CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.


We are still developing our ruleset. If you have any thoughts on them, please DM staff, we are open to revisions and help


Why? Because people don't like jerks, it's a fact!

Marvel Champions (MCu) strives to be a welcoming, freindly, inclusive community which sponsors a smart, progressive roleplay based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, we expect our members to conduct themselves as mature adults and to not willfully engage in deliberately hurtful behavior towards others. We do not endorse, nor will we tolerate zenophobic behavoir such as, but not limitied to homopobic, racist, transphobic, or any other forms of generalized hate speech or action; If you voted for or would vote for Donald Trump, we are likely not the right community for you.

Below you will find some simple easy to understand hard and fast rules for participation in the Marvel Champions community and roleplay.

  1. We ask that all members join our Discord. While we post all announcements and updates on our forum, we use our Discord as our primary form of communication.
  2. If your wrong, apologize. Everyone makes mistakes, this is something that we believe everyone can agree upon. If you make a mistake, intentionally or unintentionally, apologize for it, own it, and do what you can to rectify the mistake if possible. You will garner more respect for owning your mistakes then for digging in your heels and refuting that you made an mistake. And when apologizing, be sure to say the word "Sorry", state what you did and why it was wrong, what you intend to avoid making such mistakes in the future. Why? Because that's what an apology is, ownership, and accountability.
  3. If someone apologizes, accept it and move on. As stated above, everyone makes mistakes. If someone has made a mistake and they apologize for that mistake. Please accept it and let the issue go. It does not one any good to nuture a grudge over an unintended slight. MCu is a space for adults to have fun, part of being an adult is knowning how to and being capable of resolving differences. If you are incapable of this, then MCu is not the place for you.
  4. Saracasm, keep it off the public discord as sarcasm typically does not translate well into toneless text-based communications.
  5. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people are not trying to offend you or upset you. If someone says or does something which you find that you have an issue with, please reach out to that person via private discord direct message (D/DM/DDM) and work to resolve the preceived slight in a respectful, adult manner. If you fail to attempt this, do not ask staff to intervene as we will ask to see the communication logs regarding attempted resolution before considering any actions.

So, in summary,
don't be a jerk.

See: Will Wheaton's Law for details


Why? Because everyone should feel welcome.

In large sites, it's natural that cliques will form, and if we get large we expect that cliques will form, it's only natural. Different people gravitate to different people for various reasons, usually due to shared mutual interestes or life experiences and thats ok. What's not ok is excluding others. All people should always be welcome, and to that end our primary requirement is that everyone RPs with some one they haven't before - our automated systems will keep track of this so we will all know. If you happen to have managed to RP with everyone, then aks yourself who you haven't RPd with in a while and reach out to them. Participation is key here.
If you think what you are doing is wrong, or that you are "getting away with something", you probably are doing something wrong, and sooner or later, we'll catch on and it will then be "catch you later" as we show you to the door. So don't cheat.

  1. ACTIVTY? MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THIS BOX Unlike other sites, we use personalized 30 day rolling activity checks based on your character's approval date. This means that if your character was approved on the 12th, they have until the 30th of the following month to met their activity check. If they fail, that's ok as we use the checks to rate players. We use Activity Sweeps to determine when characters should be pulled due to lack of posting and participation. That means we look at a character and a handlers posting habits and rates over a three-to-six month period. Its about the long term, not the short term. So long as the general average passes muster, all is good. Note that if you don't post for three out of six months, 50% of the activity sweep, that will be taken into account in the sweep. Consistency post quanity are both evaluated - our goal is for active characters, not lots of chair fillers in the nosebleed seats.
  2. CHARACTER BLEED This should go without saying, but you the handler are not your character. Please keep this in mind at all times, you are not your character. While you might be in on board-wide plot and schemes, your character will not be privy to that same information and play accordingly. Do not be offended if someone else doesn't like your character. You. Aren't. Your. Character. What happens in character, stays in character. If you have a problem with another player, take it to PMs or off-site. The only drama welcome is the kind that which happens in-character that we can read while munching popcorn.
  3. FAULT-FINDING. DON'T YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO? We can't say this enough. Everyone makes mistakes, its a simple fact. We all get by on the grace of others because we are all of us, imperfect people, and are bound to make an unintentional mistep from time-to-time. If someone fails to mention your character in a particular post for instance, don't have a cow, likely it was an oversite. Lets all give people the benefit of the doubt. If something continually happens, document it, communicate with the whomever you feel made a mistake, assuming its not just a once or twice occurance, and try to work out the issue without personalizing it. Remember, we are all adults here, and hopefully we are all friends here first, and friends talk things out.
  4. GOD MODDING, DON'T. God-modding is when you attempt to write another character's actions or reframe them within the context of your post so as to negate or alter what the character being god-modded had intended. If you are found to be doing this you will receive a surprising warning in that we will re-write some of your posts to really really really screw your character over and we will expect you to roleplay out the aftermath of that god-modding, or, you will be asked to leave. Some sites use carrots and sticks where god-modding is concerned, we use great big bolders, so play fair, don't make us have to be jerks because you're a jerk.
  5. MISTAKES Pt 1. OWN THEM. If you make a mistake, or someone objects to something you have done, right or wrong, apologize for whatever slight was caused. Then try to work it out. determine an agreeable course of action with whomever and so long as it's reasonable, do it. If something seems unreasonable to you, then reach out to staff for advice on how to proceed.
  6. MISTAKES Pt 2. DON'T HAVE A COW. If someone misteps, it's likely unintentional and that should be the assumption. Judge people less on what they say and more what they do as actions speak louder and clearer than words. This is a trueism, you know why? Because it's its true. We are, all of us, revealed by our actions. Someone can say they don't hold grudges, but you can look at their behavior over a period of time and you might see that they do. So with that perspective, when someone misteps, lets take it as being that, a mistep, not an intentional slight. If it continues over time, then we'll check the milk to see if it's sour. But initially, lets give people the benefit of the doubt. If thats too much to ask of you, this isn't the place for you.
  7. POST, OFTEN. MCu has been designed to be intentionally small. We don't want a lot of characters, rather we want a lot of posts. No one benefits from one person having 12 characters as odds are that those twelve characters won't all post in any given month, some likely won't ever post which means any time spent on their app was a waste of staff time that could have been spent elsewhere. As such we ask that for each character you have, two posts per month are required. And for each additional character, an addition two posts are expected. Thus if you have three characters, we expect six posts per month per character. It is our hope that by encouraging low character counts, we can court high post counts and threads will move along vs dying due to neglect.
  8. POSTING ORDER, RESPECT IT. Posting orders are inherently confusing to put it mildly, because of this we ask that all posting order happen alphabetically after the first round is complete. Our site will logically order and maintain a thread's posting order in alphabetical fashion by character codename as an assist, but we feel it's easier for everyone to remember and anticipate who has, who will, and who is next to post when the posting order is easily comprehended. So, unless the posting order is conversation, meaning that whoever was last posted too has the first reply option (three days grace period) before anyone else tags-in, the order should always be alphabetical.
    • CONVERSATIONAL: A thread which has no definable order or rounds, rather it operates on a conversational premise in which the poster specifically tags the character thier character is addressing and that character has the option of first response which they can act on or forego allowing others to step in.
    • LOOSE: The wild west of thread types, there is no "set" order to this type of thread beyond allowing each participant the chance to post in a given round
    • RAPID-FIRE: In a rapid-fire, the three-day grace period is reduced to 24 hours to allow the thread to progress at faster then noraml pace. Rapid-fire threads are typically battle oriented.
    • STRICT: A thread which characters post in alpha-numerical order from 0-9 then proceeding on to A-Z. When the last character has posted. If the thread is part of a storyline and has an assigned thread-runner, they will write a general response addressing all actions which occurred over the last round, then the posting order repeats itself in alphanumerical order.
    NOTE: When it is your turn to post, you have a grace period of three days before it is considered to be fair game for another thread participant to tag in to continue the threads progression. If you are skipped, you can user out post insert tool to add a post into the round your character was skipped in. When inserting a post into a thread it can not conflict with or call for any changes to anything which has already been posted.
  9. QUALITY v. QUANTITY. Many sites state that they are an intermediate to advanced RPG, whatever that is, and whatever that is exactly we are not. We are a simple basic RPG for adults who want to have fun. We won't ask a lot of you when it comes to posting beyond that your proof your posts which includes checking the grammar to the best of your abilities and running a spell check to fix unintional typos that could completely change the intention of your post. Also, please avoid using internet slang and abbreviations like "LOL", "OMG", or "L33t". All posts should be written in the third-person past tense narrative. If writting in the third person past tense is problematic for you, you will be limited to one character until you prove that you write in the general site style.
  10. RULES LAWYERING, ANOTHER BIG DON'T. If you haven't met a rules lawyer, consider yourself lucky. A Rules Lawyer is a thread participant who attempts to subvert the rules of a site or game to either their advantage or that of their character by citing the letter of the law without reference to the game or sites spirit. They exploit typeos and grammatic mistakes to their advantage. To them, we say that we don't care how any particular rule is written, we care about the spirit, it's purpose and the intention of the rule, not the grammar, so, you know, don't be a jerk.
  11. SKIPPING. LET'T MOVE IT ALONG. If you are in a group thread and three days elapses without the character on deck posting, the next logical poster can then post to move things along. The skipped character is always welcome to insert a post into the thread where thier post would have gone if they hadn't been skipped so long as it does not conflict with anything already present within the thread. If a character skips twice, they will be dropped where a third skip would occur. Remember, we are RPing here, not playing jump rope.
  12. TAG WHEN NEEDED. While you won't have to tag always due to our site automations, there will be times when you will need to add or revise your tags. When it makes sense to do so, do so. We've built our systems so that when you hit reply to a thread, a lot happens including automatic tagging based on what is currently in motion. That said, nothing is infallible, so check to see who is going to be tagged, and if you see someone who should be included, or someone who is included that should no longer be included or has been by mistake, edit them out. Doing so will keep tags meaningful. Others will do this for you, and they expect you to do the same.

    As courtesy, you are well to tag members in out discord #tags channel.
  13. TIMESTAMPS, CHECK YOUR WATCH. A threads initial date, time, location, and weather are all set in the initial scene-set, this information is passed automatically from post-to-post with the time automatically incrimenting by at least two minutes per post. The site handles this time management for you so you don't have to worry about it, but pay attention to the time of day and such, the time is there for a reason.
  14. If someone apologizes, accept it and move on. As stated above, everyone makes mistakes. If someone has made a mistake and they apologize for that mistake. Please accept it and let the issue go. It does not one any good to nuture a grudge over an unintended slight. MCu is a space for adults to have fun, part of being an adult is knowning how to and being capable of resolving differences. If you are incapable of this, then MCu is not the place for you.
  15. SARCASM, WHY? Text based communication is a "toneless" environment, as such sarcasm typically does not translate well, hence it is best avoided as it can lead to unintentional slights and or confusion, so let's keep it off the Discord if, when possilbe.
  16. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people are not trying to offend you or upset you. If someone says or does something which you find that you have an issue with, please reach out to that person via private discord direct message (D/DM/DDM) and work to resolve the preceived slight in a respectful, adult manner. If you fail to attempt this, do not ask staff to intervene as we will ask to see the communication logs regarding attempted resolution before considering any actions.


Its a game, don't have a cow, and don't be a jerk.

Marvel Champions is a mature roleplay as noted by our site rating (3 | 3 | 3) which strives to be open and welcoming to those capable of conducting themselves in a mature, adult fashion and not given to excessive OOC drama. If you choose to join us, we will galdly welcome you, but we will also expect you to be capable of managing your personal shit and not sling it all about. If you're giving birth to a cow, get off the Discord and deal with it however you can, but don't drop that cow on us. We are here to have fun and to support one another. There is a difference between sharing a bad day, and being a jerk to others because you had a bad day.

  1. CONTENT. IT'S A SPICEY MEATBALL. We are adults here theoretically and as such, we should all be capable of handling adult language and mature subjects in general conversation. We aren't in your mom's kitchen. We aren't gabbing infront of a six year old. Conversation will at times be spicy, but it will also always be respectful to all those involved. That said, use your words, the F-bomb is not a verb, adjective, pronoun, etc. . The same can be said about flirtatious sexual language. Innuendo is one thing, but lets not turn the Discord into a blue light district.
  2. RESPECT. GIVE IT TO GET IT. This should go without being stated. We shouldn't have to state it. This should be a defacto understanding by all people. That stated, we will state this, often if you haven't already noticed, respect others and act accordingly. Most of us don't really know one another so it't not very likely that anyone is plotting against you. We like to think that our discord is a safe space for all. This means that we treat each other with respect, and we are free to say what we want and feel so long as it's not intentionally inflamatory or meant to outrage others. Hate speech and baiting are acceptable. We expect everyone to act in a civil adult manner, if you aren't capable of this, this likely isn't the right site for you.
  3. APPS. YOU SUBMITTED ONE, WE KNOW THIS. If you want to see the status of your character, it is always visible on the character app as to what stage it is in. At this time we are a staff of one, so please, know that we will get to your app as soon as posible cause we not only want you to RP with us, we want to RP with you too!

If you have any ideas of how we can improve this, let us know as our goal is to continually strive for the brass ring


We are still developing our ruleset. If you have any thoughts on them, please DM staff, we are open to revisions and help


Why? Because people don't like jerks, it's a fact!

Marvel Champions (MCu) strives to be a welcoming, freindly, inclusive community which sponsors a smart, progressive roleplay based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, we expect our members to conduct themselves as mature adults and to not willfully engage in deliberately hurtful behavior towards others. We do not endorse, nor will we tolerate zenophobic behavoir such as, but not limitied to homopobic, racist, transphobic, or any other forms of generalized hate speech or action; If you voted for or would vote for Donald Trump, we are likely not the right community for you.

Below you will find some simple easy to understand hard and fast rules for participation in the Marvel Champions community and roleplay.

  1. We ask that all members join our Discord. While we post all announcements and updates on our forum, we use our Discord as our primary form of communication.
  2. If your wrong, apologize. Everyone makes mistakes, this is something that we believe everyone can agree upon. If you make a mistake, intentionally or unintentionally, apologize for it, own it, and do what you can to rectify the mistake if possible. You will garner more respect for owning your mistakes then for digging in your heels and refuting that you made an mistake. And when apologizing, be sure to say the word "Sorry", state what you did and why it was wrong, what you intend to avoid making such mistakes in the future. Why? Because that's what an apology is, ownership, and accountability.
  3. If someone apologizes, accept it and move on. As stated above, everyone makes mistakes. If someone has made a mistake and they apologize for that mistake. Please accept it and let the issue go. It does not one any good to nuture a grudge over an unintended slight. MCu is a space for adults to have fun, part of being an adult is knowning how to and being capable of resolving differences. If you are incapable of this, then MCu is not the place for you.
  4. Saracasm, keep it off the public discord as sarcasm typically does not translate well into toneless text-based communications.
  5. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people are not trying to offend you or upset you. If someone says or does something which you find that you have an issue with, please reach out to that person via private discord direct message (D/DM/DDM) and work to resolve the preceived slight in a respectful, adult manner. If you fail to attempt this, do not ask staff to intervene as we will ask to see the communication logs regarding attempted resolution before considering any actions.

So, in summary,
don't be a jerk.

See: Will Wheaton's Law for details


Why? Because everyone should feel welcome.

In large sites, it's natural that cliques will form, and if we get large we expect that cliques will form, it's only natural. Different people gravitate to different people for various reasons, usually due to shared mutual interestes or life experiences and thats ok. What's not ok is excluding others. All people should always be welcome, and to that end our primary requirement is that everyone RPs with some one they haven't before - our automated systems will keep track of this so we will all know. If you happen to have managed to RP with everyone, then aks yourself who you haven't RPd with in a while and reach out to them. Participation is key here.
If you think what you are doing is wrong, or that you are "getting away with something", you probably are doing something wrong, and sooner or later, we'll catch on and it will then be "catch you later" as we show you to the door. So don't cheat.

  1. ACTIVTY? MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THIS BOX Unlike other sites, we use personalized 30 day rolling activity checks based on your character's approval date. This means that if your character was approved on the 12th, they have until the 30th of the following month to met their activity check. If they fail, that's ok as we use the checks to rate players. We use Activity Sweeps to determine when characters should be pulled due to lack of posting and participation. That means we look at a character and a handlers posting habits and rates over a three-to-six month period. Its about the long term, not the short term. So long as the general average passes muster, all is good. Note that if you don't post for three out of six months, 50% of the activity sweep, that will be taken into account in the sweep. Consistency post quanity are both evaluated - our goal is for active characters, not lots of chair fillers in the nosebleed seats.
  2. CHARACTER BLEED This should go without saying, but you the handler are not your character. Please keep this in mind at all times, you are not your character. While you might be in on board-wide plot and schemes, your character will not be privy to that same information and play accordingly. Do not be offended if someone else doesn't like your character. You. Aren't. Your. Character. What happens in character, stays in character. If you have a problem with another player, take it to PMs or off-site. The only drama welcome is the kind that which happens in-character that we can read while munching popcorn.
  3. FAULT-FINDING. DON'T YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO? We can't say this enough. Everyone makes mistakes, its a simple fact. We all get by on the grace of others because we are all of us, imperfect people, and are bound to make an unintentional mistep from time-to-time. If someone fails to mention your character in a particular post for instance, don't have a cow, likely it was an oversite. Lets all give people the benefit of the doubt. If something continually happens, document it, communicate with the whomever you feel made a mistake, assuming its not just a once or twice occurance, and try to work out the issue without personalizign it. Remmber we are all adults here, and hopefully we are all friends here first, and friends talk things out.
  4. GOD MODDING, DON'T. God-modding is when you attempt to write another character's actions or reframe them within the context of your post so as to negate or alter what the character being god-modded had intended. If you are found to be doing this you will receive a surprising warning in that we will re-write some of your posts to really really really screw your character over and we will expect you to roleplay out the aftermath of that god-modding, or, you will be asked to leave. Some sites use carrots and sticks where god-modding is concerned, we use great big bolders, so play fair, don't make us have to be jerks because you're a jerk.
  5. MISTAKES Pt 1. OWN THEM. If you make a mistake, or someone objects to something you have done, right or wrong, apologize for whatever slight was caused. Then try to work it out. determine an agreeable course of action with whomever and so long as it's reasonable, do it. If something seems unreasonable to you, then reach out to staff for advice on how to proceed.
  6. MISTAKES Pt 2. DON'T HAVE A COW. If someone misteps, it's likely unintentional and that should be the assumption. Judge people less on what they say and more what they do as actions speak louder and clearer than words. This is a trueism, you know why? Because it's its true. We are, all of us, revealed by our actions. Someone can say they don't hold grudges, but you can look at their behavior over a period of time and you might see that they do. So with that perspective, when someone misteps, lets take it as being that, a mistep, not an intentional slight. If it continues over time, then we'll check the milk to see if it's sour. But initially, lets give people the benefit of the doubt. If thats too much to ask of you, this isn't the place for you.
  7. POST, OFTEN. MCu has been designed to be intentionally small. We don't want a lot of characters, rather we want a lot of posts. No one benefits from one person having 12 characters as odds are that those twelve characters won't all post in any given month, some likely won't ever post which means any time spent on their app was a waste of staff time that could have been spent elsewhere. As such we ask that for each character you have, two posts per month are required. And for each additional character, an addition two posts are expected. Thus if you have three characters, we expect six posts per month per character. It is our hope that by encouraging low character counts, we can court high post counts and threads will move along vs dying due to neglect.
  8. POSTING ORDER, RESPECT IT. Posting orders are inherently confusing to put it mildly, because of this we ask that all posting order happen alphabetically after the first round is complete. Our site will logically order and maintain a thread's posting order in alphabetical fashion by character codename as an assist, but we feel it's easier for everyone to remember and anticipate who has, who will, and who is next to post when the posting order is easily comprehended. So, unless the posting order is conversation, meaning that whoever was last posted too has the first reply option (three days grace period) before anyone else tags-in, the order should always be alphabetical.
    • CONVERSATIONAL: A thread which has no definable order or rounds, rather it operates on a conversational premise in which the poster specifically tags the character thier character is addressing and that character has the option of first response which they can act on or forego allowing others to step in.
    • LOOSE: The wild west of thread types, there is no "set" order to this type of thread beyond allowing each participant the chance to post in a given round
    • RAPID-FIRE: In a rapid-fire, the three-day grace period is reduced to 24 hours to allow the thread to progress at faster then noraml pace. Rapid-fire threads are typically battle oriented.
    • STRICT: A thread which characters post in alpha-numerical order from 0-9 then proceeding on to A-Z. When the last character has posted. If the thread is part of a storyline and has an assigned thread-runner, they will write a general response addressing all actions which occurred over the last round, then the posting order repeats itself in alphanumerical order.
    NOTE: When it is your turn to post, you have a grace period of three days before it is considered to be fair game for another thread participant to tag in to continue the threads progression. If you are skipped, you can user out post insert tool to add a post into the round your character was skipped in. When inserting a post into a thread it can not conflict with or call for any changes to anything which has already been posted.
  9. QUALITY v. QUANTITY. Many sites state that they are an intermediate to advanced RPG, whatever that is, and whatever that is exactly we are not. We are a simple basic RPG for adults who want to have fun. We won't ask a lot of you when it comes to posting beyond that your proof your posts which includes checking the grammar to the best of your abilities and running a spell check to fix unintional typos that could completely change the intention of your post. Also, please avoid using internet slang and abbreviations like "LOL", "OMG", or "L33t". All posts should be written in the third-person past tense narrative. If writting in the third person past tense is problematic for you, you will be limited to one character until you prove that you write in the general site style.
  10. RULES LAWYERING, ANOTHER BIG DON'T. If you haven't met a rules lawyer, consider yourself lucky. A Rules Lawyer is a thread participant who attempts to subvert the rules of a site or game to either their advantage or that of their character by citing the letter of the law without reference to the game or sites spirit. They exploit typeos and grammatic mistakes to their advantage. To them, we say that we don't care how any particular rule is written, we care about the spirit, it's purpose and the intention of the rule, not the grammar, so, you know, don't be a jerk.
  11. SKIPPING. LET'T MOVE IT ALONG. If you are in a group thread and three days elapses without the character on deck posting, the next logical poster can then post to move things along. The skipped character is always welcome to insert a post into the thread where thier post would have gone if they hadn't been skipped so long as it does not conflict with anything already present within the thread. If a character skips twice, they will be dropped where a third skip would occur. Remember, we are RPing here, not playing jump rope.
  12. TAG WHEN NEEDED. While you won't have to tag always due to our site automations, there will be times when you will need to add or revise your tags. When it makes sense to do so, do so. We've built our systems so that when you hit reply to a thread, a lot happens including automatic tagging based on what is currently in motion. That said, nothing is infallible, so check to see who is going to be tagged, and if you see someone who should be included, or someone who is included that should no longer be included or has been by mistake, edit them out. Doing so will keep tags meaningful. Others will do this for you, and they expect you to do the same.

    As courtesy, you are well to tag members in out discord #tags channel.
  13. TIMESTAMPS, CHECK YOUR WATCH. A threads initial date, time, location, and weather are all set in the initial scene-set, this information is passed automatically from post-to-post with the time automatically incrimenting by at least two minutes per post. The site handles this time management for you so you don't have to worry about it, but pay attention to the time of day and such, the time is there for a reason.
  14. If someone apologizes, accept it and move on. As stated above, everyone makes mistakes. If someone has made a mistake and they apologize for that mistake. Please accept it and let the issue go. It does not one any good to nuture a grudge over an unintended slight. MCu is a space for adults to have fun, part of being an adult is knowning how to and being capable of resolving differences. If you are incapable of this, then MCu is not the place for you.
  15. SARCASM, WHY? Text based communication is a "toneless" environment, as such sarcasm typically does not translate well, hence it is best avoided as it can lead to unintentional slights and or confusion, so let's keep it off the Discord if, when possilbe.
  16. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people are not trying to offend you or upset you. If someone says or does something which you find that you have an issue with, please reach out to that person via private discord direct message (D/DM/DDM) and work to resolve the preceived slight in a respectful, adult manner. If you fail to attempt this, do not ask staff to intervene as we will ask to see the communication logs regarding attempted resolution before considering any actions.


Its a game, don't have a cow, and don't be a jerk.

Marvel Champions is a mature roleplay as noted by our site rating (3 | 3 | 3) which strives to be open and welcoming to those capable of conducting themselves in a mature, adult fashion and not given to excessive OOC drama. If you choose to join us, we will galdly welcome you, but we will also expect you to be capable of managing your personal shit and not sling it all about. If you're giving birth to a cow, get off the Discord and deal with it however you can, but don't drop that cow on us. We are here to have fun and to support one another. There is a difference between sharing a bad day, and being a jerk to others because you had a bad day.

  1. CONTENT. IT'S A SPICEY MEATBALL. We are adults here theoretically and as such, we should all be capable of handling adult language and mature subjects in general conversation. We aren't in your mom's kitchen. We aren't gabbing infront of a six year old. Conversation will at times be spicy, but it will also always be respectful to all those involved. That said, use your words, the F-bomb is not a verb, adjective, pronoun, etc. . The same can be said about flirtatious sexual language. Innuendo is one thing, but lets not turn the Discord into a blue light district.
  2. RESPECT. GIVE IT TO GET IT. This should go without being stated. We shouldn't have to state it. This should be a defacto understanding by all people. That stated, we will state this, often if you haven't already noticed, respect others and act accordingly. Most of us don't really know one another so it't not very likely that anyone is plotting against you. We like to think that our discord is a safe space for all. This means that we treat each other with respect, and we are free to say what we want and feel so long as it's not intentionally inflamatory or meant to outrage others. Hate speech and baiting are acceptable. We expect everyone to act in a civil adult manner, if you aren't capable of this, this likely isn't the right site for you.
  3. APPS. YOU SUBMITTED ONE, WE KNOW THIS. If you want to see the status of your character, it is always visible on the character app as to what stage it is in. At this time we are a staff of one, so please, know that we will get to your app as soon as posible cause we not only want you to RP with us, we want to RP with you too!

If you have any ideas of how we can improve this, let us know as our goal is to continually strive for the brass ring


We are still developing our ruleset. If you have any thoughts on them, please DM staff, we are open to revisions and help


Why? Because people don't like jerks, it's a fact!

Marvel Champions (MCu) strives to be a welcoming, freindly, inclusive community which sponsors a smart, progressive roleplay based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, we expect our members to conduct themselves as mature adults and to not willfully engage in deliberately hurtful behavior towards others. We do not endorse, nor will we tolerate zenophobic behavoir such as, but not limitied to homopobic, racist, transphobic, or any other forms of generalized hate speech or action; If you voted for or would vote for Donald Trump, we are likely not the right community for you.

Below you will find some simple easy to understand hard and fast rules for participation in the Marvel Champions community and roleplay.

  1. We ask that all members join our Discord. While we post all announcements and updates on our forum, we use our Discord as our primary form of communication.
  2. If your wrong, apologize. Everyone makes mistakes, this is something that we believe everyone can agree upon. If you make a mistake, intentionally or unintentionally, apologize for it, own it, and do what you can to rectify the mistake if possible. You will garner more respect for owning your mistakes then for digging in your heels and refuting that you made an mistake. And when apologizing, be sure to say the word "Sorry", state what you did and why it was wrong, what you intend to avoid making such mistakes in the future. Why? Because that's what an apology is, ownership, and accountability.
  3. If someone apologizes, accept it and move on. As stated above, everyone makes mistakes. If someone has made a mistake and they apologize for that mistake. Please accept it and let the issue go. It does not one any good to nuture a grudge over an unintended slight. MCu is a space for adults to have fun, part of being an adult is knowning how to and being capable of resolving differences. If you are incapable of this, then MCu is not the place for you.
  4. Saracasm, keep it off the public discord as sarcasm typically does not translate well into toneless text-based communications.
  5. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people are not trying to offend you or upset you. If someone says or does something which you find that you have an issue with, please reach out to that person via private discord direct message (D/DM/DDM) and work to resolve the preceived slight in a respectful, adult manner. If you fail to attempt this, do not ask staff to intervene as we will ask to see the communication logs regarding attempted resolution before considering any actions.

So, in summary,
don't be a jerk.

See: Will Wheaton's Law for details


Why? Because everyone should feel welcome.

In large sites, it's natural that cliques will form, and if we get large we expect that cliques will form, it's only natural. Different people gravitate to different people for various reasons, usually due to shared mutual interestes or life experiences and thats ok. What's not ok is excluding others. All people should always be welcome, and to that end our primary requirement is that everyone RPs with some one they haven't before - our automated systems will keep track of this so we will all know. If you happen to have managed to RP with everyone, then aks yourself who you haven't RPd with in a while and reach out to them. Participation is key here.
If you think what you are doing is wrong, or that you are "getting away with something", you probably are doing something wrong, and sooner or later, we'll catch on and it will then be "catch you later" as we show you to the door. So don't cheat.

  1. ACTIVTY? MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THIS BOX Unlike other sites, we use personalized 30 day rolling activity checks based on your character's approval date. This means that if your character was approved on the 12th, they have until the 30th of the following month to met their activity check. If they fail, that's ok as we use the checks to rate players. We use Activity Sweeps to determine when characters should be pulled due to lack of posting and participation. That means we look at a character and a handlers posting habits and rates over a three-to-six month period. Its about the long term, not the short term. So long as the general average passes muster, all is good. Note that if you don't post for three out of six months, 50% of the activity sweep, that will be taken into account in the sweep. Consistency post quanity are both evaluated - our goal is for active characters, not lots of chair fillers in the nosebleed seats.
  2. CHARACTER BLEED This should go without saying, but you the handler are not your character. Please keep this in mind at all times, you are not your character. While you might be in on board-wide plot and schemes, your character will not be privy to that same information and play accordingly. Do not be offended if someone else doesn't like your character. You. Aren't. Your. Character. What happens in character, stays in character. If you have a problem with another player, take it to PMs or off-site. The only drama welcome is the kind that which happens in-character that we can read while munching popcorn.
  3. FAULT-FINDING. DON'T YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO? We can't say this enough. Everyone makes mistakes, its a simple fact. We all get by on the grace of others because we are all of us, imperfect people, and are bound to make an unintentional mistep from time-to-time. If someone fails to mention your character in a particular post for instance, don't have a cow, likely it was an oversite. Lets all give people the benefit of the doubt. If something continually happens, document it, communicate with the whomever you feel made a mistake, assuming its not just a once or twice occurance, and try to work out the issue without personalizign it. Remmber we are all adults here, and hopefully we are all friends here first, and friends talk things out.
  4. GOD MODDING, DON'T. God-modding is when you attempt to write another character's actions or reframe them within the context of your post so as to negate or alter what the character being god-modded had intended. If you are found to be doing this you will receive a surprising warning in that we will re-write some of your posts to really really really screw your character over and we will expect you to roleplay out the aftermath of that god-modding, or, you will be asked to leave. Some sites use carrots and sticks where god-modding is concerned, we use great big bolders, so play fair, don't make us have to be jerks because you're a jerk.
  5. MISTAKES Pt 1. OWN THEM. If you make a mistake, or someone objects to something you have done, right or wrong, apologize for whatever slight was caused. Then try to work it out. determine an agreeable course of action with whomever and so long as it's reasonable, do it. If something seems unreasonable to you, then reach out to staff for advice on how to proceed.
  6. MISTAKES Pt 2. DON'T HAVE A COW. If someone misteps, it's likely unintentional and that should be the assumption. Judge people less on what they say and more what they do as actions speak louder and clearer than words. This is a trueism, you know why? Because it's its true. We are, all of us, revealed by our actions. Someone can say they don't hold grudges, but you can look at their behavior over a period of time and you might see that they do. So with that perspective, when someone misteps, lets take it as being that, a mistep, not an intentional slight. If it continues over time, then we'll check the milk to see if it's sour. But initially, lets give people the benefit of the doubt. If thats too much to ask of you, this isn't the place for you.
  7. POST, OFTEN. MCu has been designed to be intentionally small. We don't want a lot of characters, rather we want a lot of posts. No one benefits from one person having 12 characters as odds are that those twelve characters won't all post in any given month, some likely won't ever post which means any time spent on their app was a waste of staff time that could have been spent elsewhere. As such we ask that for each character you have, two posts per month are required. And for each additional character, an addition two posts are expected. Thus if you have three characters, we expect six posts per month per character. It is our hope that by encouraging low character counts, we can court high post counts and threads will move along vs dying due to neglect.
  8. POSTING ORDER, RESPECT IT. Posting orders are inherently confusing to put it mildly, because of this we ask that all posting order happen alphabetically after the first round is complete. Our site will logically order and maintain a thread's posting order in alphabetical fashion by character codename as an assist, but we feel it's easier for everyone to remember and anticipate who has, who will, and who is next to post when the posting order is easily comprehended. So, unless the posting order is conversation, meaning that whoever was last posted too has the first reply option (three days grace period) before anyone else tags-in, the order should always be alphabetical.
    • CONVERSATIONAL: A thread which has no definable order or rounds, rather it operates on a conversational premise in which the poster specifically tags the character thier character is addressing and that character has the option of first response which they can act on or forego allowing others to step in.
    • LOOSE: The wild west of thread types, there is no "set" order to this type of thread beyond allowing each participant the chance to post in a given round
    • RAPID-FIRE: In a rapid-fire, the three-day grace period is reduced to 24 hours to allow the thread to progress at faster then noraml pace. Rapid-fire threads are typically battle oriented.
    • STRICT: A thread which characters post in alpha-numerical order from 0-9 then proceeding on to A-Z. When the last character has posted. If the thread is part of a storyline and has an assigned thread-runner, they will write a general response addressing all actions which occurred over the last round, then the posting order repeats itself in alphanumerical order.
    NOTE: When it is your turn to post, you have a grace period of three days before it is considered to be fair game for another thread participant to tag in to continue the threads progression. If you are skipped, you can user out post insert tool to add a post into the round your character was skipped in. When inserting a post into a thread it can not conflict with or call for any changes to anything which has already been posted.
  9. QUALITY v. QUANTITY. Many sites state that they are an intermediate to advanced RPG, whatever that is, and whatever that is exactly we are not. We are a simple basic RPG for adults who want to have fun. We won't ask a lot of you when it comes to posting beyond that your proof your posts which includes checking the grammar to the best of your abilities and running a spell check to fix unintional typos that could completely change the intention of your post. Also, please avoid using internet slang and abbreviations like "LOL", "OMG", or "L33t". All posts should be written in the third-person past tense narrative. If writting in the third person past tense is problematic for you, you will be limited to one character until you prove that you write in the general site style.
  10. RULES LAWYERING, ANOTHER BIG DON'T. If you haven't met a rules lawyer, consider yourself lucky. A Rules Lawyer is a thread participant who attempts to subvert the rules of a site or game to either their advantage or that of their character by citing the letter of the law without reference to the game or sites spirit. They exploit typeos and grammatic mistakes to their advantage. To them, we say that we don't care how any particular rule is written, we care about the spirit, it's purpose and the intention of the rule, not the grammar, so, you know, don't be a jerk.
  11. SKIPPING. LET'T MOVE IT ALONG. If you are in a group thread and three days elapses without the character on deck posting, the next logical poster can then post to move things along. The skipped character is always welcome to insert a post into the thread where thier post would have gone if they hadn't been skipped so long as it does not conflict with anything already present within the thread. If a character skips twice, they will be dropped where a third skip would occur. Remember, we are RPing here, not playing jump rope.
  12. TAG WHEN NEEDED. While you won't have to tag always due to our site automations, there will be times when you will need to add or revise your tags. When it makes sense to do so, do so. We've built our systems so that when you hit reply to a thread, a lot happens including automatic tagging based on what is currently in motion. That said, nothing is infallible, so check to see who is going to be tagged, and if you see someone who should be included, or someone who is included that should no longer be included or has been by mistake, edit them out. Doing so will keep tags meaningful. Others will do this for you, and they expect you to do the same.

    As courtesy, you are well to tag members in out discord #tags channel.
  13. TIMESTAMPS, CHECK YOUR WATCH. A threads initial date, time, location, and weather are all set in the initial scene-set, this information is passed automatically from post-to-post with the time automatically incrimenting by at least two minutes per post. The site handles this time management for you so you don't have to worry about it, but pay attention to the time of day and such, the time is there for a reason.
  14. If someone apologizes, accept it and move on. As stated above, everyone makes mistakes. If someone has made a mistake and they apologize for that mistake. Please accept it and let the issue go. It does not one any good to nuture a grudge over an unintended slight. MCu is a space for adults to have fun, part of being an adult is knowning how to and being capable of resolving differences. If you are incapable of this, then MCu is not the place for you.
  15. SARCASM, WHY? Text based communication is a "toneless" environment, as such sarcasm typically does not translate well, hence it is best avoided as it can lead to unintentional slights and or confusion, so let's keep it off the Discord if, when possilbe.
  16. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people are not trying to offend you or upset you. If someone says or does something which you find that you have an issue with, please reach out to that person via private discord direct message (D/DM/DDM) and work to resolve the preceived slight in a respectful, adult manner. If you fail to attempt this, do not ask staff to intervene as we will ask to see the communication logs regarding attempted resolution before considering any actions.


Its a game, don't have a cow, and don't be a jerk.

Marvel Champions is a mature roleplay as noted by our site rating (3 | 3 | 3) which strives to be open and welcoming to those capable of conducting themselves in a mature, adult fashion and not given to excessive OOC drama. If you choose to join us, we will galdly welcome you, but we will also expect you to be capable of managing your personal shit and not sling it all about. If you're giving birth to a cow, get off the Discord and deal with it however you can, but don't drop that cow on us. We are here to have fun and to support one another. There is a difference between sharing a bad day, and being a jerk to others because you had a bad day.

  1. CONTENT. IT'S A SPICEY MEATBALL. We are adults here theoretically and as such, we should all be capable of handling adult language and mature subjects in general conversation. We aren't in your mom's kitchen. We aren't gabbing infront of a six year old. Conversation will at times be spicy, but it will also always be respectful to all those involved. That said, use your words, the F-bomb is not a verb, adjective, pronoun, etc. . The same can be said about flirtatious sexual language. Innuendo is one thing, but lets not turn the Discord into a blue light district.
  2. RESPECT. GIVE IT TO GET IT. This should go without being stated. We shouldn't have to state it. This should be a defacto understanding by all people. That stated, we will state this, often if you haven't already noticed, respect others and act accordingly. Most of us don't really know one another so it't not very likely that anyone is plotting against you. We like to think that our discord is a safe space for all. This means that we treat each other with respect, and we are free to say what we want and feel so long as it's not intentionally inflamatory or meant to outrage others. Hate speech and baiting are acceptable. We expect everyone to act in a civil adult manner, if you aren't capable of this, this likely isn't the right site for you.
  3. APPS. YOU SUBMITTED ONE, WE KNOW THIS. If you want to see the status of your character, it is always visible on the character app as to what stage it is in. At this time we are a staff of one, so please, know that we will get to your app as soon as posible cause we not only want you to RP with us, we want to RP with you too!

If you have any ideas of how we can improve this, let us know as our goal is to continually strive for the brass ring