CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Conflict Automated Resolution System

Below is a collection of thoughts regarding the automated result system we are developing.

Waiting for results can kill a story or a site. Imagine if results could be given spontaniousily? Thats the promise of an Automated Conflict Resolution system can do, and if you rearrange the order of the words a little bit, you have get a C.A.R., and like a car if its well fuelled, it can go really fast because we removed all the speed bumps, aka those long periods of waiting for the mods and admins to give us the results. This is what we are working on.

NOTES AND THOUGHTS: Currently we have settled on a system of character stats; Body, Mind, and Fate. Body represents a characters physicality, Mind represents a characters mentality, and Fate represens a characters more abstract qualities.

FATE: Power, Luck, Health & Fighting,

BODY: Strength, Speed, Durability & Agility,

MIND: Willpower, Reason, Psyche & Intuition.

To this we also have power level, character threat level, as well as character categories, etc. And yes it might sone a bit confusing to consider, but the site itself will handle it all providing optional results which handlers are free to use or discard as they see fit.

We are currently developoing an automatic resolution system which will draw on your characters stats which will take in various factors to help set a level playing field based on character attributes and environmental circumstances.
contested action (resisted)
improbable bad/good happening
probable good/bad happening
overbear - x3 the person oppossing

Conflict Automated Resolution System

Below is a collection of thoughts regarding the automated result system we are developing.

Waiting for results can kill a story or a site. Imagine if results could be given spontaniousily? Thats the promise of an Automated Conflict Resolution system can do, and if you rearrange the order of the words a little bit, you have get a C.A.R., and like a car if its well fuelled, it can go really fast because we removed all the speed bumps, aka those long periods of waiting for the mods and admins to give us the results. This is what we are working on.

NOTES AND THOUGHTS: Currently we have settled on a system of character stats; Body, Mind, and Fate. Body represents a characters physicality, Mind represents a characters mentality, and Fate represens a characters more abstract qualities.

FATE: Power, Luck, Health & Fighting,

BODY: Strength, Speed, Durability & Agility,

MIND: Willpower, Reason, Psyche & Intuition.

To this we also have power level, character threat level, as well as character categories, etc. And yes it might sone a bit confusing to consider, but the site itself will handle it all providing optional results which handlers are free to use or discard as they see fit.

We are currently developoing an automatic resolution system which will draw on your characters stats which will take in various factors to help set a level playing field based on character attributes and environmental circumstances.
contested action (resisted)
improbable bad/good happening
probable good/bad happening
overbear - x3 the person oppossing

Conflict Automated Resolution System

Below is a collection of thoughts regarding the automated result system we are developing.

Waiting for results can kill a story or a site. Imagine if results could be given spontaniousily? Thats the promise of an Automated Conflict Resolution system can do, and if you rearrange the order of the words a little bit, you have get a C.A.R., and like a car if its well fuelled, it can go really fast because we removed all the speed bumps, aka those long periods of waiting for the mods and admins to give us the results. This is what we are working on.

NOTES AND THOUGHTS: Currently we have settled on a system of character stats; Body, Mind, and Fate. Body represents a characters physicality, Mind represents a characters mentality, and Fate represens a characters more abstract qualities.

FATE: Power, Luck, Health & Fighting,

BODY: Strength, Speed, Durability & Agility,

MIND: Willpower, Reason, Psyche & Intuition.

To this we also have power level, character threat level, as well as character categories, etc. And yes it might sone a bit confusing to consider, but the site itself will handle it all providing optional results which handlers are free to use or discard as they see fit.

We are currently developoing an automatic resolution system which will draw on your characters stats which will take in various factors to help set a level playing field based on character attributes and environmental circumstances.
contested action (resisted)
improbable bad/good happening
probable good/bad happening
overbear - x3 the person oppossing