CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

coming to terms with being a champion

This page contains many of the terms commonly used on Marvel Champions. Due to the potential volume of terms which might ultimately come to be listed on this page, we have opted to sort everything alphabetically, and then place that sorting into a hidden blind. Click on the appropriate button below to reveal the contents of that blind. Utlimately we plan to make this an intellihanced sorting forum.


1-1, One-One, 1-on-1 etc; RP which is strictly between two handlers/roleplays.


Any-for-Any; A common partner search term. Usually refers to a person willing to play either male, female, or other types of characters and has no preference to what their partner will chooses to play.


Adv Lit; Advanced Lit; Advanced Literature; Refers to an extended for or written roleplaying where the handlers (writers) enjoy going into detail/depth with their roleplays and value proper grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. AL usually refers to "talented" writers.; does not aspire to be an "Advanced Literature" site, we are roleplay for strictly for sake of roleplay and story, nothing more, nothing less.


Anthro; Anthropomorphs; Furries; Any-for-Any; Roleplay where one or both characters involved share both animalistic and human features, often: Bipedal, covered in fur/feathers, wings/other appendages such as tails and animal ears, animal head, etc.; Pony-play and wolf-play are both off-shoota of furry-play.; is not an anthro site.


Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe. Non-canon universes.; This term also includes ATs, Alternate Timelines, and Variant Timelines.


Autoing; Short for "Automatic"; To "auto" someone is to put in your post what they did, whether it be "they fell" or "they walked out of the room." A sanctioned 'auto' would be a player who couldn't continue scene or participate at that time so other players moved them along to continue the story/thread. Other autos should be discussed with players prior; Care should be taken when autoing as it can cusp on a form of God-Modding.


Refers to the assumption within a post that an attack will land upon an opponent character, often postulating (framing) how much/what type of damage said opponent will receive.; Auto-hits are possible depending on the results of a contested action or a successfully executed overbearing action of an opponent on .


On a posting forum, a bottleneck refers to a handler who hasn't posted for any number of reasons which causes a thread to come to a complete halt.


Refers to material related to the storyline that is considered "official", either by the story creator(s) or the audience. The flipside is something being non-canon: this happens when something is created and is not official.


Slang for "character"


When a handler' real-world feelings become entwined with or dependant on their characters. Character bleed is common and something all roleplayers should try to avoid.


A catchphrase is a phrase or expression that is spontaneously popularized after a critical amount of widespread repeated usage in everyday conversation (i.e., it "catches" on). Some catchphrases become the "trademark" or defining characteristic of the person or character with whom they originated.

Think your for thanking of me — Scott Lang
We have a Hulk — Anyone who has known Doctor Banner
We are Groot — Groot
Start at the beginning — Jessica Jones
Sweet Christmas — Luke Cage
There was an idea... — Nick Fury
I can do this all day— Steve Rogers
Wakanda Forever — T'Challa
Because. I. Am. Iron Man — Tony Stark
I made it rain! — Ulysses Klaue


Carte Blanche, meaning complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best, as in You were told that you could do as you wanted with them. You killed them. That's fine, you were given carte blanche. From time-to-time, will extend the right of Cart Blanche to specific members allowing them to post a staff pre-approved Cart Blanche action/response. Carte Blanche responses are typically awarded in response to those who find themselves facing a reply which has no hooks, e.g., nothing in which you can respond to. If a handler writes a reply which goes on endlessly in which they self-diolgue in thought and feeling, but with no action or words for others to reply to, and this is a common thing done by that handler, others maybe be approved to write a Carte Blanche response. Carte Blance replies are allowed to ignore ALL waivers and Triggers; I.E., yes we will sanction god-modding in very specific instances; be considerate of those you are writing with, they aren't your audience, they are your writing partners and deserve to be treated with respect, consideration, and kindness.

E.G. Tthe character Die Fledermaus, having pontificated for several thousand pages over the epic plight in which we learned not only their character back story, but that of their entire family line and how they came to be were they were now standing down a discarded matchstick that been moved almost, but not quite millimeter to the left on the dresser and also what this meant to the character all the speculations as to how this impacted Die Fledermaus and where it migth take them for better or worse, they never made a single action. They never said a single thing. There was no acknowledgement of anything going around them &emdash; essentially they just stood there (we think, Die Fladermaus's post didn't specify) leaving their posting partner with nothing to react too, Carte Blanche was granted Die Fladermaus who fancied themselves the next batman found themselves dancing at breakneck speed doing a routine that could have been the dance finale in a Magic Mike movie depicted by Die Fladermaus' very annoyed posting partner, Fux Yuu' response.


Precognition or Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive information about future places or events before they happen. It is done by scanning the various alternate futures through any number of means, rather than using deduction based on current knowledge. Clairvoyance can also be used in the present (Clairaudience) or the past (Post Cognition).

Clairvoyance (from 17th century French Clair meaning "clear" and Voyant meaning "seeing") is a supposed form of extra-sensory perception claiming the transference of information about an object, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses.

A being who possesses precognition or clairvoyance is sometimes called a "precog" or a clairvoyant.


specific; Terminologies used to categorize and classify enhanced persons, places, and things based on the inherent properties of their powerset.

ALPHA: Creators

BETA: Heightend Skill/Ability

DELTA: Enhanced Physiology

EPSILON: Energy Manipulation

GAMMA: Force Manipulation

KAPPA: Magic/Psychic

OMEGA: Destroyer

ZE: Normal, those without any exceptional powers or abilities.

UNKNOWN: A person, object, or thing which has yet to be classified or is beyond quantification.


A unit of space travel measurement used in the intergalactic community


The need of an individual to find a firm answer to something, or to bring a feeling of finality or resolution.


Of a scale beyond that which is normal on Earth.


Creatures of often immense power. They are usually immortal and often have Cosmic parentage.


Also referred to as the Power Cosmic; Energy derived from non-Earthly sources that the technologies of most sentient races cannot tap, and that is on a scale far beyond what most Earthly technology can tap or generate.


Crossovers of multiple characters have been used to set an established continuity, where characters can frequently meet within one setting. This is especially true of in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as different characters frequently interact with one another since they live in the same "universe". The movie The Avengers is a crossover between the four different franchises released prior to its premiere: Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger.


A state of preservation in deep-freeze conditions.


Any chemical compound that contains molecular group consisting of a carbon atom triple-bonded to a nitrogen atom. It is often used to refer to Potassium cyanide, a highly toxic crystalline salt that emits lethal hydrogen cyanide upon contact with the acidity of the stomach.


The comparative study of automatic control and communications systems, whether biological (e.g., the human nervous system) or artificial (e.g., computers). More narrowly, the term refers to the science of synthesizing mind and machine, and to the engineering problems involved in detecting thoughts in the brain and translating them into mechanical responses.


Cyborg is a contraction of the words cybernetic organism. A cyborg is any organic being with robotic or cybernetic augmentation or implants to replace or enhance physical parts.


Discord is a free voice, video and text-based chat app created to bring like-minded groups of people together based on a common interest. In our case, that interest is a love of super-hero based antics and melodrama. Discord is accessible by desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. Like many other sites, it is the primary method for communicating with one another relating to ; If you yet already joined, please join our site Discord.

FC; Faceclaim

FC stands for both Featured Characters & and Faceclaims. In the case of Faceclaims, FC is referring to the real-life person or thing which acts as the in-game/in-story avatar of the character. An example of a faceclaim would include Rosemary Harris as Aunt May (Parker) and Sebastian Stan as the Winter Soldier.

The below list contains a selection of reference sites to help you find suitable playby.

FC; Featured Character

FC is shorthand for both Face-Claim & and Featured Character. In the case of FC referring to a Featured character, the character is part of the official established media canon wuther it be published, movies, videogame, or other, it is a pre-existing character taken from the offical lore of the that canon.


A fault finder is one as the name implies, focuses on finding fault with whatever catches their eye, typically in an effort to prove that something is unfair to them or that someone else is getting preferential treatment over them. They are similiar to Rules Lawyers in that they break things down into grammatical minutea, overlooking the actions, intent, and the very spirit of somethingin an attempt to prove some point.


Someone with "first option' has the right to be the first replier to a thread or specific post. This option typically comes into play on the first response to a new thread, or to a conversational posting order. First option has a grace period of three days.


DON'T; God-modding; Uncountable roleplay; Any form of attempting (cheating) to control the actions of or reframe the actions of a character who does not belong to you. In essence, god-modding is when a character has the ability to do practically anything without limits, boundaries, or restraint regardless of whatever stipulations might be on their character dossier. An example is when they simply cannot be harmed due to their constant dodging even though their character is a paralyzed quadropedlic with active nacolepsy who just took a couple of Xanax tablets.

- It can be killing or injuring a character without the player's express permission.
- It can be when their character simply can't be hit and dodge all attacks or anything aimed at them.
- It can also be using (writing/rewriting) the actions of anothers characters. In other words, if you do handle Ant-Man you cannot you cannot write the actions of Ant-Man.

E.G. Tthe character Die Fledermaus, having pontificated for several thousand pages over the epic plight in which we learned not only their character back story, but that of their entire family line and how they came to be were they were now standing down a discarded matchstick that been moved almost, but not quite millimeter to the left on the dresser and also what this meant to the character all the speculations as to how this impacted Die Fledermaus and where it migth take them for better or worse, they never made a single action. They never said a single thing. There was no acknowledgement of anything going around them &emdash; essentially they just stood there (we think, Die Fladermaus's post didn't specify) leaving their posting partner with nothing to react too, Carte Blanche was granted Die Fladermaus who fancied themselves the next batman found themselves dancing at breakneck speed doing a routine that could have been the dance finale in a Magic Mike movie depicted by Die Fladermaus' very annoyed posting partner, Fux Yuu' response.


A grace period is the period-of-time in which someone has the unmittigated right to reply to a post without anyone else tagging in. On , the grace period is currently set as three (3) days before anyone else can tag in.


A handler is an approved member and primary caretaker of a specific character who is active on . They are the primary developer for a character both in portrayal and development of said character. They decide what events the character will or will not participate in and how they will react in any given situation detailed within the pages of the .

The handler E.G. Member X, is the handler who wrote the actions taken by Thor during the Battle of New York.


HA!; Similiar to a What If, a How Aboutz...! is a lesser What If premise that could take place within the larger premise of a site's What If...? Such HA! include things such as character gender swaps, preference inversions, racial shifts and more. Any HA! must be run by staff and being limited to only affect the character it is applied to. If it would require any changes to any other characters in active play, it will likley be denied. An Example of a viable HA! would be Howz About a male Kitty Pryde?, or Howz About the Black Widow was an unknowning Winter Soldier?. Any HA!s myst be run by staff, and must be workable within the overall premise of the site.


A means of running an interactive based story or game where any meaninful game information is presented to the participants at the start of, or during the running of the storyline as needed.

IC: In-Character

In-character (or IC) is anything the characters do inside the context of the roleplay. It is what the characters say and do, how they react and express themselves; It is the opposite of out-of-character. It can also be the use of real-life p,ayer knowledge concerning something which the character themselves would not know or understand such as a 6 year old pomeranie reading a drafting up a highly detailed nuclear powerplant blueprint.

Improbable Bad Happening (IBH)

Part of the combat system, this 1-in-100 adjusted variable presents the bearer a wild card of sorts by which they alter a circumstance of a situation. It might be the Red Skull realizing that as much as he'd like to kill Captain America and has the perfect opportunity to do so, he&apose;s running late for Rent and the tickets are almost impossible to get, so kill ya' later Stevo, to a pigeon dive bombing into Thanos' hand just as he's preparing to execute the snap, allowing Thor a second swing (this time at Thanos head). This isn't just good fortune, this is ridicious absurd slightly reality altering good fortune in favor of who ever scored the IGH.

Improbable Good Happening (IGH)

Part of the combat system, this 1-in-100 adjusted variable presents the reserver with irrefutable proof that life is not fair. It's a wild card which allows you opponent to set the outcome of a situation. This is the cosmic bananna peel which your character slipped on. It might be the Red Skull realizing that those hard to get tickets to Rent are for tomorrow, so he can take his time and really savor the moment of killing Captain America, to a flock of overflying pigeons pooping on Iron Man just as he was about to snap Thanos, and as we all know, you can&pos;t snap your fingers if their greased in bird poop. This isn't just bad fortune, this is ridicious absurd slightly reality altering moment of life taking a great big crap on your character as determined by staff; Most of the time they won't be funny, but they should help propell your character forward somehow and open RP doors that might not have existed before as you try to dig your character out of the great big turd they suddenly found themselves in.

Inherent Image

An image which is clearly a specific character. Generally this applies only to illustrations of the character, but it maybe extended to a photograph of a specific character if their is sufficient makeup or cgi work going on that the actor is not easily recognized. Examples of such Inherent Images would be Groot, who is played by both Vin Diesel, Krystian Godlewski, and Terry Notary to name but a few of the voice actors who breathed life into our favorite plantoid. Also Nebula as portrayed by Karen Gillan, and Christopher Eccleston played Malekith the Accursed in "Thor: The Dark World 2013". Even thier own mothers would be hard pressed to recognize their own children under all of the makeup and cgi.

Inherent Character; InC

An inherent character is the same as a Featured Character and is considered to be inherent to a particular fandom or canon. Examples of Inherent Characters would include Janet Van Dyne-Pym (the original Wasp), and Rocket Raccoon.

Infinity Stones

The Infinity Stones were six immensely powerful gem-like objects tied to different aspects of the universe, created by the Big Bang.

Only beings of immense power can directly wield the Stones, such as Celestials, and the Mad Titan Thanos. Lesser beings would face dire consequences: Johann Schmidt was cursed with a living death touching the active Tesseract, Jane Foster became ill after being exposed to the Aether, Carina exploded when she touched the Power Stone; however, these effects can be reduced if a group is sharing the power among themselves. It is also possible to place an Infinity Stone (or multiple) inside a container to allow the user to wield the Stone's power without suffering the normal repercussions. Examples include the Space Stone inside the Tesseract, the Mind Stone inside the Scepter and later in Vision's forehead, the Power Stone inside the Orb and later the Cosmi-Rod, the Time Stone inside the Eye of Agamotto, the Reality Stone as the Aether, and all of the Infinity Stones housed in the Infinity Gauntlet.

When Thanos successfully collected all of them, he used their phenomenal powers to annihilate half of all living creatures in the universe. He later used the stones' power to reduce them to atoms, as to prevent his work from being undone and to keep himself or anyone else from abusing their power.

Five years later, the Avengers staged the time heist, traveled back in time to retrieve the stones from alternate timelines in order to resurrect the victims of the Snap. After the Battle of Earth, Captain America returned the stones to their respective timelines.


DON'T; The use of out-of-game information ingame to gain an advantage.

OC: Original Character

An Original Character (or OC) is considered to be any character which is not initially inherent to the MCU, but is present and active within the context of the roleplay; It is the opposite of a Canon Character (CC); Featured Character (FC); An Inherent Character (IC). Doctor Strange and Mantis are both Featured Characters of the MCU. Storm and Cyclops while having appeared in multiple movies, animations, and video games have not appeared in the MCU proper, but they are Inherent Characters to Marvel. Captain Example and Batmanuel having never appeared in any Marvel property and only on this site would be considered Original Characters in that they exist on this site, and were created by a handler.

OOC: Out-of-Character

Out-of-Character (or OOC) is anything the character handlers (players/members) or staff say or do outside of the context of the roleplay. It is what the characters say and do, how they react and express themselves. This might be constructing a possible storyline or working on a character application or even making a graphic for a character; It is the opposite of In-Character.


A Character action, it allows a character whose stat chain is twice that or greater to subdue another character on a landed blow.


The MCu Power Grid is a means of gauging the capabilities and likelihood for success of any given character action. The power grid is comprised of six stats currently; Endurance (EN), Energy (ER), Fighting (FI), Intelligence (IN), Speed (SP), and Strength (ST), add those stats together to get a characters sum total for quick comparisons or combination there of for specific applicable totals.

STATS are not meant to ride shotgun over other character regardless of the disperity of their powers, remember that Aunt May once defeated Galactus (her brownies are really that good. At this time, stats are meant to help gauge how characters compare so that handlers can write their relations to other characters in a more informed manner; We are working on an automatic "dice roller" which can be activated within a thread should folks want the randomness of dice rolls to determine successes and failures, but that will be completely optional.

ENDURANCE: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.

ENERGY: The ability to generate, channel, and discharge energy.

FIGHTING: The ability and proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.

INTELLIGENCE: The ability to think and process information.

SPEED: The ability to move over land by running, through the air or self-propelled flight, or within large bodies of water by swimming.

STRENGTH: The ability to lift (press) weight over one's head.

RELATED ARTICLES: MCu Character Guide, MCu Character Comparison Chart, MCu Combat (WIP), & MCu, Roleplay, & You (WIP),


A variation of God-Modding, this is the act of using the literal wording of a rule or description and twisting it to the advantage of the power-player regardless of the actual intent of the spirit of the rule or description being used. is very much about the spirt and intent of the rules, not the grammar or the spelling.


A Rewind is a required revise (re-write/edit) to a post or thread due to the mistake or oversight of a participant. Rewinds often require multiple participants to have to rewrite some aspect of their posts and typically, they don't go over well with those involved and are best avoid; Proof your posts well!


When you roleplay, you are acting out, or in our case, writing-out the part of a soecific character. When roleplaying a character, your are pretending to be that character and you are portraying (describing) their actions in detail as to what they are saying and whatever actions they may take within a specific post.

TAG (System not yet implimented)

Tags, typically between one to three words, are short descriptive identifiers which serve as digital names for users, topics, and characters. Typically a tag serves the purpose of alerting a person whose name matches the tag used. On , tags are used to alert members to when they have received a reply to one of their posts; uses the following tags: Automatic Tags, Character Tags, Group Tags, Member Tags, Mention Tags, Personal Tags, Shout Tags, Staff Tags, Story Tags, Team Tags, & Universal Tags.

TAG, Automatic

"BLACK-WIDOW", "HAWKEYE", and "POWER-MAN" are all examples of "Automatic Tags", also known as mentions. An automatic tag is a tag which when typed in all caps in the body of a post, will automatically be added on submit to all the other names on tag list of that post. The automatic tag will alert the handler associated with that character of the post associated with that tag. Groups, Members, Teams, Events, and Stories can all be applied as automatic tags. An automatic tag is a passive tag with the alert stating the characer has been mentioned in a post, but not neccessarily actively tagged with an action.

TAG, Character

"Aunt May", "Human Torch", and "Storm" are all examples of "Character Tags". Enter a character's codename into the tag box and they will alerted to the associated post on submit.

TAG, drop system feature

A thread runner, and the handler of a character can enter a drop tag. Doing so will excuse that person from any alerts generated by that thread.

TAG, Group

"Betas", "Mutants", & "Supers" are all examples of "Group Tags", a tag which when entered into a tag box will send alert of the associated post to all handers who have a character that is applicable to the tag definition.

TAG, Member

"MEMBER TAGS", sometimes called handler tags will when entered into a tag box alert a member of the post the tag has been associated with.

TAG, Mention system feature

Any tag entered into the mentions tag box will send a passive alert to the appropriate handler, alerting them that there character was referenced in some capacity with the post associated with the mention tag.

TAG, Nudge system feature

A nudge tag is different from other tags in that it is a tag which can be applied after the fact to an existign post or thread. Nudging will send a second alert to whomever the nudge has been applied alerting them that they have a reply waiting.

TAG, Personal

Also called a player tag, a "Personal Tag" is the name of a handler/member/staffer whose name has been entered into one of the tag boxs. A personal tag is always considered to be an out-of-character notice.

TAG, Shout

ShoutEntering a recognized team tag into a tag box will alert all active handlers of that team of the post associated with the applied tag.

TAG, Skip

Another unique, a skip tag excuses you from the next round and alerts others that you are passing on your turn to post and that whomever is next is free to write a reply.

TAG, Staff

"Admin", "Mods", & "Staff" are all examples of "Staff Tags". Entering a recognized staff tag into a tag box will alert all active members of staff the post associated with the applied tag.

TAG, Story

Story and Event tags function in the same way as do Team and Group tags in that they alert all those involved of the post the story/event tag has just been attached too. Entering Story or Event tag into a tag box can save you a lot of time as you don't have to enter in the names of all those involved. The story/event tag will alert all active handlers of that team of the post associated with the applied tag.

TAG, Team

"Avengers", "Defenders", & "X-Men Gold" are all examples of "Team Tags". Entering a recognized team tag into a tag box will alert all active handlers of that team of the post associated with the applied tag.

TAG, Universal

All, Anybody, Anyone, Hey, Everyone, and Jerkwads are all "universal tags". These tags if entered into a tag box will signal all active members of your posting as well as pushing out an electronic alert of your message. Please use these tags sparringly so as not to overwhelm everyone.

TAG, Watch

Applying a watch tag to a post or thread will include you in that threads alert cycles.


A tag-in, or tagging in, refers to someone who has waited a reasonable amount of time for the person before them in the tag order to post, and having waited the approperiate amount of time, has "tagged in", eg, they posted and it is not the next persons turn.


Instantly phsyical transition from point A to point B, or the use of speeds beyond the acceptable scale of a roleplay to travel to different location through unknown means (folding space).


One who originates a thread and is responsible for maintaining and managing the thread and handling the narrating duties (results and responses to actions taken in any given round)


specific; Terminologies used to categorize and classify lifeforms based on their genetic make-up.

ALIEN: Extradimensional or Extraterrestrial lifeforms originate outside the Earth. Regardless of how much they might resemeble a lifeform on Earth, they are foriegn based on their genome type. Such life might range from simple prokaryotes to sentient beings. Kree, Skull, Denizens of the Dark Dimension are all examples of alien lifeforms.

ENHANCED: The natural capabilities of have in some form been enhanced. Enhancement can happen through chemical, mechanical or surgical means. Examples include Captain America, Deathlok, and Rocket Racoon.

FAITH: One whose capabilities are derived from their faith. They are capable of great feats defy the normal circumstances, typically thought of as "miracles". Faith-based characters may include those who cast magic or appear to be of a magical nature.

HUMAN: The baseline from which all other types are compared and contrasted. The can be exceptional, but only to finite point.

HYBRID: One whose capabilities are derived from more means. Examples include Hulkling, Star-Lord, and the Winter Soldier (Cybernetics and the Russian Super-Soldier Serum).

INHUMAN: One whose capablities are based on or derived from exposure to Terrigen and has undergone terrigenesis. Examples include Black Bolt and Medusa.

MUTANT: One whose capablities are based on or derived from a sudden, extreme genetic evolutionary alteration. Examples include Dazler, Magneto, Storm, Stature, and the Scarlet Witch.

PSYCHIC: One whose capablities are based on or derived from tapping into the limitless potential of the mind. Examples include the Miracle Man and Topaz.

SUPERNATURAL: One whose capablities are based on or derived from the supernatural in some form. Supernatural-based characters may include those who cast magic or appear to be of a magical nature.. Examples include Doctor Strange,

TECH: One whose capablities are based on or derived from technology. Examples include Iron Man and the Wasp.

UNKNOWN: A person, object, or thing which has yet to be typed or is beyond quantification.


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WebP lossless images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images at equivalent SSIM quality index.

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WiFs; WIs; An alternate take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which an alternate timeline is explored. Typically, the WIs diverging point is based on a significant moment which took place with the MCU, and from which a rich and deeply naunced timeline can be derived from and explored.