which is dulled, diluted, or abnormally damaged in some fashion. Perhaps the character is hard of hearing, has limited taste receptors, is color-blind or is correctably nearsighted. In each case, his intuition based actions suffer a debit if involving the flawed sense; Typically, this flaw is not taken in conjunction with an Acute Sense merit applied to the same sense.
Deformity:: HimM has some kind of deformity — a misshapen limb, hunchback, clubfoot, etc. — that affects his physical abilities and interactions with others in ways similiar to those with Primal Markings or deformity. Having a hunchback, for instance, would hamper his dexterity debit or affect their social interactions with others.
Degeneration:: Captain Example suffers from a degenerative illness or condition which causes them great pain or even possible death without the aid of magic or science to sustain him. He might even be the victim of a disease or curse, or maybe it's something that wasn't meant to have lived in the first place
Diminished Attribute:: Life isn't fair. When they were passing out brains, brawn or beauty, someone else got your character's portion — maybe several of them. What this means is that your character is remarkably lacking in the social, physical or mental department. He might be a victim of disease or brain damage, orhemay just have been born on the shallow end of the gene pool. It happens.
Disfigured:: A hideous disfigurement makes Captain Example's appearance disturbing to others to the point that they may actually recoil upon seeing them.
Ferrous:: The word 'ferrous' comes from the Latin 'ferrum,' meaning 'iron.' Ferrous metals such as steel, cast iron, and titanium, as well as alloys and composites of these metals all have similar strengths and weakness such as a set melting point and are inherently susceptible to magnetism and rust.
Large:: Captain Example is seven feet or taller, and while he had no problem reaching things on the top shelf, things low to the ground are a bit of an inconvenience. Likewise he needs to be careful when entering and exiting rooms as doorjambs are often shorter by several inches than is he (and sometimes so are the ceilings of a room). Seats are generally a bit uncomfortable due to their comparatively small size to his imposing stature and as for being inconspicuous, he stands out like a sore thumb in a crowd towering over most.
One Ear/Eye:: Captain Example is missing an ear or eye, or else he has suffered damage or a birth defect that makes his eye or eye useless, causing him to suffer perception issues based on the lack of one of his primary senses (just like the Defective Sense Flaw).
Short:: HIM is four and a half feet tall or less and has trouble reaching objects on shelves, andheis certainly noticeable. He does't move as fast as most people and is often annoyed when going to Disneyland due to the height requirements for certain rides.
Small Appendage:: Captain Example has an appendage which is small in comparison to other such appendages. It might be something quite noticeable like an arm or a leg, or more discrete such as a finger or toe, it might not even be visible unless they are disrobed, but whatever it is, it's not all that it could be and causes them some amount of misfortune, difficulty, and likely no small amount of self consciousness.
Smelly:: Captain Example stinks. There is something about his personal hygiene or body chemistry, perhaps it's his diet, perhaps it's his genetics, maybe he just doesn't bath enough soap and water to get the tame their unique" odor"e;, or there just is no amount of cologne, perfume, fragerant material he won't put on his person. Whatever the reason, he stink and you can smell him coming; Our advice, if you have to deal with him, stand upwind and avoid being caught in an elevator with him.
Vision, defective:: Captain Example has some sort of noncorrectable vision problem — a severe astigmatism, myopia or the like. This problem can't be corrected with glasses.

Social Flaws are those which lead to or are a result from an embarrassing or tactless act or remark relating to a past or present social situation; Faux pas. A mistake that continues to linger. An example of an flaw considered to be unplayable is 'loners&apos, characters who keep to themselves and avoid interaction with others. This flaw OOCLY puts the burden of character interactions on everyone but the character with the flaw. While its fine for an NPC, it's not suitable for a player character in a multi-player game context; A social flaw may also speak to a characters moral standing or lack there of.

Ill-Tempered:: easily angered; quick-tempered
Meme-me Poster Child:: For whatever reason, you caught the eye of the internet and social media and they have decided to monetize you life for thier benefit, often at great expense to Captain Example's reputation and pride; Captain Examplehas had no choice but to take a near constant licking while they keep on ticking (away at him).
Primal Markings:: Captain Example may have an Avatar of the Primordial Essence, some totem or god of legend, or perhaps HE's just gained some powerful spirit's patronage and it's set its mark on him. If the totem is an animal, she resembles what such an animal would look like in human form so strongly that people who don't even know him call might call him "bear".
Secret Idenity:: For the safety and well-being of himself and those he holds dear, he has chosen to keep his identity a secret from the world at large.
Somebody Up there (or Down) Doesn't like you:: It may be someone of high social standing, a powerful media presence, or supernatural in nature who has taken a great dislike to HIM and now goes to great pains (and possibly takes great delight) in hampering, harassing, or just out-inout making his's life a complete and utter living hell.

Supernatural Flaws are those flaw which relating to the supernatural, preternatural, and supernormal.

Marked:: Captain Example has been marked in some supernatural fashion and is easy found or tracked due to this flaw. Depending on the marking, it may allow a large group of people to be aware of them, or a specific person.
Somebody Up there (or Down) Doesn't like you:: It may be someone of high social standing, a powerful media presence, or supernatural in nature who has taken a great dislike to him and now goes to great pains (and possibly takes great delight) in hampering, harassing, or just out-inout making his's life a complete and utter living hell.