CONTENT WARNING!Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.
Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.
Our MCUv2 "Ultimate Skills & Talents" List, the "U" standing for "ultimate" represents a base of possiblities from which to create your characters skill list. The purpose of the list is to assist you when creating a character by giving you a categorized list of possiblities to look at, from which you can draw inspiration from to flesh out your character. Everything here is a starting point, of which you are encouraged to borrow as deeply from as you like — This list exists for the sole purpose of helping you polish your character, nothing less, nothing more.
If you are logged in to MCu, you will notice that all the descriptions will personalize themselves based on your personal description of yourself. If you have a character which you are currently actively working on, the descriptions will then personalize themselves to reflect your character. If you like a particular skill, you can instantly add it to your character with a single button click, and then you can further tailer it to your character until it's just right; If you have more than one character in the works, Captain Example will be used as a placeholder, all pronouns will be listed in the third person neutral.
With the advent of phase three coming, we will be creating an inherent combat resolution system to help members when they are drafting fights by providing character results which members may use or discard as they see fit. The main purpose for this is so that when a member is writing a reply, they can see how the results are playing out and can adapt and adjust their character actions based on the current situation.
E.G. Captain Example is in the midst of battle unaware that General NoGautnix has drawn a bead on him and hurled a dagger directly at his back with lethal intent! Luckily for Captain Example, their partner Miss Ida Rupting saw this and hurled a stack of books into the air between Captain Example's back and the venomous blade of the NoGautnix. Imma Next, an ally of Captain Example saw the general throw his blade, and witnessed it successfully interrupted by Ida's action, this allows Imma Next to continue to push their two-fisted actions towards the general rather than wasting a round trying to protect Captain Example when someone else already has; It will allow us to eliminate huge "respond-to-all-my-god-this-is-confusing" replies and hopefully free up bottlenecking caused by waiting on such time consuming replies.
When we start to bring this system online you will see that the descriptions here will start to list skill mechanics, noting the kinds of bonuses a character might gain with any particular listed skill or talent.
If you are logged into the site, and have a character indevelopment, you will see a button with the that character's name on it. Click that button, and the skill and description will automatically be added to your character. You can then tailor the description to fit your character exactly.
the secret ID part of the characters, giving them realistic professions. In the old system it was taken that the character with Medicine talent was a podiatrist/surgeon/pediatrics/oncologist etc. Now, there are talent categories and these break down further into the specific talents. Taking multiple talents in one category can enhance and have positive effects in Reason FEAT bonuses or even resource bonuses. More on that later.
With detailed talents such as these, not only can the character's origin be given depth but it adds history to the player, allowing him to be unlike anyone else; i.e. Iron Man, Reed Richards, Dr. Doom and Box are all considered as having engineering talent in the old system. Booooring. Any avid reader knows that all four men use their talents in different ways. Using the Ultimate Talents List system allows your character to blast off into a specific science or skill, mastering that field much like Dr. Henry Pym, the discoverer and user of Pym Particles.
Of course, not all Marvel sciences or talents are covered since some are very secreted and known by few people like the aforementioned Doctor Pym (who has Physics-Pym Particle Physics) or the scientist who has Earth Sciences-Metallurgy-mastering the science of creating adamantium and first concocted that powerful substance. That's where your player's imagination comes in, the Ultimate Talents List just gives a better basis for growing.
Skills are divided into 25 categories: Agriculture, Alternative Sciences, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Crime, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Fighting, General, Humanities, Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Mental, Mystic, Research, Occult, Other, Physics, Piloting, & Weapons. Each category describes traits specific to one aspect of a character.
As noted above, a skill (or talent) represents a measureable area of chararacter expertise of an approved character. What this means is that if your character is a Grand Prix race car driver, then they would have the drive skill denoting they are a skilled driver, if they are not a Grand Prix race car driver, or the equivlant there too, don't bother listing the skill; Some characters may have no skills, and that's ok. Mechanics-wise, a skill provides a bump (column shift bonus) to any skill-based action.
All skils must be justified by the character's backstory, meaning that while the backstory might not specifically, if the character is a bio-chemist, we expect that character history will reflect this point. Perhaps they went to college, maybe they were a chemistry nerd in highschool who was really really intrigued by the ingredient discription on the back of the box of Wheaties. Whatever the reason and motivation for learning the skill or developing the talent must be present in the character history.
Below is a list of 234 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into =SITE_ABBR;?>, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly ...
* We know that our ultimate list of skills is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!
Our MCUv2 "Ultimate Skills & Talents" List, the "U" standing for "ultimate" represents a base of possiblities from which to create your characters skill list. The purpose of the list is to assist you when creating a character by giving you a categorized list of possiblities to look at, from which you can draw inspiration from to flesh out your character. Everything here is a starting point, of which you are encouraged to borrow as deeply from as you like — This list exists for the sole purpose of helping you polish your character, nothing less, nothing more.
If you are logged in to MCu, you will notice that all the descriptions will personalize themselves based on your personal description of yourself. If you have a character which you are currently actively working on, the descriptions will then personalize themselves to reflect your character. If you like a particular skill, you can instantly add it to your character with a single button click, and then you can further tailer it to your character until it's just right; If you have more than one character in the works, Captain Example will be used as a placeholder, all pronouns will be listed in the third person neutral.
With the advent of phase three coming, we will be creating an inherent combat resolution system to help members when they are drafting fights by providing character results which members may use or discard as they see fit. The main purpose for this is so that when a member is writing a reply, they can see how the results are playing out and can adapt and adjust their character actions based on the current situation.
E.G. Captain Example is in the midst of battle unaware that General NoGautnix has drawn a bead on him and hurled a dagger directly at his back with lethal intent! Luckily for Captain Example, their partner Miss Ida Rupting saw this and hurled a stack of books into the air between Captain Example's back and the venomous blade of the NoGautnix. Imma Next, an ally of Captain Example saw the general throw his blade, and witnessed it successfully interrupted by Ida's action, this allows Imma Next to continue to push their two-fisted actions towards the general rather than wasting a round trying to protect Captain Example when someone else already has; It will allow us to eliminate huge "respond-to-all-my-god-this-is-confusing" replies and hopefully free up bottlenecking caused by waiting on such time consuming replies.
When we start to bring this system online you will see that the descriptions here will start to list skill mechanics, noting the kinds of bonuses a character might gain with any particular listed skill or talent.
If you are logged into the site, and have a character indevelopment, you will see a button with the that character's name on it. Click that button, and the skill and description will automatically be added to your character. You can then tailor the description to fit your character exactly.
the secret ID part of the characters, giving them realistic professions. In the old system it was taken that the character with Medicine talent was a podiatrist/surgeon/pediatrics/oncologist etc. Now, there are talent categories and these break down further into the specific talents. Taking multiple talents in one category can enhance and have positive effects in Reason FEAT bonuses or even resource bonuses. More on that later.
With detailed talents such as these, not only can the character's origin be given depth but it adds history to the player, allowing him to be unlike anyone else; i.e. Iron Man, Reed Richards, Dr. Doom and Box are all considered as having engineering talent in the old system. Booooring. Any avid reader knows that all four men use their talents in different ways. Using the Ultimate Talents List system allows your character to blast off into a specific science or skill, mastering that field much like Dr. Henry Pym, the discoverer and user of Pym Particles.
Of course, not all Marvel sciences or talents are covered since some are very secreted and known by few people like the aforementioned Doctor Pym (who has Physics-Pym Particle Physics) or the scientist who has Earth Sciences-Metallurgy-mastering the science of creating adamantium and first concocted that powerful substance. That's where your player's imagination comes in, the Ultimate Talents List just gives a better basis for growing.
Skills are divided into 25 categories: Agriculture, Alternative Sciences, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Crime, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Fighting, General, Humanities, Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Mental, Mystic, Research, Occult, Other, Physics, Piloting, & Weapons. Each category describes traits specific to one aspect of a character.
As noted above, a skill (or talent) represents a measureable area of chararacter expertise of an approved character. What this means is that if your character is a Grand Prix race car driver, then they would have the drive skill denoting they are a skilled driver, if they are not a Grand Prix race car driver, or the equivlant there too, don't bother listing the skill; Some characters may have no skills, and that's ok. Mechanics-wise, a skill provides a bump (column shift bonus) to any skill-based action.
All skils must be justified by the character's backstory, meaning that while the backstory might not specifically, if the character is a bio-chemist, we expect that character history will reflect this point. Perhaps they went to college, maybe they were a chemistry nerd in highschool who was really really intrigued by the ingredient discription on the back of the box of Wheaties. Whatever the reason and motivation for learning the skill or developing the talent must be present in the character history.
Below is a list of 234 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into =SITE_ABBR;?>, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly ...
* We know that our ultimate list of skills is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!
Our MCUv2 "Ultimate Skills & Talents" List, the "U" standing for "ultimate" represents a base of possiblities from which to create your characters skill list. The purpose of the list is to assist you when creating a character by giving you a categorized list of possiblities to look at, from which you can draw inspiration from to flesh out your character. Everything here is a starting point, of which you are encouraged to borrow as deeply from as you like — This list exists for the sole purpose of helping you polish your character, nothing less, nothing more.
If you are logged in to MCu, you will notice that all the descriptions will personalize themselves based on your personal description of yourself. If you have a character which you are currently actively working on, the descriptions will then personalize themselves to reflect your character. If you like a particular skill, you can instantly add it to your character with a single button click, and then you can further tailer it to your character until it's just right; If you have more than one character in the works, Captain Example will be used as a placeholder, all pronouns will be listed in the third person neutral.
With the advent of phase three coming, we will be creating an inherent combat resolution system to help members when they are drafting fights by providing character results which members may use or discard as they see fit. The main purpose for this is so that when a member is writing a reply, they can see how the results are playing out and can adapt and adjust their character actions based on the current situation.
E.G. Captain Example is in the midst of battle unaware that General NoGautnix has drawn a bead on him and hurled a dagger directly at his back with lethal intent! Luckily for Captain Example, their partner Miss Ida Rupting saw this and hurled a stack of books into the air between Captain Example's back and the venomous blade of the NoGautnix. Imma Next, an ally of Captain Example saw the general throw his blade, and witnessed it successfully interrupted by Ida's action, this allows Imma Next to continue to push their two-fisted actions towards the general rather than wasting a round trying to protect Captain Example when someone else already has; It will allow us to eliminate huge "respond-to-all-my-god-this-is-confusing" replies and hopefully free up bottlenecking caused by waiting on such time consuming replies.
When we start to bring this system online you will see that the descriptions here will start to list skill mechanics, noting the kinds of bonuses a character might gain with any particular listed skill or talent.
If you are logged into the site, and have a character indevelopment, you will see a button with the that character's name on it. Click that button, and the skill and description will automatically be added to your character. You can then tailor the description to fit your character exactly.
the secret ID part of the characters, giving them realistic professions. In the old system it was taken that the character with Medicine talent was a podiatrist/surgeon/pediatrics/oncologist etc. Now, there are talent categories and these break down further into the specific talents. Taking multiple talents in one category can enhance and have positive effects in Reason FEAT bonuses or even resource bonuses. More on that later.
With detailed talents such as these, not only can the character's origin be given depth but it adds history to the player, allowing him to be unlike anyone else; i.e. Iron Man, Reed Richards, Dr. Doom and Box are all considered as having engineering talent in the old system. Booooring. Any avid reader knows that all four men use their talents in different ways. Using the Ultimate Talents List system allows your character to blast off into a specific science or skill, mastering that field much like Dr. Henry Pym, the discoverer and user of Pym Particles.
Of course, not all Marvel sciences or talents are covered since some are very secreted and known by few people like the aforementioned Doctor Pym (who has Physics-Pym Particle Physics) or the scientist who has Earth Sciences-Metallurgy-mastering the science of creating adamantium and first concocted that powerful substance. That's where your player's imagination comes in, the Ultimate Talents List just gives a better basis for growing.
Skills are divided into 25 categories: Agriculture, Alternative Sciences, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Crime, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Fighting, General, Humanities, Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Mental, Mystic, Research, Occult, Other, Physics, Piloting, & Weapons. Each category describes traits specific to one aspect of a character.
As noted above, a skill (or talent) represents a measureable area of chararacter expertise of an approved character. What this means is that if your character is a Grand Prix race car driver, then they would have the drive skill denoting they are a skilled driver, if they are not a Grand Prix race car driver, or the equivlant there too, don't bother listing the skill; Some characters may have no skills, and that's ok. Mechanics-wise, a skill provides a bump (column shift bonus) to any skill-based action.
All skils must be justified by the character's backstory, meaning that while the backstory might not specifically, if the character is a bio-chemist, we expect that character history will reflect this point. Perhaps they went to college, maybe they were a chemistry nerd in highschool who was really really intrigued by the ingredient discription on the back of the box of Wheaties. Whatever the reason and motivation for learning the skill or developing the talent must be present in the character history.
Below is a list of 234 descriptions (and counting) to drawn on to help flesh out your character(s). If you are currently logged into =SITE_ABBR;?>, the descriptions will be personalized to you based on your user profile. If you have a character currently in the works, the descriptions will customize themselves to your character and a button will appear with the name of your character(s), click the button and the description will automatically be added to that character, you can then tailer the final description to match your character perfectly ...
* We know that our ultimate list of skills is far from exhaustive, and if we are being honest, it's not very ultimate-ish yet, but we are working on it, check back, frequently!
Description of category to come
Gardening:: Captain Example is a skilled horticulturalist who is fully capable of laying out and caring for of a plot of ground (garden) devoted partially or wholly to the growing of plants such as flowers, herbs, or vegetables. Gardens can range in scale from a flower box attached to an outdoor windowsill
to a fruit orchard, to the caring for a national park; Captain Example has a green thumb.
Description of category to come
Alternative Sciences::
Catastrophism:: The scientific belief system that attempts to pinpoint the end of the world, or at least major catastrophes that could signifantly alter man's or the universe's history.
Cryonics:: The pratice of freezing a dead diseased person in hopes of bringing him back in the future when the cure is found.
Paranormal Phenomena:: The study of Paranormal Phenomena from a scientific standpoint.
Parapsychology:: The study of psionics
Description of category to come
Astromechanics:: The practical contruction and execution of items for outerspace
Astronautics:: Also known as cosmonautics, it is the science of travel beyond Earth's atmosphere into outer space. Spaceflight is one of its main applications and space science its overarching field
Astrophotography:: Astrophotography, also known as astronomical imaging, is photography or imaging of astronomical objects, celestial events, and areas of the night sky
Astrophysics:: Deals with the chemical and physical composition of celestial matter
Radio Astronomy:: Astronomy dealing with electromagnetic radiations of radio frequency received from outside earth's atmosphere
Stellar Cartography:: Mapping space; Celestial cartography, Uranography, Astrography, or Star cartography is the fringe of astronomy and branch of cartography concerned with mapping stars, galaxies, and other astronomical objects on the celestial sphere. Measuring the position and light of charted objects requires a variety of instruments and techniques. These techniques have developed from angle measurements with quadrants and the unaided eye, through sextants combined with lenses for light magnification, up to current methods which include computer-automated space telescopes. Uranographers have historically produced planetary position tables, star tables, and star maps for use by both amateur and professional astronomers. More recently, computerized star maps have been compiled, and automated positioning of telescopes uses databases of stars and of other astronomical objects.
Description of category to come
Anatomy:: The branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts. Anatomy is a branch of natural science which deals with the structural organization of living things. It is an old science, having its beginnings in prehistoric times. Anatomy is inherently tied to developmental biology, embryology, comparative anatomy, evolutionary biology, and phylogeny, as these are the processes by which anatomy is generated, both over immediate and long-term timescales. Anatomy and physiology, which study the structure and function of organisms and their parts respectively, make a natural pair of related disciplines, and are often studied together. Human anatomy is one of the essential basic sciences that are applied in medicine.
Animal Behaviour:: The scientific study of animal behaviour, usually with a focus on behaviour under natural conditions, and viewing behaviour as an evolutionarily adaptive trait. Behaviourism as a term also describes the scientific and objective study of animal behaviour, usually referring to measured responses to stimuli or to trained behavioural responses in a laboratory context, without a particular emphasis on evolutionary adaptivity.[2] Throughout history, different naturalists have studied aspects of animal behaviour. Ethology has its scientific roots in the work of Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and of American and German ornithologists of the late 19th and early 20th century,[citation needed] including Charles O. Whitman, Oskar Heinroth (1871–1945), and Wallace Craig. The modern discipline of ethology is generally considered to have begun during the 1930s with the work of Dutch biologist Nikolaas Tinbergen (1907–1988) and of Austrian biologists Konrad Lorenz and Karl von Frisch (1886–1982), the three recipients of the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Ethology combines laboratory and field science, with a strong relation to some other disciplines such as neuroanatomy, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Ethologists typically show interest in a behavioural process rather than in a particular animal group, and often study one type of behaviour, such as aggression, in a number of unrelated species.
Bio-Physics:: The application of physical principles to biological problems.
Biotechnology:: Application to biological and medical science of engineering principles or engineering equipment (as in the construction of artificial organs and bionics.
Botany:: The study of plant life.
Ecology:: The interrelationship of organisms and their environment.
Genetics:: A branch of biology dealing with hereditary and variation of organisms. Genetics allows the recognition of signs of genetic tampering, ability to note genetic abnormalities, and conduct genetic experiments or projects.
Immunology:: The science dealing with the phenomena and causes of immunity and immune responses.
Marine Biology:: The scientific study of the biology of marine life, organisms in the sea. Given that in biology many phyla, families and genera have some species that live in the sea and others that live on land, marine biology classifies species based on the environment rather than on taxonomy.
Micro Biology:: The study of microscopic forms of life.
Neurosciences:: Deals with nerves and nerve tissue and their relation to behavior and learning.
Parasitology:: The study of parasites on living creatures.
Pharmacology:: The science of drugs including materia medica, toxicology, and therapeutic.
Phenology:: The study of the reaction of species to environmental phenomenon.
Physiology:: Deals with the functions of living matter and of the physical and chemical phenomena.
Psychobiology:: The study of mental life and behavior in relation to other biological processes.
Radiobiology:: Deals with the interaction of biological systems and radiant energy or radioactive materials.
Synthetic biology:: The multidisciplinary area of research that seeks to create new biological parts, devices, and systems, or to redesign systems that are already found in nature. It is a branch of science that encompasses a broad range of methodologies from various disciplines, such as biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular biology, molecular engineering, systems biology, membrane science, biophysics, chemical and biological engineering, electrical and computer engineering, control engineering and evolutionary biology.
Xeno Biology:: A subfield of synthetic biology, the study of synthesizing and manipulating biological devices and systems.The name "xenobiology" derives from the Greek word xenos, which means "stranger, alien". Xenobiology is a form of biology that is not (yet) familiar to science and is not found in nature. In practice, it describes novel biological systems and biochemistries that differ from the canonical DNA–RNA-20 amino acid system (see central dogma of molecular biology). For example, instead of DNA or RNA, XB explores nucleic acid analogues, termed xeno nucleic acid (XNA) as information carriers.It also focuses on an expanded genetic code[4] and the incorporation of non-proteinogenic amino acids into proteins.
Zoology:: The branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct, and how they interact with their ecosystems. The term is derived from Ancient Greek zoion ('animal'), and logos ('knowledge', 'study').
Description of category to come
Grant Writing:: Captain Example is practiced grant writer. He knows the ins and outs and loopholes of completing the complex application process to obtain financial funding for their project, whatever it might be. They know how to find the right institution to obtain the right type of grant from the right source be it a government department, corporation, foundation, or trust...
Persuasion:: This talent provides the ability to convince someone to believe something or perform some action. Like Interrogation, a persuasion attempt normally requires 15 minutes.
Description of category to come
Alchemy:: A medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base elements into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life.
Biological Weapon:: A biological agent (also called bio-agent, biological threat agent, biological warfare agent, biological weapon, or bioweapon) is a bacterium, virus, protozoan, parasite, fungus, chemical, or toxin that can be used purposefully as a weapon in bioterrorism or biological warfare (BW).In addition to these living or replicating pathogens, toxins and biotoxins are also included among the bio-agents. More than 1,200 different kinds of potentially weaponizable bio-agents have been described and studied to date.
Chemical Engineering:: Engineering dealing with the industrial application of chemistry and development of new chemical technology.
Chemical Weapon:: A chemical weapon (CW) is a specialized munition that uses chemicals formulated to inflict death or harm on humans. According to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), "the term chemical weapon may also be applied to any toxic chemical or its precursor that can cause death, injury, temporary incapacitation or sensory irritation through its chemical action. Munitions or other delivery devices designed to deliver chemical weapons, whether filled or unfilled, are also considered weapons themselves".
Electrochemistry:: Deals with the relation of electricity to chemical changes and with the interconversion of chemical and electrical energy.
Organic Chemistry:: Deals with only chemical elements found occuring in natural substances.
Polymers:: The study of advanced chemical compounds to form other new materials.
Sonochemistry:: The effects of sonic energy on chemicals.
Spectroscopy:: Physics that deal with the theory and interpretation of interactions between matter and radiation.
Description of category to come
Camoflage:: Captain Example receives a bonus to actions when trying to camouflage equiptment, objects, and self. Requires a yellow Intuition FEAT for a person to find it.
Demolitions:: The Captain Example receives a bonus to Reason when figuring out the best applications for explosives, or the creation of home made explosives. Allows a good chance to blow the vault door off the wall without collapsing the back half of the building.
Disguise:: Disguise gives Captain Example a bonus to Intuition and Reason based actions relating to disguising. When a PC gets in disguise, two situations could come up. One is where the disguise only has to pass at a glance. In this situation, anyone having cause to notice rolls an opposed FEAT between his Intuition and the character's Reason (+1CS). The other situation is where the character must adopt mannerisms to go with the disguise (disguising voice, affecting a limp, etc.). The person the character is trying to fool must make an opposed action against Captain Example Intuition using either Reason or Intuition (whichever is higher). In either case, if the contested action fails, nothing is noticed.
Forgery:: Enables Captain Example to create excellent copies of a signature or work of art.
Intimidation:: Captain Example knows how to inspire fear in an opponent either through the use of threats, brute strength, or imposing size and gains a +1CS to Intimidation.
Pick Pocketing:: A form of larceny that allows Captain Example when in very close vecinity (physical contact required) to steal of money or other valuables from the person of another without them noticing the theft at the time.
Stealth:: Stealth is an Intuition based talent. It gives Captain Example a bonus (+1CS) to intuiton and requires others to make an Intuition Feat at the intensity of the stealthy character's modified intuition in order to spot the character. Any movement requires additional Stealth FEAT's, or the watchers get another roll to detect the character. Detective/Espionage DOES give a bonus to spotting Stealthy
Description of category to come
Anthropology:: Reason FEAT bonuses only if a specific culture is taken. However, an overview is known on the subject. More than one branch can be selected, each taking a talent slot.
Archaeology:: Reason FEAT bonuses only if a specific culture is taken. However, an overview is known on the subject. More than one branch can be selected, each taking a talent slot.
Cartography:: Enables a character ot draw and interpret maps and grants Captain Example receives a bonus (+1CS) to to all attempts.
Cognitive Sciences::
History:: This character can pick a specific branch of history to be an expert in (World War II, South African, Mayan, Neolithic) and Captain Example receives a bonus (+1CS) to Reason FEATs involving the branch. More than one branch can be selected, each taking a slot.
Music Cognition:: The study of musical development throughout human history. This does not automatically grant the character with the performer talent.
Philology (linguistics):: The study of human speech including the units, structure, modification of language. (Character gets to pick one language other than English to be fluent in.)
Psychology:: Captain Example receives a bonus (+1CS) to all FEATs involving the mind. A popular talent for those with mental powers. These character gain a +1CS on FEATs involving Mental Contact, Domination, Hypnosis, Emotion Control, and Mental Probe powers.
Description of category to come
Architecture:: +1CS in architecture FEATs.
Artificial Intelligence:: The study and research of man made thinking systems.
Computer Engineering:: The design and construction of computer hardware.
Electronic Counter Measures:: Enables a character to understand, operate, and detect the use of bugs, jammers, and decoders. +1CS to Reason in using them, Intuition for finding them.
Graphics Web designer:: advertising, printing product design and familiarity with the printing industry and various paper products and design tools.
Programming:: The creation and development of computer software.
Security and Encryption::
Virtual Reality:: An indepth knowledge of human's interaction with computer systems.
Description of category to come
Agriculture:: Deals with field crop production and soil management Also, a combination of the producing operations of a farm, the manufacture and distribution of supplies, and the processing distribution and storage of such supplies. The development and repair of farm equipment, irrigation systems and landscape planning. Can also include forestry, the science of developing,
caring for and cultivating forests and/or timberlands.
Earth Sciences::
Ecology:: Ecology is the study of living things and how they interact in an ecological system. With ecology, Captain Example gains a bonus (+1CS) to Reason to checks involving learning or reasoning out things about a natural balance, like what is throwing it off ("See this, the bugs are going wild on these plants...somewhere there must be a tremendous nest underground...somewhere..."). Will be an expert on most ecological situations, and may guess at alien ones also.
Geography:: Mapping the earth and its surface.
Geology:: Deals with the history of the earth and its life esp. in rocks.
Hydrology:: Deals with the properties, distribution, and circulation of water on the surface of the land, in the soil and rocks, and in the atmosphere.
Metallurgy:: The study of metal and its practical uses.
Meteorology:: Study of weather systems.
Oceanography:: Study of the oceans movements and effects on land and atmosphere.
Seismology:: The study of earth movement. Includes glaciology and volcanology.
Description of category to come
Astronautic Engineering:: This allows the character to design, build and modify out of atmosphere space craft. Characters with this talent get the benefit of having their projects cost -1CS less in resource ran k to build.
Automotive Engineering::
Aviation and Aeronautics:: This is not piloting. It is the understanding and development of flight principles and aircraft design. There are people who know how to build planes but not fly them. Characters with this Engineering talent get the benefit of having their projects cost -1CS less in resource rank to build.
Battlesuit Design:: This skill allows the character +1CS to design and build battlesuits, harnesses, etc.
Bionics:: Study of living systems with the intention of applying their principles to the design of engineering systems. Drawing on interdisciplinary research in the mechanical and life sciences, bionics has been used in audiovisual equipment based on human ear function, to design air and naval craft patterned after biological structure of birds and fish, and to incorporate principles of the human neurological system in data-processing systems. Another application has been the development of artificial limbs controlled by recognition of the electrical patterns in muscle tissue and direct electronic stimulation of the visual cortex via an implant and camera system. This talent allows the character the ability to design advanced cybernetic creations. With medicine/surgery, the character can actually perform surgery, allowing the construction of replacement organs, limbs, etc.
Civil Engineering:: Deals with roads, city works, water systems, overpasses, etc.
Cybernetics:: Study of living systems with the intention of applying their principles to the design of engineering systems. Drawing on interdisciplinary research in the mechanical and life sciences, bionics has been used in audiovisual equipment based on human ear function, to design air and naval craft patterned after biological structure of birds and fish, and to incorporate principles of the human neurological system in data-processing systems. Another application has been the development of artificial limbs controlled by recognition of the electrical patterns in muscle tissue and direct electronic stimulation of the visual cortex via an implant and camera system. This talent allows the character the ability to design advanced cybernetic creations. With medicine/surgery, the character can actually perform surgery, allowing the construction of replacement organs, limbs, etc.
Demolitions:: Precise knowledge of how to build, use and diffuse explosive devices.
Electrical Engineering::
Gadgetry:: Can build gadgetry, and recieve a +1CS to all FEATs involving them.
Identify Gadget:: Enables a character to Identify and use Gadgets but not build them. Alien technology results in -1CS to -5CS
Marine Engineering:: Includes the building of ships, submarines and underwater constructs.
Mechanical Engineering:: The character with talent is capable of building complex machines for an assortment of tasks.
Military Engineering::
Nuclear Engineering:: Deals with the construction and development of nuclear powered, manipulating and control devices.
Repair/Tinkering:: Modification of existing machines or equipment.
Robotics:: This skill allows a +1CS in dealing with Robotic construction, design, matianence, and theory. When used with the computer skill, the character can design AI constructions.
Structural Engineering:: This allows the character to design, build and modify structural complexes (buildings, bases, tunnels, mines, etc.) Building bases or hideouts are -1CS to effective cost of course.
Weapons Engineering:: Precise knowledge of how to build, use and modify guns, missiles and artillery. This talent does not include explosive devices. (see Demolitions.)
Weapons Tinkering:: Modification of existing weapons.
Acrobatics:: Captain Example with this Talent is very limber and as such gains advantages when under attack. Captain Example has a +1CS when dodging, evading, and escaping.
Aerial Combat:: This skill allows Captain Example receives a bonus (+1CS) to fighting when engages mid-air. The character has some knowledge of aerial tactics, and possesses keen ability to use such.
Climbing:: Allows you to climb trees, telephones , buildings cliffs, etc. +2CS to Agility when trying this. Failure can be painful.
Dodging:: +1CS to dodging
Gymnastics:: Enables Captain Example to perform flips, rolls, etc, and also allows Captain Example to juggle. This skill will readily impress a crowd and increase the popularity of the hero +2 every time he works it into a battle where popularity is available.
Martial Arts A:: This form of martial arts concentrates on using an opponent's strength against him, and is typical of oriental- American forms such as judo and karate. The practitioner of this type of martial arts can Stun or Slam an opponent regardless of their comparative Strengths and Endurances.
Martial Arts B:: This form of martial arts is keyed on offense and inflicting damage in short, quick bursts, and includes such disciplines as boxing. The practitioner of this form of martial arts gains a +1CS to Fighting ability when engaged in unarmed combat.
Martial Arts C:: This form of martial arts concentrates on holds and escapes. The practitioner of this form gains a +1CS to his Strength for Grappling attacks (including damage), a +1CS to Strength for Escaping and a +1CS to Agility for purposes of Dodging.
Martial Arts D:: This meditative form of martial arts searches out the weak spots of the opponent's defenses and strikes against them. The practitioner of this form of attack may ignore the effects of Body Armor for determining Stun and Slam results. The attack by the character with this Talent does not have to inflict damage to force a check for possible Stun and Slam. The disadvantage is that the target of this attack must be studied for two rounds before the effects may be brought into play. The character with this Talent does not have to attack the character, only watch him
in battle for two rounds previous to attacking.
Martial Arts E:: This form of martial arts encourages quick striking to catch the opponent off-guard. Heroes with this form of Martial Arts are at +1CS to initiative rolls in unarmed combat.
Martial Arts F:: This martial arts focuses on circular movements and deflecting. The character receives +1CS to strength for blocking and checks vs. Slams and Stuns. This form has no offensive applications, but instead keys in on defense by outlasting the opponent.
Martial Arts G:: This fighting form relies more on intuition than intelligence. The practitioner of this form can wait until all actions have been declared before he or she must declare an action. This is limited to melee fighting situations only, and cannot be used to state anything but a fighting oriented action.
Martial Arts H:: The martial artist has trained to have complete control and awareness of his body. He can use this martial art to apply a +2CS to Endurance for the purpose of healing lost health. Alternatively, he can apply a +2CS to endurance for the purposes of holding his/her breath underwater or under gas attacks, provided the martial artist does not move or attack while using
Martial Arts I:: This martial arts is very unique. It allows a teacher (sensei) to gain karma from the actions of his/her pupils. Captain Example with this martial art will gain 10% of karma gained from the student (s) and can channel their energies to allow a karma pool between himself and his student (s) even when the master is not nearby his student (s).
Martial Arts J:: This martial art involves using your surroundings to become an extension of yourself. The martial artist is totally aware of all furniture, props, natural objects etc in the surrounding area For example, slamming a refridgerator door on your opponent or pulling the carpet out from under their feet. The martial artist never needs to make a successful grab for any loose (not possessed by anyone) objects in the area while fighting despite being stressed. As well, any attacker must make a successful intuition feat. Failure means the attacker has struck a nearby item of the Martial Artist's choosing and may receive damage as per the rules on breaking things.
Martial Arts L:: This Martial Art focuses on sumo wrestling and absorbing/redirecting force. The so called "roll with the punches", this martial art allows Captain Example a +1CS to endurance for the purpose of checking for slam and stun results from slugfest combat only. This martial art can not be applied if the hero is blindsided.
Martial Arts M:: This Talent focuses on fighting, for the purpose of evading. Allow a +1CS column shift to fighting for determining the effects of evasion only.
Martial Arts O:: The martial artist has trained in the martial arts through it's original form, studying the movements of animals. The martial artist may apply a +1CS to the applicable ability (fighting for evading, strength for blocking etc.) for performing any offensive or defensive actions when fighting wild animals. Note: this martial art requires a talent feat.
Martial Arts Q:: The martial artist is trained as receving damage, such as breaking a wooden chair on his/her back without flinching. The martial artist must be standing still and requires a psyche feat. If these conditions are met, the martial artist will receive excellent body armour against blunt and slugfest attacks.
Martial Arts R:: The martial artist is trained to break objects with his body such as wood, bricks, blocks of ice, etc. Apply a +1CS to damage for the purpose of breaking inanimate objects only. This martial art can be combined with Martial arts N to allow a +2CS to damage for breaking things but all of the limitations of martial arts N still apply.
Martiall Arts N:: This martial Art involves putting all of your energy focused on to a single blow. An example would be a haymaker, or a long flying kick to finish an already shaky opponent. The good news is the effects of this attack are amplified. Apply a +1CS to damage rolled under the slugfest column. When the target is checking for effects the target must shift his endurance down -1CS for checking slams and stuns.
The Bad news is this attack requires a significant amount of timing and energy. The target is +1CS for evading this attack. As well, the martial artist must check for a red fighting feat. Failure indicates the attacker may not take any actions in the next round. As well, even if this feat is successful the attacker always loses initiative in the next combat round.
Quick-Striking:: Characters with this talent gain +1CS to Fighting FEATs involving trying for multiple attack rolls. Also gains a +1 on initiative rolls.
Thrown Objects:: Captain Example with this Talent gains a +1CS with all Throwing attacks, and +1CS on Catching. This applies to both thrown weapons and normal items. If Captain Example has the Thrown Weapons Talent as well, the modification is +2CS when using thrown weapons.
Tumbling:: Captain Example with this Talent knows how to fall and land without undue injury. Individuals with this Talent may make an Agility FEAT to land feet-first after any fall that does not inflict damage.
Underwater Combat:: The Skill allows Captain Example to operate in combat conditions without penality underwater. Furthermore Captain Example receives a bonus (+1CS) to all Fighting and Agility FEAT's whilst submerged
Wrestling:: The hero with this Talent is proficient in applying holds. It includes familiar types of wrestling as well as the sumo forms of the art. The hero with this Talent gains a +2CS when making Grappling attacks, but gains no benefit in damage. A hero with Martial Arts B and this Talent gains a +3CS to hit in a Grappling attack, and a +1CS for damage.
Description of category to come
Description of category to come
Ballistics:: Ballistics is the study of guns, knowing what bullet goes with what gun, where a shot could have come from, etc., etc. This is the kind of stuff you see TV detectives doing when they find powder burns and bullet holes. Captain Example receives a bonus Reason when trying to figure out these kinds of things.
Clue Analysis:: Captain Example receives a bonus to Intuition/Reason on gathering information on clues.
Counterfeit Recognition:: Captain Example receives a bonus to Intuition for identifying false signatures, money, art, etc. A failed roll means that the character believes its genuine.
Criminology:: Captain Example has an understanding of the criminal mind and behavior, either from studies or first-hand observation. Captain Example receives a bonus to all Reason and Intuition FEATs involving criminal practices.
Detective/Espionage:: Clue Analysis, Counterfeit recognition, identification System, Law, and Police Procedure. This character is trained to notice small clues to a crime,Captain Example receives a bonus all actions to find them; Eligible for a plot npc contact in this field
Forensics:: Forensic science, also known as criminalistics, is the application of science to criminal and civil laws, mainly—on the criminal side—during criminal investigation, as governed by the legal standards of admissible evidence and criminal procedure.
Interrogation:: Captain Example is well versed in extracting information from a subject gaining a +1CS to Interrogation.
Law:: A character with law gains +1CS to all FEATs involving law.
Law Enforcement:: Includes Gun and Law talents and the Police Procedure talent. If a characer is still with the Law Enforcement agency, he may carry a gun and make arrests legally.
Military:: Includes Camouflage, Cartography, Demolition, Electronic Countermeasures, guns, and Heavy Weapons and grants a +1CS to all military matters including army weapons. Gain one co ntact in the military.
Negotiations:: A negotiation is a strategic discussion that resolves an issue in a way that both parties find acceptable. In a negotiation, each party tries to persuade the other to agree with his or her point of view. By negotiating, all involved parties try to avoid arguing but agree to reach some form of compromise. Captain Example receives a bonus when addressing hostile situations.
Police Procedure:: The investigation of a crime in accordance of the law. This is a handy skill for vigilantes, as it will allow avoidance of both police conflict and security. For example; such a character could apprehend felons and gain access to a crime scene without being arrested.
Security:: This skill has two benefits. First, it affords Captain Example with a bonus (+1CS) to Reason to create or remove Security devices, provided the PC has the proper background or a high enough Reason to begin with. Second, the PC gets boost (+1CS) to Intuition for noticing installed security devices.
Tracking:: This skill allows you to track others and to cover your own trail with any earthbound target and through any type of terrain. When doing the tracking +1CS for tracking people +1CS for each person over one that you are tracking..
Acupuncture:: Description to come
Cardiology:: Description to come
Chiropractic:: Description to come
Dentistry:: Description to come
Emergency Medicine:: This character is capable of working in a trauma unit, emergency room or any other kind of immediate care.
First Aid:: This Talent grants the character the ability to immediately halt Endurance rank loss, the and the recovery of one rank immediately. In addition, the hero with this Talent can stabilize a dying character at Shift-0 Health up to 5 rounds after that character reaches that level.
Geriatrics:: Medical care for older people.
Obstetrics and Gynecology:: Women and babies and related problems.
Oncology:: The study of cancer.
Pathology:: The study of diseases and their nature.
Pediatrics:: Medicine for kids and childproof caps only the kids can open
Pharmacology:: THe study of drugs
Physical:: Therapy Description to come
Plastic Surgery:: Description to come
Psychiatry:: Deals with mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. Captain Example with this Talent has a background in studies of the mind, and as such gains a + 1CS on all FEATs involving the mind.
Radiology:: The use of radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Sports Medicine::
Surgery:: Allows Captain Example to repair extensive physical damage. Surgery skill gives you the ability to perform surgery and a +1CS to Reason FEATs while performing them. If the surgery is performed anywhere but a hospital type setting, the surgery is done at a -2CS. Extensive surgery on an Alien or other abnormal physiology there is also a -2CS. Surgery is very dangerous to the patient. If the Surgery is succesful the patient recieves twice his endurance points in health. If the surgery is unsuccessful the patient Loses three times his Endurance points. If the character reaches Shift-0 he may die. Completing a succesful surgery should be worth a lot of Karma.
Veterinary:: Taking care of animals medical needs.
Description of category to come
Bibliophile:: Captain Example has an extensive knowledge of magical books, scrolls, or other primarily informational items, and the lore concerning them. He has a +2CS when using or researching these.
Humoring Batman:: There are some people in this world that are so "special" that they require handling by someone with a very special pair of gloves, Captain Example posses those gloves and can tolerate the presence of Batman regardless of how broady he gets.
Hypnosis:: This talent is a primitive form of Mind Control at the Power rank number equal to the Reason of Captain Example with this Talent. Information can be gained as per a Mental Probe, and posthypnotic suggestions may be implanted within the victim's mind. Any attempt to force an individual to do something that he would not normally do, or divulge information that he not normally reveal, will cause the hypnotism to break. A hypnotic command fades in 1-10 hours after it is given.
Magics Reason:: FEAT to perform magical ceromonies. To do this you need knowledge of the ceremony (usually from a book), equiptment, and time. Time is 1d20 times 2 = rounds of spellcasting needed.
Puzzle Solving:: Captain Example is expert at solving puzzles and conundrums, be it a crossword puzzle or a crime-scene, whatever their area of expertise is, they are a master of it.
Resist Domination:: This permits Captain Example to resist mental attacks as if Captain Example had a mental power of Psyche +1CS.
Trance:: Captain Example may place himself into a trance. While in a trance Captain Example slows his body functions to such a level that he may be assumed to be deceased. A character in a trance reduces needs for food and water to a minimal level, and may regain Endurance ranks at one rank per day.
Description of category to come
Cryptozoology:: A pseudoscience and subculture that aims to prove the existence of entities from the folklore record, such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Yeti, the chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, or the Mokele-mbembe. Cryptozoologists refer to these entities as cryptids, a term coined by the subculture. Because it does not follow the scientific method, cryptozoology is considered a pseudoscience by mainstream science: it is neither a branch of zoology nor folklore studies. It was originally founded in the 1950s by zoologists Bernard Heuvelmans and Ivan T. Sanderson..
Demonologist:: Captain Example has studied accounts of demons in the Marvel Universe and he knows how dangerous and hostile they are. Captain Example receives a +1CS in any situation involving demons, including research, communication, identification and combat.
Mesmerism:: This talent is a primitive form of Mind Control at the Power rank number equal to the Reason of Captain Example with this skill. Information can be gained as per a Mental Probe, and posthypnotic suggestions may be implanted within the victim's mind. Any attempt to force an individual to do something that he would not normally do, or divulge information that he not normally reveal, will cause the mesmerism to break. A mesmer command fades in 1-10 hours after it is given.
Mystic Background:: This "Talent" shows that Captain Example has some background with magical forces. A character with this Talent may have Magical Powers, with the approval of the Judge.
Occult Lore:: Captain Example has made extensive studies into the area of occult happenings, including: unexplained events and mysteries of the world, hauntings, and other manifestations of the spirit world. He has a +2CS when researching or dealing with occult events.
Runesmith:: Captain Example is a transcriber and translator of runes, especially ancient, magical runes. Captain Example has a +2CS whenever studying, deciphering, or inscribing runes.
Scholar of Antiquities:: Captain Example has an extensive knowledge of antiques, especially ancient magical artifacts and lore concerning them. He gains a +2CS when dealing with them
Sleight of Hand:: Captain Example with this Talent may palm small items, making them appear or disappear with Agility +1CS ability.
Theogony:: Captain Example has a +2CS when researching information on the powerful extradimensional beings and gods of the Marvel
Zoologist of Magic:: Allows a +1CS when attempting to identify magical creatures and their powers.
Description of category to come
Accounting:: Accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial and non financial information about economic entities[1][2] such as businesses and corporations. Accounting, which has been called the "language of business" measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms "accounting" and "financial reporting" are often used as synonyms.
Actor:: This gives the ability to be used to disguise a character. An actor recieves a +1CS to all disguise attempts and opponents recieve a -1CS to seeing through the disguise
Animal Training:: This character may teach animals simple tricks. If Captain Example has animal communication, control, or empathy they recieve a +1CS
Artist:: Captain Example with an artist background creates works of art, either for himself or for sale to others. This includes painting, sculpting, and writing.
Business/Finance:: Captain Example is familiar with the world of business, corporate finance, and how money works. Initial resources are a minimum of Good, and Captain Example gains a +1CS for FEAT rolls dealing with money.
Escape Artist:: +1CS to strength in trying to escape holds or bonds.
Heir To A Fortune:: This is not a Talent, but a situation which brings Captain Example into a lot of money. The minimum Resources of a character with this Talent is Remarkable
Instructor:: Allows Captain Example to teach a particular ability, allowing students the learning bonus. The teacher is given the same bonus for instruction, and is profficent (+1CS) in a particular skill
Journalism:: Hero gains 2 additional contacts in the media
Leadership:: Captain Example with this talent is a natural born leader. If this Ctd style=em haracter forms akarma pool with a team then that pool receives a 50 point bonus, provided that this character is recognized as the team leader. When the leader leaves, the 50 points go with him. The leader does not gain them, they simply leave the pool. Only one leader per team.
Performer:: Captain Example is someone who acts, sings, dances, mimes, or otherwise uses his Talents to entertain.
Politics:: Being involved with politics in the public eye, you are either realy liked or really hated. If the charcter is already freindly you gain a +1CS in getting help, but if Captain Example is unfriendly or hostile you recieve an additional -1CS. You gain 2 contacts, Usually your chief supporter
Seduction:: Captain Example receives +1 to Persuasion attempts with members of the opposite sex
Sewing/Tailoring:: A tailor is a person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally, especially suits and men's clothing.
Streetsmart:: Character know the streets and how to survive theere. Character also gains 2 contacts at the street level
Student:: Similair to Heir to fortune, this talent may only be chosen at the start of play. The student character has no other initial talents, but may gain other talents at a discounted price.New talents cost 1000 karma points if learned from another player, 800 if learned from an outside source. Students may maintain Advancement totals for a Talent along with other forms of advancement funds.
Thief:: Allows the ability to picklocks, access security, and safecracking
Trivia:: Pick a subject to be a know-it-all about.
Writer:: Enables a character to produce novel, screenplays, comic books, poetry, coloring books. Takes at least a week to complete.
Description of category to come
Acoustics:: Deals with the study of noise control and Sonoluminescence, using sound to produce light in liquids.
Atomic Physics:: The study of solely atomic physics. Includes nuclear physics.
Cryogenics:: Deals with the production and effects of very low temperatures.
Energy/Particle:: Physics The study of the electromagnetic spectrum of energy and research into new power sources.
Mathematics:: Captain Example with this talent is a math whiz, unbelievably good with numbers and as such gets a plus +1CS to all problems that can be solved mathematically.
Quantum Physics:: Research and development into teleportation, worm holes, warp theory and other MARVELous ideas. Captain Example can even start off by creating a new specialty field. Counts as two talents.
Description of category to come
Aircraft:: Includes commercial jets, small planes and fighter jets.
Aircraft Stunt Pilot:: Includes commercial jets, small planes and fighter jets.
Automobile Racer:: +1CS to driving and controlling cars, trains, tanks, hovercrafts, etc.
Automobile Stunt Driver:: +1CS to driving and controlling cars, trains, tanks, hovercrafts, etc.
Boat:: Pilot +1CS to all FEATs involving sailboats, aircraft carriers, submarines, tugboats, and so on.
Helicopter:: A helicopter pilot manipulates the helicopter flight controls to achieve and maintain controlled aerodynamic flight.
Military Craft:: Includes tanks, jeeps and other off-road warcraft.
Spacecraft:: Includes space shuttles and out of atmosphere ships.
Submersibles:: Includes submarines, diving bells and other underwater vehicles.
Description of category to come
Battlesuit operation:: Captain Example gains the ability to use a battlesuit without penality. This ability, while not conferring a +CS, eliminates the -CS for using unfamiliar technology, new weapons systems, or new versions of said suit.
Blunt Weapons:: +1CS with Clubs, bats, etc.
Bows:: With this talent gain a +1CS, and may fire and reload in a single round. They may fire multiple arrows on a successful Agility FEAT. Without this talent -1CS to Agility to hit when using bows
Energy Weapons:: Captain Example gains a +1CS to using energy weapons, such as lasers, electrostun rifles, or plasma blasters, save for heavy weapons such as Laser Cannons and Vehicle Weapons.
Fencing:: The Fencing skill allows Captain Example +1CS for the use of fencing, and also allows for the skills of parrying, disarming, and quickstrikes with a successful Yellow Agility FEAT.
Guns/Firearms:: +1CS to all hand guns and Rifles.
Heavy Weapons:: Heavy Weapons allows Captain Example +1CS for the operation of most heavy weapons, including vehicular mounted weapons and tripod mounted weapons.
Marksmen:: +1CS to hit with any distance weapon that requires line of sight to hit, and marksman takes no penalty for range.
Oriental Weapons:: This grants Captain Example a +1CS to fighting or agility when using the following; Shurikens, crossbows, sais, and oriental swords and daggers.
Paired Weapons:: Description to come
Sharp Weapons:: +1CS to hit with swords, daggers and spears (unless thrown). Does not include Claws and other natural extensions
Thrown Weapons:: +1CS to Agility for Spears, disks, shurikens, snowballs, etc.
Weapons Master:: Character gains a +1CS to hit with any weapon that requires a Fighting FEAT to hit.
Weapons Specialist:: Character gains +2CS with a single weapon of choice. Character also recieves a +1 to initiative when using that weapon.