CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

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Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

The Achitects of Fear

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December, Thursday 18, 2014: It has been three years since UN Embassy bombing in Vienna resulting in the deaths of several delegates including then-king of Wakanda T'Chaka; The Sokovia Accords have since been ratified. The Avengers who refuse to sign the Accords have been forced into "retirement" or declared "Persons of Interest" and warrants have been issued for their arrests. And keepign with the Accords, any known super-powered persons exceeding category tl-5 have been re-classified as WMDs and relocated to restricted campus for their protection.

Nick Fury retains control of S.H.I.E.L.D. following his skill handling of the attempted Hydra uprising which was quietly contained within the hangers of the Tiskeleon. Tony Stark continues to fund the Avengers and has relocated them to a renovated Stark facility in upperstate New York, Natasha Romanoff has assumed the mantle of leadership of the current Avengers lineup. Together they have begun begun the work in keeping with the Accords of making the world a safer place for all peoples of Earth as directed by the Accords; The primary duty of the Avengers, now known as the Innitiative, has become handling of WMD resistant to the Accords; The United States has begun discussions of a second, more specific national registration which would require a mandatory genetic screening at age birth and manual complaince with all people who have not so been tested.

However, not everyone has agreement with these proceedings, most noteably Steve Rogers who retiring from the Avengers has since become a very vocal descenter and activist protesting the the Accords. There have been rumors that he leads a team of super-powered "activists" who run interference when possible to prevent families from being split up by the actions of the Accords and the Innitiative. This group has been covertly with an as yet unidentified sympathier within the initiative from various Wakandan Embassies and a network of numerous underground safehouses (provided by an unknown sympathizer to their cause) to identify and find superpowered humans before S.H.I.E.L.D./Initiative is able to too those found into "protective custody".

From the sidelines, various groups and people of possible interest watch with growing interest ranging from academics like Professor Charles Xavier and the reclusive Doctor Henry McCoy to noted researchers like as Moira MacTaggert and Karl Lycos, revered evangelists such as the good Reverend William Stryker, to industrialists like Emma Frost and Boliar Trask and rising political stars such as Donald J. Trump.

Meanwhile, Asgard has relocated to the oceanside village of Tønsberg now renamed "New Asgard" in Norway in homage to their Asgardian heritage. They have begun the great task of building their great former realm now here on Earth, but the work goes slow as they have become distracted at times with their daliences with mortal Terrains.

DATE 2013-12-18
CLIME: cloud
TEMP: 28 °
  1. To register, login in to our Discord
  2. Reach out to a member of staff to discuss a character, once an agreement is reached, you'll get a confirmation code which you can use to create your character.
  3. Read over our guides, timelines, rules, and FAQs, then make a character.
  4. Currently we are post Winter Soldier/pre-civil war. Mutatnts are on the horizon and things are a foot and the world awaits her champions!
The Watcher

  r 3 | 3 | 3 // active GO 2 THREAD

BRIEF: Cyclops splits the team up to search Castle Rock for the New Mutant with strict orders not to engage

SCENESET: afternoon Cyclops had given them strict orders when splitting the team into smaller search parties with Scot and Lorna starting from the south end of Castle Rock's historic downtown, Alex and Jean starting from the the middle west side, and Piotr and Bobby starting from the northland. Once they arrived in their areas, they were all to split up further into groups of one and the part of tourist while they conduct their search for the new mutant manifestation which had been recorded by Cerebro.

They were all equipped with xPhones, smartphones that would make even those who owned the latest STARK sx smartphone envious. In addition to advanced computer processing capabilities, app stability, extended range, and superior battery life, the phones also were equipped with health monitoring capabilities, emergency homing beacon, and a small-ranged cerebra which could detect a single mutant if it were given a pre-determined mutant which theirs had been. They were all to spread out so the phones could from a cerebra-net and start searching for scanning for their target. They were to occupy their general ping points and play tourists while the search was being conducted. So, play sight-seers until further notice.

Piotr was driving the jeep, and they'd reach ping-point for Bobby to deplane the SUV.

ORDER: Psyche, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, X, Test Tag, Beast, Polaris, Havok, Angel

PARTICIPANTS: Psyche, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, X, Test Tag, Beast, Polaris, Havok, Angel

LOCATIONS: Castle Rock, Mn, north side East Coast

The Watcher

  r 3 | 3 | 3 // active GO 2 THREAD

BRIEF: Cerebro has detected a possible first manifestation in Castle Rock, Maine; Professor X briefs the away team.

SCENESET: afternoon Midday; Castle Rock is a small New England mill town in Maine. The population of Castle Rock, down from 50,000+ in 1918, is now around 1,500as of the last census. A roadsign existing since 1982 established that Castle Rock is 37 miles from Portland and 188 miles from Boston, Massachusetts. The town is situated to the south of Mexico, Rumford, and Motton in the center of Oxford County. In it's glory days the sleepy little town served as a hub for the fishing industry with mighty scooners harboring daily and a population that had swelled to nearly 50,000 by 1912. Now that population has dwindled to less than 2,000, Castle Rock, once a city, is now a small town in decline. The town shares a common border with Chester's Mill, and is the county seat of Castle County.

And it is here in Castle Rock that Cerebro has detected a possible new mutant.

News survyes of the town indicate that it is a close community that while friendly to guests as her primary economy is now centered on hospitality and tourish, is not necessarily a town welcoming to new comers. Castle Rock strives to be be a nice place to visit but not a place that wants you to live there. The is strongly republicain leaning with a conservative religious base; It is now for its exquiste Dutch apple pies.

ORDER: Psyche, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, –X–, Test Tag, Beast, Polaris, Havok, Angel

PARTICIPANTS: Psyche, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, –X–, Test Tag, Beast, Polaris, Havok, Angel


The Watcher

  r 3 | 3 | 3 // active GO 2 THREAD

BRIEF: Following his arrival at the Xavier Institute, X seeks out Colossus under the guise of exploring his new home and surroundings; He thinks he sounds like a good plan.

SCENESET: afternoon Early Evening; Gold-X, the senior team of X-men, joined by Colossus, had returned from Castle Rock almost two days prior with a potential new addition to the institute. Since their arrival, the young man they had found in Castle Rock had spent all of his waking hours undergoing a series of tests and examinations. Professor Xavier and Doctors Jean Grey and Hank McCoy had been attempting to determine the nature of their new arrival with mixed results. As such, his file was labelled simply 'X' with the intention of revising it later once they better understood the young man.

To date, he'd demonstrated a predilection for ESP. Also known extra-sensory perception, his abilities seem to fluctuate around a temporal awareness which was rather acute within a range of roughly one hour into the future or the past, his range at this time was unclear, possibly being limited by line-of-sight; He did not register as a mutant, but then he did not appear to register as anything more than a baseline human, yet he had naturally resisted many psychic probes unless he was actively concentrating on the sender, this might at least hold part of the answer as to how X escaped categorization by the Cerebro.

An early invention by Xavier, the first version of the Cerebro was small computer which operated on punchcards much like any computer from the mid seventies. Originally, its purpose was to identify and distinguish lifeforms based on the nature of their unique brainwave patterns. In the beginning anyone could operate the Cerebro. Since then, and with the help of Doctor McCoy and a gifted Native American inventor and good friend of the Professor's, Daniel Lone Eagle, the Cerebro had evolved. Now, the device housed deep below the mansion was far more powerful, possessing global range amplifying a psychics powers to a staggering degree.

Doctor McCoy had theorized that the young man might possess a natural mutation which allowed him to avoid detection. If this were the case, he had what might very well be the most useful evolutionary adaption since opposable thumbs. Given his abilities, and following several discussions with Professor Xavier and the school's head administrator Scott Summers, he had been assigned to the the school's new designated train curriculum, designated X-Neo, but generally referred to as the New Mutants.

Tonight was his first night that he had to himself, he planned to make the most of looking around the school...

ORDER: X, Colossus



The Watcher
Professor Xavier

  r 3 | 2 | 1 // active GO 2 THREAD

BRIEF: Scott Summers and Jean Grey, aka Cyclops, leader of the X-Men, and his teammate Marvel Girl, a woman he plans to ask for the of hand in marriage on this snowy night find themselves the victims of a surprise attack by sentinels!

SCENESET: afternoon With a tasting menu was over three hundred dollars per person, gratuity not included, and a view of the Manhattan skyline, Scott Summers had every intention of making this night special for the lady in his life whom he wanted to extend an invitation to be his wife for life. They had met years ago at the Xavier Institute when they were both teens and the Xavier Institute numbered but five students, who also happened to encompass the entire ranks of the then-fledgling super-hero team, the X-Men. in those days they weren't "Scott and Jean", they were "Scott, and Jean" or "CYCLOPS and MARVEL GIRL" of the X-Men. They'd faced down a thousand threats. He'd saved the world more times than he could count with her by his side, and so long as he could continue to have her by his side, he would gladly face down every one of those threats one more time. And for all the emotions he had felt in battle, he had never been nervous, at least not like he was tonight.

He gripped her hand a little tighter as they walked to the table.

He pulled her chair out for her.

Smiles were exchanged.

Once sitting, he went to reach for her hand once again, he wanted to hold her hand every minute of this night to make sure that she wouldn't slip away. He wanted to ask her now, but he had this all planned out; He was Scott Summers, after all, the master tactician, and Jean deserved nothing less than his best. He would wait, longer than he could possibly suspect.

Suddenly, the windows of Benjamin's began to crack, then exploded inward - pandemonium ensued as a Sentinel's hand reached into the restaurant from outside with the intent of grabbing the female mutant.

Thinking only of Jean, Cyclops rushed to his feet, stepping in front of the table, he placed his body between the oncoming mechanical hand and that of his love, Jean Grey; He let loose with a ruby burst of cosmic energy at the Sentinel to protect his love.



LOCATIONS: Rockefellar Center, NYC, NY NY State

The Watcher
Professor Xavier

  r 3 | 1 | 3 // active GO 2 THREAD

BRIEF: The Danger room is set to take on it's newest cadets, the New Mutants

SCENESET: afternoon Although they had not participated publically in averting any know world-shaking-crisises, that does not mean that the residents of 1407 Graemaulkin Lane hadn't prevented several cotasphrophes from occuring. Quite the contrary. They had quite the storied history, and part of history was preparation, hence their elaborate underground training facilities where the instituted mentored the newer mutants in the correct use of their unique abilities, and how best to use them in support of the dream of a better tomorrow.

As elluded to prior, The Danger Room as it was referred to by many of hte students at the Xavier institute resided on the lowest sub-leve of the institute. The Danger Room was perhaps the most aptly named room in the world. It was filled with rockets and lazers and things that could go boom. The walls were made of the denses tungston steel and reinforced with several force fields. The walls were lined with LEDs augmented by thousands of holographic arrays. And thanks to the advanced environmental simulators, the room could replicate nearly any situation imaginable thanks to Doctor Henry McCoy who had assisted the Professor on the designing and constant upgrading of the facility; Anyone who could survive the Danger Room was well suited for anything the world might throw at them.

Anyone who passed the Danger Exam wasn't just a graduate, they were a warrior waiting for mortal combat.

ORDER: Professor Xavier, Nightcrawler, Cannonball, Cypher, Magma, Monet, Moonstar, Moonstar, Shatterstar, Sprite, Sunspot, Siryn, Wing, Wolfsbane

PARTICIPANTS: Professor Xavier, Nightcrawler, Cannonball, Cypher, Magma, Monet, Moonstar, Moonstar, Shatterstar, Sprite, Sunspot, Siryn, Wing, Wolfsbane

LOCATIONS: New Salem NY State

The Watcher

  r 3 | 1 | 3 // active GO 2 THREAD

BRIEF: The core Avengers gather at the Shawarma Palace on the anniversary of the Battle of New York to reflect on their past accomplishments, failures, and the road forward.

SCENESET: afternoon Shawarma consists of meat cut into thin slices, stacked in a cone-like shape, and roasted on a slowly-turning vertical rotisserie or spit. Originally made with lamb or mutton, it is now also made of chicken, turkey, beef, or veal. Aside from being a popular Levantine dish, it also holds a unique place in the hearts of the founding members of the Avengers, especially in the case of the Shawarma Palace located in Times Square.

Formerly Bob's Burgers, the Palace was a little local restaurant which had become something of local landmark due to their relationship to the Avengers. The Avengers were not only the saviors of New York back on May 44th 2012, they had saved the Palace which like the Belcher's former burger joint had never quite found its footing. The Belcher's believed in serving simple dishes made from the finest locally sourced produce the city had to offer at reasonable prices, they were actually ahead of the food trends to come, but yet, somehow that wasn't enough, not for New York anyway. Their former restaurant hadn't been glitzy, their current restaurant was no glitzier either, although it did reflect more of their Greek heritage. No, the Belcher's 7th restaurant was destined to fail like the six prior, so much so that all Bob could do was sigh quietly when their store front literally crumbled before his eyes during the battle of New York, yet another casualty of the Chitauri Invasion.

It should have been the death nail in the Belcher's dreams of being a successful resturant.

And yet, it wasn't, just the opposite actually. As fate would have it, the Shawarma Palace became a symbol of New York's can do attitude thanks to the Avengers and local Daily Bugle intern Peter Parker who had snapped a picture of the Avengers supping in quiet solitude following the battle with Linda, Bob's wife refilling their their water glasses as Tina and Louise, the Belcher's daughters brought the Avengers what Bob thought would be the final dish they ever served.

But it wasn't.

In fact Iron Man, Hawkeye, Captain America, and the Black Widow all mentioned the Palace when interviewed regarding the events relating to the Battle for New York. Fortune it seemed, had finally smiled up on the Belcher's and their indomitable spirit which had somehow stood the test of time and tragedy.

The Avengers had saved New York.

They had saved the Shawarma Palace too. And now, the Palace served as the spot which the Avengers now met at on the anniversary of the Battle of New York.

ORDER: Bob Belcher, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Tina Belcher, Captain America

PARTICIPANTS: Bob Belcher, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Tina Belcher, Captain America

LOCATIONS: Midtown NYC Times Square

The Watcher
Agent Harrington

  r 2 | 2 | 2 // active GO 2 THREAD

BRIEF: The Avengers meet with S.H.I.E.L.D. at the Triskelion to be briefed in the on a possible impending terrorist action to be executed by Crossbones involving the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Lagos, Nigeria

SCENESET: afternoon Agent Mollozi
Black Widow
Captain America
Scarlet Witch
Winter Soldier



LOCATIONS: Northbay, NYU East Coast Triskellion

The Watcher
Kid Midnight

  r 2 | 2 | 2 // active GO 2 THREAD

BRIEF: Following their briefing by S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Mollozi at the Avengers Northbay compound, a team is dispatched to Nigeria as a preventive terrorist measure.

SCENESET: afternoon this is the scene set for v5T1 test. Its very short



LOCATIONS: v5t1 test - neighborhood Earth

marvel champions hero