CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Merits are divided into several categories: Combat, Defensive, Detection, Faith, Magic, Mental, Power, Physical, Restricted, Social, Supernatural, & Other. Each category describes a specific shortcoming of a character.
Below is a list of 24 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly ...
* We know that our ultimate list of Merits is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!

Merits are divided into several categories: Combat, Defensive, Detection, Faith, Magic, Mental, Power, Physical, Restricted, Social, Supernatural, & Other. Each category describes a specific shortcoming of a character.
Below is a list of 24 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly ...
* We know that our ultimate list of Merits is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!

Merits are divided into several categories: Combat, Defensive, Detection, Faith, Magic, Mental, Power, Physical, Restricted, Social, Supernatural, & Other. Each category describes a specific shortcoming of a character.
Below is a list of 24 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into MCu, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly ...
* We know that our ultimate list of Merits is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!

Mental Merits describe advantages which a character possesses relating exception skill, clarity of thought, or the benefits of superior genetics as relating to the nature of thier thought process or the nature of their brains or nervous system.

Clear Sighted:: Captain Example is not easily fooled or mislead by illusions.
Concentration:: Captain Example possesses a lesser form of Iron Will, one which lets him focusing his attention and receives a column shift to resist mental invasions or attempted acts of mental control.
Eidetic Memory:: Captain Example possesses a powerful natural, near photographic mnemonic recall of events and can recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once, and without using a mnemonic device.
Iron Will:: Captain Example will is his own and as such can not be dominated except by the most powerful of minds and personalities.
Ligntining Calculator:: Captain Example has a natural affinity for numbers and can do complex computations with ease in their head.
Time Sense:: Captain Example posssesses a keen, inate sense of time, and can with a good deal of accuracy tell what time it is without a watch.

Physical Merits describe advantages relating to the characters physical attributes. Perhaps they have slightly longer legs allowing the a longer stride, hence they run faster than most.

Ambidexterous:: Captain Example has equal facility with either hand. He never suffers a penalty when using either hand in performing an action or task as Captain Example has no "off-hand." He can use both hands at once to perform two similiar physical actions without without requiring significant concentration on the tasks at hand.
Catlike Balance:: Captain Example possesses an innately perfect sense of balance, allowing them to easily cross narrow spaces such as the top of banner or even walk a tight-rope.
Daredevil:: Fortune favors the bold — and Captain Example is certainly bold. In dangerous and risky situations, He performs like a true action hero. Any time He takes a significantly risky action, like leaping across rooftops in a hail of gunfire or diving between two burning, colliding cars, his chances of success are greater than average due to HIS steely nerve.
Large Size:: Captain Example is abnormally large in size, possibly over seven feet tall and 400 pounds in weight (or more). He therefore has a more hearty constition, and can suffer more harm before being incapacitated.
Nightsight:: Captain Example can see in near-total darkness.
Pain Tolerance:: Captain Example might be made of steel, or just hopped up on drugs (although you should also take the Addiction Flaw if such is the case), but whatever the cause, He doesn't hurt no matter how wounded he is. You ignore all wound penalties until your character is finally killed

Social Merits are those which lead to or are a result of a fortunate socail interaction. Perhaps they have an advantageous contact.

Animal Affinity :: Captain Example has an innate understanding of and rapport with a certain type of animal.
Animal Magnetism:: Captain Example are especially attractive to others.
Code of Honor:: Captain Example follows a strict personal code
Gall:: If there is one thing Captain Example has, it's moxy. Captain Example is naturally brazen, bold, and very self-assured, so much so that they can seem impudent or insolent at times, but make no doubt, Captain Example is not easily intimidate and he knows how to stand up for what he believes in.
Loyalty:: Captain Example is a naturally devoted person and can be counted on by anyone who has gained your trust, be it a person, group, or cause. Those who might try to dissuade you will find it difficult to do so if it conflicts with the object of loyalty.
Moneyed:: If Captain Example is one thing, it's wealth. If it's true that everything has a price, then Captain Example has the money to prove it. As such he possesses a great many means and affluence.
Self-Confident:: Captain Example posssesses a great confidence in their personal skills and abilities.

Supernatural Merits are those of a supernatural, pertnatural, or supernormal nature.

Charmed Existence:: Somebody upstairs, or down "there" likes Captain Example, as such, he lives a charmed existence. As such things have a way of working out for him in the end.
Clear Sighted:: Captain Example is not easily fooled or mislead by illusions.
Honeyed Tongue:: Captain Example could sell ice to an Eskimo, furthermore, they could convince you that that ice cream cone they are holding isn't an ice cream cone while licking it, in short, when he speaks, his words have a natural "ring"e of truth.
Iron Will:: Captain Example will is his own and as such can not be dominated except by the most powerful of minds and personalities.
Twin-Link:: Captain Example shares a powerful bond or psychic link with another person. Captain Example's bond seems nearly telepathic; CPODENAMe always knows what the person he is linked to is feeling, and to a limited extent, what they may be thinking. Either member of the link can block the other if they wish, though doing so requires some concentration. He can use this ability to sense a state of the person he is like with, and even where they are to some degree.