CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Professor Xaiver even though he owns them, he can not carry them on his person; His hotwater bottle can be carry in his wheelchair and is therefore considered to be a piece of equipment for him so his buns stay nice and toasty warm. Likewise, the Baxter Building is not owned by any member of the Fantastic Four, but the Future Foundation for legal reasons. But ever member of the Fantastic Four has near unlimited access to every part of the Baxter Building which is far to large for even Galactus to carry on his person, hence it too is a considered a resource.

Below is a list of 10 resource descriptions (and counting), to inspire you, and from which you may liberally borrow from to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your character availabilities and user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, a button will appear with that character name on it. Click that button and the description will automatically be included to that character and the description will customize itself to reflect that character based on their name, gender, preferneces etc. You can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly from within the character app. click 4 more

Our MCUv2 "Ultimate Resources & Asset" List showcases a host of descriptions of resources and assets meant to help and inspire you with your own characters. which you are free to add to your character as you like. a base of possiblities from which to create your characters resource list. The purpose of the list is to assist you when creating a character by giving you a categorized list of possiblities to look at, from which you can draw inspiration from to flesh out your character. Everything here is a starting point, of which you are encouraged to borrow as deeply from as you like — This list exists for the sole purpose of helping you polish your character, nothing less, nothing more.

If you are logged in to MCu, you will notice that all the descriptions will personalize themselves based on your personal description of yourself. If you have a character which you are currently actively working on, the descriptions will then personalize themselves to reflect your character. If you like a particular resource, you can instantly add it to your character with a single button click, and then you can further tailer it to your character until it's just right; If you have more than one character in the works, Captain Example will be used as a placeholder, all pronouns will be listed in the third person neutral.

With the advent of phase three coming, we will be creating an inherent combat resolution system to help members when they are drafting fights by providing character results which members may use or discard as they see fit. The main purpose for this is so that when a member is writing a reply, they can see how the results are playing out and can adapt and adjust their character actions based on the current situation.

E.G. Captain Example is working on a report in regards to the activities of the infamous General NoGautnix and he needs to know the General's date of birth (DOB). So, using his MetroPass, a resource which allows him to access the New York Metro System (subway), he hops onto the A-Train and zips down to the local New York Public Library (another resource available to him as he has a New York County Library Card) and goes to the microfiche files (another resource) to look up the General' birthday.

If you are logged into the site, and have a character indevelopment, you will see a button with the that character's name on it. Click that button, and the resource and description will automatically be added to your character. You can then tailor the description to fit your character exactly.

Below is a list of 10 resource descriptions (and counting) divided into 25 categories: Agriculture, Alternative Sciences, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Crime, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Fighting, General, Humanities, Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Mental, Mystic, Research, Occult, Other, Physics, Piloting, & Weapons. Each category describes traits specific to one aspect of a character. If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly

As noted above, a resource (or asset) represents something the chararacter has some form of access too, but can not actually carry on their person. Examples of resources include headquarters, vehicles, and people. What this means is that if your character has access to the New York Public Libraries assets, the character would have a library card listed in their equipment section noting the access, and in the resources they could include a description of aspects of the NYPL they have access too if it goes beyond the general standard access most individuals have. Likewise, if your character owns a car, you might list the car key/faub in your equipment list, and the car in your resources.

All resources must be justified by the character's backstory, meaning that while the backstory might not specifically mention that the character learned to drive, if they have a very special car or motorcyle like the ones used by various Ghost Riders, we would expect this to be referenced in their history/timeline.

* We know that our ultimate list of resources is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!

Professor Xaiver even though he owns them, he can not carry them on his person; His hotwater bottle can be carry in his wheelchair and is therefore considered to be a piece of equipment for him so his buns stay nice and toasty warm. Likewise, the Baxter Building is not owned by any member of the Fantastic Four, but the Future Foundation for legal reasons. But ever member of the Fantastic Four has near unlimited access to every part of the Baxter Building which is far to large for even Galactus to carry on his person, hence it too is a considered a resource.

Below is a list of 10 resource descriptions (and counting), to inspire you, and from which you may liberally borrow from to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your character availabilities and user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, a button will appear with that character name on it. Click that button and the description will automatically be included to that character and the description will customize itself to reflect that character based on their name, gender, preferneces etc. You can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly from within the character app. click 4 more

Our MCUv2 "Ultimate Resources & Asset" List showcases a host of descriptions of resources and assets meant to help and inspire you with your own characters. which you are free to add to your character as you like. a base of possiblities from which to create your characters resource list. The purpose of the list is to assist you when creating a character by giving you a categorized list of possiblities to look at, from which you can draw inspiration from to flesh out your character. Everything here is a starting point, of which you are encouraged to borrow as deeply from as you like — This list exists for the sole purpose of helping you polish your character, nothing less, nothing more.

If you are logged in to MCu, you will notice that all the descriptions will personalize themselves based on your personal description of yourself. If you have a character which you are currently actively working on, the descriptions will then personalize themselves to reflect your character. If you like a particular resource, you can instantly add it to your character with a single button click, and then you can further tailer it to your character until it's just right; If you have more than one character in the works, Captain Example will be used as a placeholder, all pronouns will be listed in the third person neutral.

With the advent of phase three coming, we will be creating an inherent combat resolution system to help members when they are drafting fights by providing character results which members may use or discard as they see fit. The main purpose for this is so that when a member is writing a reply, they can see how the results are playing out and can adapt and adjust their character actions based on the current situation.

E.G. Captain Example is working on a report in regards to the activities of the infamous General NoGautnix and he needs to know the General's date of birth (DOB). So, using his MetroPass, a resource which allows him to access the New York Metro System (subway), he hops onto the A-Train and zips down to the local New York Public Library (another resource available to him as he has a New York County Library Card) and goes to the microfiche files (another resource) to look up the General' birthday.

If you are logged into the site, and have a character indevelopment, you will see a button with the that character's name on it. Click that button, and the resource and description will automatically be added to your character. You can then tailor the description to fit your character exactly.

Below is a list of 10 resource descriptions (and counting) divided into 25 categories: Agriculture, Alternative Sciences, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Crime, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Fighting, General, Humanities, Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Mental, Mystic, Research, Occult, Other, Physics, Piloting, & Weapons. Each category describes traits specific to one aspect of a character. If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly

As noted above, a resource (or asset) represents something the chararacter has some form of access too, but can not actually carry on their person. Examples of resources include headquarters, vehicles, and people. What this means is that if your character has access to the New York Public Libraries assets, the character would have a library card listed in their equipment section noting the access, and in the resources they could include a description of aspects of the NYPL they have access too if it goes beyond the general standard access most individuals have. Likewise, if your character owns a car, you might list the car key/faub in your equipment list, and the car in your resources.

All resources must be justified by the character's backstory, meaning that while the backstory might not specifically mention that the character learned to drive, if they have a very special car or motorcyle like the ones used by various Ghost Riders, we would expect this to be referenced in their history/timeline.

* We know that our ultimate list of resources is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!

Professor Xaiver even though he owns them, he can not carry them on his person; His hotwater bottle can be carry in his wheelchair and is therefore considered to be a piece of equipment for him so his buns stay nice and toasty warm. Likewise, the Baxter Building is not owned by any member of the Fantastic Four, but the Future Foundation for legal reasons. But ever member of the Fantastic Four has near unlimited access to every part of the Baxter Building which is far to large for even Galactus to carry on his person, hence it too is a considered a resource.

Below is a list of 10 resource descriptions (and counting), to inspire you, and from which you may liberally borrow from to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your character availabilities and user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, a button will appear with that character name on it. Click that button and the description will automatically be included to that character and the description will customize itself to reflect that character based on their name, gender, preferneces etc. You can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly from within the character app. click 4 more

Our MCUv2 "Ultimate Resources & Asset" List showcases a host of descriptions of resources and assets meant to help and inspire you with your own characters. which you are free to add to your character as you like. a base of possiblities from which to create your characters resource list. The purpose of the list is to assist you when creating a character by giving you a categorized list of possiblities to look at, from which you can draw inspiration from to flesh out your character. Everything here is a starting point, of which you are encouraged to borrow as deeply from as you like — This list exists for the sole purpose of helping you polish your character, nothing less, nothing more.

If you are logged in to MCu, you will notice that all the descriptions will personalize themselves based on your personal description of yourself. If you have a character which you are currently actively working on, the descriptions will then personalize themselves to reflect your character. If you like a particular resource, you can instantly add it to your character with a single button click, and then you can further tailer it to your character until it's just right; If you have more than one character in the works, Captain Example will be used as a placeholder, all pronouns will be listed in the third person neutral.

With the advent of phase three coming, we will be creating an inherent combat resolution system to help members when they are drafting fights by providing character results which members may use or discard as they see fit. The main purpose for this is so that when a member is writing a reply, they can see how the results are playing out and can adapt and adjust their character actions based on the current situation.

E.G. Captain Example is working on a report in regards to the activities of the infamous General NoGautnix and he needs to know the General's date of birth (DOB). So, using his MetroPass, a resource which allows him to access the New York Metro System (subway), he hops onto the A-Train and zips down to the local New York Public Library (another resource available to him as he has a New York County Library Card) and goes to the microfiche files (another resource) to look up the General' birthday.

If you are logged into the site, and have a character indevelopment, you will see a button with the that character's name on it. Click that button, and the resource and description will automatically be added to your character. You can then tailor the description to fit your character exactly.

Below is a list of 10 resource descriptions (and counting) divided into 25 categories: Agriculture, Alternative Sciences, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Crime, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Fighting, General, Humanities, Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Mental, Mystic, Research, Occult, Other, Physics, Piloting, & Weapons. Each category describes traits specific to one aspect of a character. If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly

As noted above, a resource (or asset) represents something the chararacter has some form of access too, but can not actually carry on their person. Examples of resources include headquarters, vehicles, and people. What this means is that if your character has access to the New York Public Libraries assets, the character would have a library card listed in their equipment section noting the access, and in the resources they could include a description of aspects of the NYPL they have access too if it goes beyond the general standard access most individuals have. Likewise, if your character owns a car, you might list the car key/faub in your equipment list, and the car in your resources.

All resources must be justified by the character's backstory, meaning that while the backstory might not specifically mention that the character learned to drive, if they have a very special car or motorcyle like the ones used by various Ghost Riders, we would expect this to be referenced in their history/timeline.

* We know that our ultimate list of resources is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!

Description of category to come

S.W.O.R.D.:: The Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division, better known by its acronym S.W.O.R.D., founded by Maria Rambeau in the late nineties by Maria Rambeau. A sister organization to S.H.I.E.L.D., S.W.O.R.D. is an American extra-governmental intelligence agency, dedicated to protecting Earth from both extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional threats.

Description of category to come

Initiative Training Facilities (North Bay, New York):: Located in upper state New York, sits the Avengers Initiative Training Facilities, home not only to the Avengers, but also the next generation of heroes.

Sitting on several hundred acres sits the Initiative's North Bay facilities, home to both the Avengers and they're possible successors. The facilities is primarily manned by hand-picked S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives responsible for much of the facilities day-to-day operations. Features an award winning world-class educational center and tactical training range, dormitories, world-class amenities, a private airstrip, and an unparalleled private training facility reserved for the Avengers and the Avengers Trainees.
The Peak (VII):: The Peak is the orbital headquarters of the Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division (S.W.O.R.D.) located in orbit around the Earth.
The Playground:: Located beneath Brooklyn, New York, the Playground, codenamed Ragtag, was created as a base of operations for the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) in 1949. Agent Peggy Carter, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., oversaw the construction of the base.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury renovated the Playground in the mid 90s, transforming it from being an old bunker belonging to the Strategic Scientific Reserve, into a complete state-of-the-art S.H.I.E.L.D. facility with the latest technology. Fury devised the Playground to be so complete that it could potentially serve as headquarters for the whole agency should anything happen to the Triskelion.
Xavier Institute for the Gifted:: Built on Graymalkin Homestead Heritage site, the Xavier Institute for the Gifted is publicly thought of as a prestigious education center specializing in the education of economically disadvantaged and "at risk" youth. Of course there is more to the Xavier Institute then first mets the eye. While it is certainly a world class education institution, if you are allowed access to it's lower levels you will find cutting edge, state-of-the-art science and research centers specializing in bio-genetics that would give anything Stark Industries has a run for it's money.

Sitting on several hundred acres, the New Salem campus features an award winning educational and your outreach center, dormitories and student amenities, a private airstrip, underground hangers, and a private training facility which is every bit the equal of that owned and operated by the Avengers in upper state North Bay, New York

Description of category to come

The BatManuel Cave:: Inspired by the 1966 Batman series, BatManuel manage to procure several art based grants and venture capital funding so that a an underground structure could be constructed to house his Lincoln Futura concept car: BatmauelMobile. The cave is replete with a lazy Susan to rotate the car, a model to stand beside the car and show it off ala Detroit Auto Show circa 1966, and an "Open Pit Thermo-Nuclear Reactor" simulation (no radiation, but a lot of heat lamps inside that thing to heat the BatManuel Cave; While there are no bats in the cave, there are a lot of one of a kind bat-poop glade scented air freshers to lend the smell of authenticity.

The cave also features direct connections to many places in the tri-state area thanks to the BatManuel Magnetic Railgun Transport system (see public works project #22333045yt550-05.

Very few people can write a grant request like BatManuel.
BatmauelMobile:: Based on a 1965 Lincoln Futura concept car, BatmauelMobile is the functional car capable of rocket assisted speed of unto 300mph. The vehicle is a heavily armored tactical assault vehicle and a personalized custom-built pursuit and capture vehicle that is used by Batmanuel theoretically in his fight against crime, but is more often used for cruising and attempting to pick up chicks on Conney Island Blvd. The vehicle is poorly designed with questionable maneuverability and strong likelihood of exploding if pushed past speeds of 40 mph.

Description of category to come

Blackbird (SR-71 Jet):: Also known as the "X-Jet", based on a modified, scaled-up version of the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird spy plane (hence the name) but was modified to carry several passengers, as well as for Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL).

Travel Radius: 6,100 miles (9,760 km)
Maximum Velocity (at sea level): Mach 2.3 (1,770 mph / 2,832 kph)
Maximum Velocity (at 120,000 feet): Mach 4.2 (3,234 mph / 5,175 kph)
Service Ceiling: 230,000 feet (69,000 meters)
Maximum Rate of Climb: 29.5 miles per minute
Onboard Equipment: Pressurized cabin, Cerebro
Onboard Weaponry: The SR-71 was designed as a spy plane, sacrificing weaponry for surveillance equipment.
Weight (unloaded, including fuel): 125,000 lbs (56,800 kg)
Weight (at maximum capacity): 145,000 lbs (65,900 kg)
Maximum Cargo: 20,000 lbs (9,100 kg)
Helicarrier:: Highly advanced flying command centers, Helicarriers are more than just just flying aircraft carriers. Specifically, Helicarriers were designed to be capable of sustained, independently-powered flight, via four, massive turbine engines that provide the lift needed to keep them in the air, though they were able to retain seaborne capabilities. Their technology was created, in part, with designs by Howard Stark; Tony Stark upgraded the Helicarriers so that they relied on repulsor technology rather than turbines, allowing them to stay in the air indefinitely.
Quinjet:: An advanced aircraft used by S.H.I.E.L.D. for transport, most are typically housed at various S.H.I.E.L.D. bases, aboard S.H.I.E.L.D.d's helicarriers, and the Avenger's they are often used to transport people to and from Helicarriers.

Quinjets are known for their speed, vertical lift and Landing (VTOL) capabilities, and stealth technology and being able to reach sub-orbital trajectories; Later models are equipped with weaponry.

Travel Radius: 8,600 miles (9,760 km)
Maximum Velocity (at sea level): Mach 2.3 (1,770 mph / 2,832 kph)
Maximum Velocity (at 120,000 feet): Mach 4.2 (3,234 mph / 5,175 kph)
Service Ceiling: 230,000 feet (69,000 meters)
Maximum Rate of Climb: 29.5 miles per minute
Onboard Equipment: Pressurized cabin, Cerebro
Onboard Weaponry: The Quinject was designed as a VLOT transport plane, sporting several different weapon configurations.
Weight (unloaded, including fuel): 125,000 lbs (56,800 kg)
Weight (at maximum capacity): 145,000 lbs (65,900 kg)
Maximum Cargo: 20,000 lbs (9,100 kg)