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The iron giant

By Lenin's ghost!

SUMMARY: FC/; A Russian mutant, he came of age on the Ust-Ordynsky Collective near Lake Baikal in Siberia along side his older brother Mikhail and much young sister Illyana. Colossus's experienced first manifestion when he was 13; Several years later, the Xavier Institute offered him the opportunity to make the world a better place; Piotr accepted. Colossus, capable of transforming himself into an organic steel is among the strongest members of the X-Men. Even when his powers are not engaged, he is still a physically imposing figure standing 6' 7" (200 cm) tall. He is known for his quiet, honest, and virtuous nature. He has had a fairly consistent presence with the X-Men since his arrival at the Xavier Institute. He is a talented artist who reluctantly agreed to join the X-Men to help the greater good; He is very much the moral compass of the X-Men, feeling it is their responsibility to use their abilities for the betterment of human/mutant-kind.

name: Rasputin, Piotr Nikolaevitch occupation: Teacher: Art, English, European History, World History / Adventurer
playby: Daniel Ashton Johnson alias:
type: Fc orientation: Demisexual
legal record: No Criminal Record CLASS: delta / f0107d5-t05
DOB: April 1st, 1991 22 yrs
relationship: Teammate X
POB: Ust-Ordynski Collective, near Lake Baikal, Siberia HEADQUARTERS: Xavier Institute
height + weight: 6' 7" | 267 lb. hair + eyes: black / grey
religion: Agnostic team: X-Men
sokovia accords: no registration act: no
waiver: Do not move or write my character actions without first consulting me or a moderator; RATING: 3 | 3 | 3
tbd/tbd Angel Teammate ;
tbd/tbd Cyclops Teammate ;
tbd/tbd Havok Teammate ;
tbd/tbd Iceman Teammate ;
tbd/tbd X Teammate ;
xPhone 3 Smart Phone; A sophisticated smart-phone the equal of Apple's iPhone or the Stark's SMART SX smart phone. The xPhone 3 can perform all the same basic capabilities of any other smart phone on the market. In addition to being able to make calls, text messaging, internet browsing, running apps (all apps regardless of OS configuration/needs), superior security and 64 byte encryption, the xPhone THREE can act like a portable Cerebro covering an area of 100 yards; The xPhone 3 also includes a homing beacon.
Shyness Colossus lack of familiarity with American culture and customs make him hesitant when interacting with those he is not readily familiar with. As such, unless his personal code has been challenged, he is likely to hold his tongue thus appearing stand-offish at first due to his imposing size.
Ferrous Form Colossus is made up of a dense organic osmium steel, a ferrous material. The word 'ferrous' comes from the Latin 'ferrum,' meaning 'iron.' Ferrous metals such as steel, cast iron, and titanium, as well as alloys and composites of these metals all have similar strengths and weakness such as a set melting point and are inherently susceptible to magnetism. As Piotr's Osmanium Steel form is organic, he is not as susceptible to rust, but magnetism is still a concern given some of the members of the X-Men's rogue gallery.
Hyper Metabolism (Appetite) The boy can eat. This also feeds into a slightly accelerated healing ability – while it couldn’t necessarily be considered a healing factor, it does attribute to an increased recovery from illnesses and wounds.
Hot Headed For all of his restraint, and controlled demeanor, Colossus is a strong and passionate person and when that or those which he cares for, the damn can easily burst unleashing an aggressive Russian advance; Remember he is one of the few people living capable or trading blows with the Juggernaut and should not be underestimated.
Moral Code Colossus posses a strong moral compass, one which was instilled into him while still a child. Growing up on the Ust-Ordynsky Collective near Lake Baikal in Siberia, Piotr was raised with the beliefs of respecting treating people like the land, take care of the land and the land will take care of you. As such, he is reluctant to use his gifts for personal gain believing their purpose is for the benefit of all. However, if a threat arrises, he believes it his duty to met whatever obstacle might face any place he considers home and those he calls family. Because of this, he can be easily manipulated by those who understand his belief system
Naive While not new to America, he is not that long off Ust-Ordynskythe kibbutz, a non-materialist socialist collective which worked for the betterment of all who were a part of it. This upbringing, combined with Piotr's romantic nature and person code can blind him to certain aspects of others, society, and how things sometimes work.
Secret Identity While he is among the most powerful members of the X-Men, that the X-Men's Colossus is actually Piotr Rasputin of the Xavier Institute is not exactly common knowledge. While keeping secrets is not something he is comfortable with, Piotr understands that keeping his mutant identity concealed is for the betterment of the Institute and those close to him.
Athletic Naturally athletic, Colossus is known not only for his great acts of physical strength, but also for his speed and endurance. For someone who is as large as he is, he is exceptionally agile.
Bilingual (Russian, English) Colossus is fluent in English & Russian, meaning he has a full mastery of both languages and can easily read and write in them as well as possessing an understanding of their cultural nuances, mores, and norms
Conviction Colossus possesses great belief in himself, his friends, and his causes, from them he draws great strength and personal resolve. His conviction and his moral code make he difficult for the forces of evil to tempt or sway him from his cause.
Courageous Colossus possesses great courage—the quality of being ready and willing to face negative situations involving danger, or pain, or adversity. There is no task he is unwilling to undertake to help carry the day; If necessary, he will sacrifice himself for others.
Disciplined Like the other members of the X-Men, Colossus is extremely disciplined. Zygon is a disciplined young man, both mentally and physically. This allows him keep his mind sharp and his body in reasonable physical condition.
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Body Transformation (Organic Steel) A mutant, Colossus can transform his entire body from flesh & blood into a form of "organic steel", with properties similar to osmium but of still of an unknown composition. Colossus must transform his entire body into this armored state; he is not capable of partial transformations. When he transforms, he gains approximately 1 ft (30 cm) in height; official figures state his height at about 7 ft 5 in (230 cm) in transformed state versus 6 ft 6 in (200 cm) in normal human form with his physical weight doubling; Colossus' form is tied to his consciousness, if one were strong enough or able to knock him unconscious, he will revert to his normal form almost instateneously. In his armored form, Colossus possesses superhuman levels of strength, as well as superhuman stamina and durability. While in his armored form, Colossus requires no food, water or even oxygen to sustain himself and is extremely resistant to injury. He is capable of withstanding great impacts, large caliber bullets, falling from tremendous heights, electricity, and certain magical attacks. While he has great resistance to temperature extremes of hot and cold, extreme heat followed by rapid super-cooling has been shown to cause damage.
xWatch Colossus's smartwatch is actually a high sophisticated wearable computing device that closely resembles other commonly worn smart watches. Like most smart watches, his is capable of performing all standard time-keeping and mathematical functions. In addition to telling time, the device is Bluetooth-enable. The watch becomes, in effect, a wireless Bluetooth adaptor capable of extending the capabilities of the wearer's smartphone to the watch. capable of running most standard watch apps regardless of the apps native OS. Additionally it includes a genome jamming technology capable of masking his DNA profile from most scans, it has a homing beacon which monitors his bodily functions and will automatically trigger if he is injured sending an alert to those plugged into the Cerebra network. It also works as a mini-cerebra for close proximities (50 ft or less); The xWatch is standard issue to all X-Men in good standing.
xFone BLK (smart phone) The xFone is possibly the most sophisticated smart-phone in existence surpassing both the iPhone and the Stark SMART SX smart phone. It can perform all basic smart phone operations including making cell calls, text messaging, internet browsing, running apps (all apps regardless of OS configuration/need), superior security and encryption. Additionally it acts as a mini-cerebro with a range of 500 ft or a less accurate wiMax (city) range. The phone also boosts a genome screen, image inducer, and homing beacon with health monitoring.
METROpass Colossus possesses a current METROpass which allows him access to standard bus, subway, and other New York based transit systems.
Financial Resources Colossus maintains a small personal checking account from which he regularly receives disbursements from for his services to the Xavier Institute (X-Men). His annual stipend is the equivalent of 128k per year; He has an accrued total of 334k in investment funds which are managed by the xTrust.
Financial Resources Wadsworth maintains a small personal checking account from which he regularly receives disbursements from for his services to the Xavier Institute (X-Men). His annual stipend is the equivalent of 128k per year; He has an accrued total of 334k in investment funds which are managed by the xTrust.
Financial Resources Professor Xavier maintains a sizeable personal checking account from which the xTrust regularly dispurses generous amounts for his services to the Xavier Institute (X-Men). His annual stipend is the equivalent of 1.3b per year; He has an accrued a personal wealth of over 334 bn. making him one of the wealthiest people in the world.
xTrust Professor Xavier oversees, which together with the help of the Angel, and Iceman, currently has assets valued at 23t, making it the single largest trust in the world. The trust financies all of the institutes endeavors ranging from paying salaries and maintaining the Instutes facilities to underwriting the Mactaggert Research Group and the Xavier Institute in addition to other X activities. The Institute, along with the MacTaggert Research Facility are the primary beneficiaries of the xTrust

Xaiver has engaged in extensive inssider trading and market manipulations via his mutant abilities to build the trust.
Combat Training He was trained well in the army and the super serum just enhances his abilities. He's quite skilled in combat expecially in hand to hand combat. He was quite evenly matched with Red Skull and Bucky who also had the super soldier serium in their bodies. Training out in the field against HYDRA, the Chitauri and Loki also helped continue his training.
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Artist A practitioner of the Naturalist movement, Piotr possesses no formal training, he does possess a ferocious talent for working in oils, pastels, and charcoals. His work is notable for its lack of pretension or concern for conventional notions and norms. His works strive to render the reality of their subject matter honestly with great integrity resulting in a true-to-life style that depicts nature (including people) with the least possible distortion or interpretation; His work possesses a raw unvarnished beauty with hints of Russian Romanticism.
Bi-Linqual Piotr is fluent in English & Russian. He possesses a full mastery of both languages and can easily read and write in them as well as possessing an understanding of their cultural nuances, mores, and norms
First Aid Piotr is a trained first responder specializing in childhood development. As such she is skilled in administering emergency medical first aid and battlefield triage as well as diagnosis, treatment, and and long-term care equal to that of any EMT.
Athletic Conditioning Northstar is an olympic-level trained athlete who is well practiced in long distance sports-related activities such as cross-country skying. This training has imbued his body with exceptional stamina, endurance, and ability to cope with extreme weather conditions. Together, these traits allow him to endure when others his equal might falter or fall.