CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

    To Thine Own Character's self be true v5.2.3

Feel free to borrow liberally      

Everyone plays a role, often several, every day. Every individual displays multiple layers of personality, varying from the contrived to the sincere. Each of these roles defines how we interact with the people and places around us, and we choose which parts of ourselves we wish to show, what we choose to show, that is our demeanor.
      Below is a list of 77 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character more closely.

    To Thine Own Character's self be true v5.2.3

Feel free to borrow liberally      

A character's Nature is their personality distilled to it's fundamental core, the dominant aspect. In contrast, Demeanor is the image the character attmepts to project to the world.
      Below is a list of 77 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character more closely.

    To Thine Own Character's self be true v5.2.3

Feel free to borrow liberally      

A character's Nature is their personality distilled to it's fundamental core, the dominant aspect. In contrast, Demeanor is the image the character attmepts to project to the world.
      Below is a list of 77 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character more closely.

Listed below are 72 possible demeanors to choose from
Whatever Captain Example's fix is, virself has to have it. End of story.
Captain Example has a strong moral code that virself lives by and will not waiver from.
Captain Example willing steps in during times of dispute. virself believe themselves to be the best judge of a situation, and seeks to find a compromise for all involved.
Ex: Batmanuel, Echo
Captain Example council is wise and highly sought after, or so virself beleive.
Captain Example collects and studies information in the pursuit of greater understanding.
Captain Example has a sense of purpose even greater than virself. virself's truly happy only when creating something of lasting value for others. People will always need things, virself strives to provide at least one necessity. Inventors, pioneers, town founders, entrepreneurs, and the like are all Architect archetype.
Ex: Cassandra Nova
Captain Example strives to inspire, challenge or provoke others with their works.
Captain Example is unknowable, he does't just hide their secrets, virself bury them.
Captain Example&apos wants to be in charge. virself seeks prominence for its own sake, not because virself has an operation's best interests at heart or because virself has the best ideas (though virself may certainly think so. virself may genuinely believe others are incompetent, but ultimately virself craves power and control Dictators, gang leaders, bullies, corporate raiders, and their ilk are Autocrat archetype.
Captain Example is fascinated with the trendy and the new.
Captain Example survival of the fittest, civilization is an artifice created by the meek.
Ex: Apocolypse
Captain Example&apos must convince others of the Truth only you know.
Captain Example&apos knows that life — and unlife — is shallow and meaningless. As such, the Bon Vivant decides to enjoy virself time on Earth. The Bon Vivant isn't necessarily irresponsible. Rather, virself's simply predisposed to having a good time along the way. Most Bon Vivants have low Self-Control scores, as virself is so given to excess. Hedonists, sybarites, and dilettantes are all examples of the Bon Vivant Archetype.
Captain Example is a tough and a bully, and often takes perverse pleasure in tormenting the weak. To the Bravo's mind, might makes right; power is what matters, and only those with power should be respected. Naturally, physical power is the best kind, but any kind will do. The Bravo sees over threats as a perfectly reasonable means of gaining cooperation. The Bravo isn't incapable of pity or kindness, virself just prefers to do things virself way. Robbers, bigots, thugs, and the insecure are all Bravo archetype.
Why give it away for free when you can sell it? You are the ultimate mercenary, realizing that there is always a market to be developed — anything can be a commodity. You have a keen understanding of how to manipulate both kine and Cainites into thinking that they need specific goods or services. Appearance and influence are everything when it comes to the big sale, though you'll use anything to your advantage. Salesmen, soldiers of fortune, and bootlickers all adhere to the Capitalist Archetype.
Everyone needs comfort, a shoulder to cry on. A Caregiver takes virself comfort in consoling others, and people often come to virself with their problems. Vampires with Caregiver Archetypes often attempt, as best virself may, to protect the mortals on whom virself feed. Nurses, doctors, and psychiatrists are examples of potential Caregivers.
Captain Example is a fearless hero.
Captain Example takes joy in virself cause. Whether the character's passion is battle, religious fervor, foiling virself rivals, or reading fine literature, it gives the Celebrant the strength to withstand adversity. Given the chance, the Celebrant will indulge in virself passion as deeply as possible. Unlike the Fanatic, the Celebrant pursues virself passion not out of duty, but out of enthusiasm. Crusaders, hippies, political activists, and art enthusiasts are Celebrant archetype.
Independent and self-reliant, you manage to blend into any situation. You carefully study the behavior and mannerisms of everyone you come in contact with so you can pass yourself off as someone else later. You spend so much time altering your mannerisms and appearance that your own sire may not even recognize you. Spies, con artists, drag queens, and impostors best represent the Chameleon.
Captain Example is still immature in personality and temperament. virself wants what virself wants now, and often prefers someone to give it to him. Although virself can typically care for himself, virself would rather have a caretaker-type cater to virself bratty desires. Some Child Archetypes are actually innocent, rather than immature, ignorant of the cold ways of the real world. Children, spoiled individuals, and some drug abusers are Child archetype.
Captain Example takes great excitement in the pursuit of victory. To XXXhimXXX, every task is a new challenge to meet and a new contest to win. Indeed, virself sees all interactions as some sort of opportunity for virself to be the best — the best leader, the most productive, the most valuable, or whatever. Corporate raiders, professional athletes, and impassioned researchers are all examples of Competitor archetype.
Ex: Hogarth
Captain Example is a good listener and keeper of secrets.
Captain Example is a follower, taking another's lead and finding security in the decisions of others. virself prefers not to take charge, instead seeking to throw in with the rest of the group and lend virself own unique aid. The Conformist is drawn to the most dynamic personality or the individual virself perceives to be the "best." Being a conformist isn't necessarily a bad thing — every group needs followers to lend stability to their causes. Groupies, party voters, and "the masses" are Conformist archetype.
Captain Example believes in the idea of why work for something when you can trick others else into getting it for you? virself always tries to find the easy way, the fast track to success and wealth. Some people call him a thief, a swindler, or less pleasant terms, but virself knows that everybody in the world would do unto him if virself could. virself just does it first, and better. Criminals, con artists, salespeople, urchins, and entrepreneurs might be Connivers.
You strive to shock and disgust those around you with gratuitous acts and ostentatiously "evil" mannerisms. You realize, of course, that it's all show and merely a way to intimidate and control others. Outsiders, on the other hand, think you are the Devil incarnate, and you revel in thi image. Shock-rockers, rebellious teenagers and the attention-starved exemplify the Creep Show Archetype.
Regardless of what or who, Captain Example can find fault with it, even god makes mistakes.
All action must serve Captain Example' goals and inspire others likewise.
Captain Example is bitter and cynical, finding flaws in everything and seeing little humor in life or unlife. He's often fatalistic or pessimistic, and has very little esteem for others. To the Curmudgeon, the glass is always half-full, though it may be damn near empty when other people are involved. Many elder vampires and Generation-Xers are Curmudgeon.
Captain Example is interested in everything but focuses on nothing. virself flits from idea to idea, passion to passion and project to project without actually finishing anything. Others may get swept up in the Dabbler's enthusiasm, and be left high and dry as a result when virself moves on to something else without warning. Most Dabblers have high Intelligence, Charisma and Manipulation ratings, but not much in the way of Wits or Stamina. Toreador are often Dabblers, particularly those afflicted with the derisive sobriquet "Poseurs."
Captain Example stands guard over that which virself cares for.
Ex: Harkness, Mantis
Captain Example will do whatever it takes to draw others to their side controlling them through means of fear and prejudice; Whatever the means it is harsh.
Captain Example is a freak, ostracized from society by unique tastes that place virself outside the mainstream. Deviants aren't indolent rebels or shiftless "unrecognized geniuses" rather, virself is an independent thinkers who don't quite fit in the status quo. Deviant Archetypes often feel that the world stands against vir , preferences and ideologies.

Extremists, eccentric celebrities, and straight-out weirdos are Deviant archetype.
To Captain Example, nothing is worse than chaos and disorder. Captain Example seeks to be in charge, adopting a "my way or the highway" attitude on matters of decision-making. The Director is more concerned with bringing order out of strife, however, and need not be truly "in control" of a group to guide it. Coaches, teachers, and many political figures exemplify the Director Archetype.
Captain Example is utterly implacable, nothing will sway XXXhimXXX from. vir goal.
Ex: Titanium Man, Moses Magnum, Absorbing Man
Your actions are bizarre, puzzling and inexplicable to everyone except yourself. Your strangeness may be residual effects from the Creation Rites, or the most effective way for you to carry out the work of the Sabbat — to see the movements of the Antediluvians and counter them. To the rest of the world, however, your erratic actions suggest that you're eccentric if not completely crazy. Conspiracy theorists, deep-cover agents and Jyhad fanatics all live up to the Enigma Archetype.
Ex: Uatu, Warlock, Man-Thing
Whatever it is you have faith in, you must spread the word.
Seek new experiences and ideas.
Ex: MacTaggert
Captain Example has a purpose, and that purpose consumes virself existence. The Fanatic pours himself into virself cause; indeed, virself may feel guilty for undertaking any objective that deviates from virself higher goal. To the Fanatic, the end justifies the means — the cause is more important than those who serve it. Players who choose Fanatic Archetypes must select a cause for their character to further. Revolutionaries, zealots, and sincere firebrands are all examples of Fanatic archetype.
Ex: Corvus Glaive, Sin, Ebony Maw
Captain Example is, in a single word, flamboyant, always seeking attention and the chance to be the brightest stars. Gallants seek the company of others, if only to earn their adoration. Attention drives the Gallant, and the chase is often as important as fulfilling that pursuit. Nothing excites a Gallant so much as a new audience to woo and win. Performers, only children, and those with low self-esteem are often Gallant archetype.
Captain Example's enlightenment draws others to you. You may be a mentor of a particular path of enlightenment, a priest with the church or merely an idealist in your pack. Whatever the case, your presence motivates and moves others to engage in spiritual or ideological pursuits. Your peers view you as calm, centered and "with it," even when you are preaching about violence as a means to an end. Cult leaders, Zen masters and pack priests are examples of Gurus.
Ease the pain and suffering of the afflicted.
For Captain Example, the simple things in life are best.
Captain Example believes — truly, madly, deeply — in some higher goal or morality. The object of virself idealism may be something as pragmatic as the Camarilla's eventual triumph or as amorphous as the ultimate good, but the belief is there. Idealists are frequently either very new to the Blood or very old, and many seek after Golconda as the final expression of their idealism. In the meantime, an Idealist tries to reconcile virself beliefs with the demands of vampiric existence, often acting contrary to self-interest to do so.
Ex: Chant
In the school of life, you are the class clown.
For Captain Example, routine is the only comfort, and the only way to exist.
Captain Example perpetually seeks to improve the system. Captain Example takes pleasure in virself rational nature and ability to draw the right conclusion when presented with facts. The Judge respects justice, as it's the most efficient mode for resolving issues. Judges, while virself pursue the "streamlining" of problems, are rarely visionary, as virself prefer proven models to insight. Engineers, lawyers, and doctors are often Judge archetype.
Even in a crowd, Captain Example stands out, because virself so obviously doesn't belong or does not want too. Others view Loners as pariahs, remove and isolated, but in truth, the Loner prefers virself own company to that of others. For whatever reason, the Loner simply disdains others, and this feeling is often reciprocated. Criminals, radicals, and free thinkers are all Loner archetype.
Captain Example believes in acting through others to acheive their objectives. The world is filled with pawns and he is the grandmaster.
Ex: Tom Thumb, Mindia, Mephisto
Captain Example suffers for virself cause, enduring virself trials out of the belief that virself discomfort will ultimately improve others' lot. Some Martyr simply want the attention or sympathy their ordeals engender, while others are sincere in their cause, greeting their opposition with unfaltering fait in their own beliefs. Many Inquisitors, staunch idealists, and outcasts are Martyr archetype.
Captain Example exists to test virself limits, to see how much pain virself can tolerate before virself collapses. virself gains satisfaction in humiliation, suffering, denial, and even physical pain. The Masochist defines who virself is by virself capacity to feel discomfort — virself rises each night only to greet a new pain. Certain extreme athletes, urban tribalists, and the clinically depressed exemplify the Masochist Archetype.
Captain Example know what's what is best for others.
Captain Example balance is best in all tings.
Captain Example values only one thing, be it money, fame, power, etc.
Ex: Kingpin
Captain Example knows virself's a creature of darkness and acts like it. Evil and suffering are the Monster's tools, and virself uses them wherever virself goes. No villainy is below her; no hurt goes uninflicted and no lie remains untold. The Monster doesn't commit evil for its own sake, but rather as means to understand what virself has become. Many Sabbat, degenerate Kindred elders, and unstable individuals display characteristics of the Monster Archetype.
Ex: Shades, Purple Man, Corruptor
Captain Example believes in avoiding external preconceptions. virself judge situations and those involved for XXXhimXXX.
Captain Example believes life is good, virself see the best in others and often ignore the worst because in the end, things will work themselves out; Their faith in humanity is unshakeable.
Captain Example believes with unwavingly in setting an example for others.
Captain Example knows it all, and desperately wants to inform others. Whether through a sense of purpose or a genuine desire to help others, the Pedagogue makes sure virself message is heard — at length, if necessary. Pedagogue Archetypes may range from well-meaning mentors to verbose blowhards why love to hear themselves talk. Instructors, the over-educated, and "veterans of their field" are all examples of Pedagogue archetype.
Captain Example exists to atone for the grave sin virself commits simply by being who virself is. Penitents have either low self-esteem or legitimate, traumatic past experiences, and feel compelled to "make up" for inflicting themselves upon the world. Penitent Archetypes aren't always religious i ????????? outlook; some truly want to scourge the world of the grief virself bring to it. Repentant sinners, persons with low self-esteem, and remorseful criminals are examples of the Penitent Archetype.
Ex: Daredevil
Captain Example concentrates on taking care of their family however virself chooses to define pronounPOSSESSIVE family and will often go to great lengths to ensure their wellbeing and safety.
All inferior beings both living and undead should be exterminated in order to bring about a harmonious existence. You likely feel no remorse when you kill (depending upon your Humanity or path). On the contrary, you are doing a glorious deed for society. Some Sabbat are critical of your violent nature, but you sometimes manage to sway them with arguments like, "e;Darwin would agree that I'm only helping nature along!" and, "Only the Sabbat shall survive!"
The Rebel is a malcontent, never satisfied with the status quo or the system as it is. virself hates authority and does everything in his power to challenge and undermine it. Perhaps the Rebel truly believes in his ideals, but it's just as likely that virself bears authority figures some ill will over a past misunderstanding or "perceived wrong" done to him in the past. Teenagers, insurrectionists, and nonconformists all exemplify the Rebel Archetype.
Only one thing matters to the Rogue: virself. To each virself own, and if others can't protect their claims, they have no right to them. The Rogue isn't necessarily a thug or bully, however. virself's simply refuses to succumb to the whims of others. Rogue almost universally possess a sense of self-sufficiency. virself have their own best interests in mind at all times. Prostitutes, capitalists, and criminals all embody the Rogue Archetype.
Your exist to inflict pain and suffering upon others. Killing is too easy — torture is the best way to truly harm a person , and you seek the slowest, most painful means to push others to the ultimate limits. Pain —- others' pain — gives you immense pleasure. Drill sergeants, jilted ex-lovers and some of the terminally deranged may all display Sadist Archetypes at one time or another; sadism is rare enough to appear only in aberrant cases, rather than reliably in one type of person or another.
For Captain Example, existence is a puzzle which virself's can help to reassemble. A Scientist logically and methodically examines virself every situation and maneuver, looking for logical outcomes and patterns. This is not to say that the Scientist is always looking for a scientific or rational explanation, but rather, that virself's examines virself surroundings rigorously and with a critical eye. The system a Scientist attempts to impose on the world may be completely ludicrous, but it is a system, and virself's sticks by it. Scientists have high Mental attributes
All inferior beings both living and undead should be exterminated in order to bring about a harmonious existence. Captain Example feels no remorse when killing, it's just something that needed to be done, or was fun at the moment $emdash; " Darwin would agree that I'm only helping nature along!"
Captain Example is not a blindly loyal follower. While virself's exists for orders, virself's does not adhere to them unquestioningly. More independent than a Conformist but too tied into the idea of command to be a Loner, the Soldier applies virself own techniques to others' goals. While virself's may seek command virself someday, virself ambitions lie within the establi virself'sd hierarchy and structure. The Soldier has no compunctions about using whatever means necessary to do what needs to be done, so long as the orders to do so came from the right place.
All hardships must be endured with calm, Captain Example believes in letting their actions speak for them.
No matter what happens, no matter the odds or opposition, Captain Example always manages to pull through. Whether alone or with a group, pronounPOSSESSIVE utter refusal to accept defeat often makes the difference between success and failure. he is frustrated by others' acceptance of "what fate has in store" or willingness to withstand less than what virself can achieve. Outcasts, street folk, and idealists may well be Survivor archetype.
Captain Example chooses to work obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage, let others do the hard work and live on praise for it
The Thrill-Seeker lives for the rush brought on by danger. Unlike those of arguably saner disposition, the Thrill-Seeker actively pursues hazardous and possible deadly situations. The Thrill-Seeker isn't consciously suicidal or self-destructive — virself simply seeks the stimulation of imminent disaster. Gang bangers, petty thieves, and exhibitionists are all examples of the Thrill-Seeker Archetype.
The orthodox ways satisfy the Traditionalist, who prefers to accomplish virself goals with time-tested methods. Why vary your course when what has worked in the past is good enough? The Traditionalist finds the status quo acceptable, even preferable, to a change that might yield unpredictable results. Conservatives, judges, and authority figures are all examples of Traditionalist archetype.
Virself finds the absurd in everything. No matter how grim life (or unlife) may become, the Trickster always uncovers a kernel of humor within it. virself can't always abide sorrow or pain, and so virself strive to lighten the spirits of those around them. Some Tricksters have even higher ideals, challenging static dogma by exposing its failures in humorous ways. Comedians, satirists, and social critics are examples of Trickster archetype.
Despite your calm subtle appearance, chaos and havoc seems to follow you. From burning cities to emotional upheaval, death and destruction circle you like albatrosses. For you, unlife is a never-ending trial with uncertainty around every corner. Gang leaders, political figures and othe influential individuals exemplify the Eye of the Storm Archetype.
Captain Example maybe part of a group, or sole actor, whatever the case, virself have suffered a great preceived injustice, one which has traumatized virself psyche and must be righted usually through acts of extreme catharis physical expression (violence). he has willfully chosen to undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate. Superheroes, supervillains, and terrorist are all examples of this archetype.
The Visionary is strong enough to look beyond the mundane and perceive the truly wondrous. Visionaries test accepted societal limits, and seek what few others have the courage to imagine. The Visionary rarely takes satisfaction in what society has to offer; virself's prefers to encourage society to offer what it could instead of what it does. Typically, society responds poorly to Visionaries, though it' virself who are responsible for bringing about progress and change. Philosophers, inventors, and the most inspired artists often have Visionary archetype.
Ex: Gilgamesh, Ego, High Evolutionary
marvel champions hero