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The Boy Scout (Triumphant)

You had a dream; I have a plan.

SUMMARY: FC/; The first X-Men, Cyclops possess the powerful mutant abilities, athletic prowse, and advanced close-quarters combat skills with exception leadership abilities equal to that of Captain America. He is visually distinctive in his dress due to his need to constantly wear ruby quartz lens to control his optic blasts. A born leader, he is the likely successor to the mantle of his mentor Professor X, and the chosen leader of the X-Men

name: Summers, Scott Christopher occupation: Administrator / Adventurer
playby: Chad James Buchanan alias: Eric The Red
type: Fc orientation: Heterosexual
legal record: No Criminal Record CLASS: epsilon / f0001e5-t06
DOB: August 17th, 1973 40 yrs
relationship: Dating X
POB: Anchorage, Alaska HEADQUARTERS: Xavier Institute
height + weight: 6'2" | 198 lbs lb. hair + eyes: brown /
religion: Christian team: X-Men
sokovia accords: no registration act: no
waiver: Nothing long-term damaging to the character; RATING: 3 | 3 | 3
tbd/tbd Acquaintance ; Parents of Jean Grey (Marvel Girl/Psyche)
tbd/tbd Angel Teammate ;
tbd/tbd Colossus Teammate ;
tbd/tbd Havok Teammate ;
tbd/tbd Iceman Teammate ;
tbd/tbd Polaris Teammate ;
tbd/tbd Psyche Dating ;
xPhone 3 Smart Phone; A sophisticated smart-phone the equal of Apple's iPhone or the Stark's SMART SX smart phone. The xPhone 3 can perform all the same basic capabilities of any other smart phone on the market. In addition to being able to make calls, text messaging, internet browsing, running apps (all apps regardless of OS configuration/needs), superior security and 64 byte encryption, the xPhone THREE can act like a portable Cerebro covering an area of 100 yards; The xPhone 3 also includes a homing beacon.
Built in the form of a watch, a mini-cerebro can do anything that a smartwatch can do from telling time to taking dictation or finding your car. It can also detect mutants within a limited area of effect by detecting unique genetic algorithms inherent to mutants. It can also identify a specific mutant if their brainwave pattern has been uploaded to the device or it itself has scanned the sought mutant prior.
The golden colored visored mask Cyclops wears to prevent random discharge is lined with powdered ruby-quartz crystal. It incorporates two longitudinally mounted flat lenses which can lever inward providing a constantly variable exit slot of 0 inches to .79 inches in height and a constant width of 5.7 inches. The inverted clamshell mechanism is operated by a twin system of miniature electrical motors. As a safety factor, there is a constant positive closing pressure provided by springs. The mask itself is made of high-impact cycolac plastic. There is an overriding finger-operated control mechanism on either side of the mask, and normal operation is through a flat micro-switch installed at the base of the thumb on each glove of his uniform.
It is a belt with things in it including a taser, mini-Cerebro, keys to the X-Men SR-71 Blackbird, and a coin purse.
Power Control Due to a traumatic head injury as a child, Cyclops is unable to control his optical blasts. Without his visor, Cyclops' optic blasts would run wild. The only way he can hold back the flow of energy is with the use of a ruby quartz visor or by tightly closing his eyes, leaving him effectively blind.
Ruby Quartz The unique refractive properties inherent to ruby quartz, a material which resonates on the molecular scale at the same frequency as Zygon own energy is immune to any and all effects of vers optic blasts.
Low Self-Worth While presenting as a classic alpha-man, Cyclops is plagued by negative thoughts and self-criticisms which cause him to focus on his negative aspects while ignoring his personal achievements. The evolution of his stoic persona, a social mask he uses to hide much of his personal shame, sadness, doubt, depression, anxiety, and anger with the world can be traced back to the loss of his parents and the brain damage which necessitates his constant wearing of a ruby quartz visor.
Charismatic Zygon just seems to have that special magnetic charm or appeal about him. There is just something about him that people just can't seem to resist. Quantum seems to have a personal attractiveness or interestingness that is based on public speaking skills and positive manners.
Conviction Zygon has an understanding of the criminal mind and behavior, either from studies or first-hand observation.
Disciplined Zygon is a disciplined young man, both mentally and physically. This allows him keep his mind sharp and his body in reasonable physical condition.
Hard-to-Kill Simply put, the Zygon is incredibly difficult to kill. Even when he should have been blow to bits, he has what some might call an annoying habit of surviving... somehow; This merit tends to come into play when dealing with explosions or potentially hazardous environments, but may apply to other circumstances.
Leadership Cyclops has the respect of all other team members to the extent that these members rely on Quantum to lead them, be it in battle or generally in times or pursuit or crisis. him therefore has bucket Loads of logical thinking, strategy and charisma.
Perfect Teeth The result of years of brushing, flossing, rinsing, dental visits, myriad tooth cleanings, and good genetics, Cyclops has what most would consider to be perfectly straight white teeth without a single flaw or cavity.
Test Merit Edited Revised test edit description for cyclops
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Energy Resistance Given vers capacity to convert ambient cosmic energies, XXXheXXX has a limited resistance to similar based energies. And damage taken is half what it would otherwise have been. XXXheXXX is absolutely immune to any energy based attack by XXXcgReflexiveXXX, XXXhisXXX brother, or another relative. This is a commonly occurring quirk in mutation that safeguards similar genetic sequences against those of XXXhisXXX family.
When Cyclops channels energy through his optic apertures, it creates a ruby red stream of raw cosmic concussive force. This optic blasts range, height, width, and impact usually vary and with focus of his visor. Naturally without a visor and on instinct Scott’s blast is a raw cone shaped emission of uncontrollable concrete shattering and earth scorching concussive force. The force itself is without heat, but much like a lazer, the friction caused by the rotating actions of the energy molecules can light a candle, set flammable substances a blaze, or burn through steal; Repeated non-lethal blasts will create mild burns/rashes, or contact blisters. With the aid of his visor, Cyclops can narrow his optic beam to the overall circumference of a pencil over a distance of over two-thousand feet, or emit a blast that grows ninety feet wide with a force of five-hundred pounds of pressure per square inch. He has ruptured carbon steel with ease and can indent titanium with single blasts. His max force and output however has never been demonstrated as he often holds back. He has blown military grade tanks apart suggesting that one of his optic blasts is more powerful than a Hulk punch. * Using the full force of his optic blasts runs the possible risk of damaging his visor.
Possessing an uncanny understanding of mathematics, Zygon is able to apply this understanding in tandem with his primary mutation: His optic blasts. This mathematic understanding allows him to instinctively take into account his surroundings and the objects within. With a reflexive judgment of only a few seconds he can gauge the trajectory between shots allowing him rebound or bank his optic blasts off various surfaces. With planning he can manage trick shots by focusing beams into complex arrays rebounding off of multiple surfaces before impacting their intended target; This ability can also assist with other skills such as hand-to-hand combat or piloting various vessels.
Blackbird (SR-71 Jet) Also known as the "X-Jet", Cyclops is one of the main pilots of the Blackbird. The jet is based on a modified, scaled-up version of the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird spy plane (hence the name) but was modified to carry several passengers, as well as for Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL).

Travel Radius: 6,100 miles (9,760 km)
Maximum Velocity (at sea level): Mach 2.3 (1,770 mph / 2,832 kph)
Maximum Velocity (at 120,000 feet): Mach 4.2 (3,234 mph / 5,175 kph)
Service Ceiling: 230,000 feet (69,000 meters)
Maximum Rate of Climb: 29.5 miles per minute
Onboard Equipment: Pressurized cabin, Cerebro
Onboard Weaponry: The SR-71 was designed as a spy plane, sacrificing weaponry for surveillance equipment.
Weight (unloaded, including fuel): 125,000 lbs (56,800 kg)
Weight (at maximum capacity): 145,000 lbs (65,900 kg)
Maximum Cargo: 20,000 lbs (9,100 kg)
Financial Resources Cyclops maintains a small personal checking account from which he regularly receives disbursements from for his services to the Xavier Institute (X-Men). His annual stipend is the equivalent of 128k per year; He has an accrued total of 764k in investment funds which are managed by the xTrust.
First Aid Scott is a trained first responder specializing in childhood development. As such she is skilled in administering emergency medical first aid and battlefield triage as well as diagnosis, treatment, and long-term care equal to that of any EMT.
Languages Cyclops is capable of reading and writing in one or more languages in addition to their native tongue.
Philosophy The science of the nature of things, generally the fundamental beliefs as they come to be conceptualized and formulated, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. It compromises logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology. This skill also includes theology, the study of the nature of God, His relationship with humanity and with the world, and religious truths. RESEARCH - The science of finding and validating of information as being factual. He can easily navigate a microfiche, microcards, databases and libraries with ease. Likewise, the are incredibly efficient at sifting through and retrieving relevant information and pertinent facts from the irrelevant.
Assessment Zygon can accurately judge the difficulty of many tasks and judge the abilities of others. If he take a full exchange to analyze a person or task, he can learn the difficulty of a task or one ability or intensity score about an individual.
Mediation A skilled arbiter, the character is skilled in the intervention of and resolution of disputes.
Librarianship Zygon understands the importance of and curating of information into collections of specialized or technical information or materials, such as musical scores or computer documentation.
Research The science of finding and validating of information as being factual. the character can easily navigate a microfiche, microcards, databases and libraries with ease. Likewise, unknown are incredibly efficient at sifting through and retrieving relevant information and pertinent facts from the irrelevant.
Occult Lore Zygon has made extensive studies into the area of occult happenings, including: unexplained events and mysteries of the world, hauntings, and other manifestations of the spirit world.
ID: 000131-0:   Scott Summers was born in Anchorage, Alaska. At a young age, he and his family were involved in an airplane crash in which his mutant powers activated, and he suffered a head injury. Both he and his brother, Alex suffered amnesia from the event, and Scott was rendered unable to properly control his optic blasts..
ID: 000132-1:   Following the incident at the foster home, Scott and Alex were separated. Alex was relocated to another foster home while Scott was assigned to a state facility for observation and evaluation; He quickly escaped..
ID: 000133-2:   In his early years, Scott ran as petty criminal but was later rescued by Charles Xavier and became the first student of Xavier's School for gifted youngsters, and shortly after the leader of the X-men..
ID: 000134-3:   Cyclops takes the mantle of leadership for the X-Men on.Team. He was not snapped in the battle against Thanos..
ID: 000135-4:   The Snap, an event that wiped out half of all known life in the universe near instantly upon Thanos\' acquiring of the final infinity stone from the Vision during the Battle of Wakanda. There, armed with his insane belief that existence was on the verge of universal collapse, Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to dramatically reshape the universe by eliminating fifty percent of all intelligent life; Cyclops was among those who were not wiped out of existence by the mad Titan\'s actions. .
ID: 000136-5:   Following his escape, Scott fell in with a pretty rough crowd. He was rescued what might have been the life of a petty criminal by Professor Charles Xavier, becoming the first student of Xavier's School for gifted youngsters which would later become the Xavier Institute; There he was outfitted with a pair of ruby quartz glasses to help manage his mutant ability..