CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions (MCu) strives to be a welcoming, freindly, inclusive community which sponsors a smart, progressive roleplay based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, we expect our members to conduct themselves as mature adults and to not willfully engage in a deliberately hurtful behavior towards others. We do not endorse, nor will we tolerate zenophobic behavoir such as, but not limitied to homopobic, racist, transphobic, or any other forms of generalized hate speech or action; If you voted for or would vote for Donald Trump, we are likely not the right community for you.

Below you will find some simple hard and fast rules for membership to the Marvel Champions Universe.

  1. We ask that all members join our Discord. WHile we post all announcements and updates on our forum, we use our Discord as our primary form of communication.
  2. DON'T BE A JERK: MCu makes every reasonable effort possible to foster an open, inclusive, welcoming environment for mature adults. OIt is expected that all members of MCu will make every effort to help maintain this environment by being respectful of one another and acting in good faith
  3. IF YOUR WRONG APOLOGIZE: Everyone makes mistakes, this is something that we believe everyone can agree upon. If you make a mistake, intentionally or unintentionally, apologize for it, own it, and do what you can to rectify the mistake if possible. You will garner more respect for owning your mistakes then for digging in your heels and refuting that you made an mistake.
  4. DON'T HOLD A GRUDGE:If someone apologizes, accept it and move on. As stated above, everyne makes mistakes. If someone has made a mistake and they apologize for that mistake. Please accept it and let the issue go. It does not one any good to nuture a grudge over an unintended slight. MCu is a space for adults to have fun, part of being an adult is knowning how to and being capable of resolving differences. If you are incapable of this, then MCu is not the place for you.
  5. CONSIDER YOUR TONE: Saracasm, keep it off the public discord as sarcasm typically does not translate well into toneless text-based communications.
  6. TRUST OTHERS: Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people are not trying to offend you or upset you. If someone says or does something which you take issue with, first take stock of yourself and the previeced issue. Ask your self if you are over reacting. If you feel you justified in your beliefs, reach out (to that person first, not the staff) via private discord direct message (D/DM/DDM) and work to resolve the preceived slight in a respectful, adult manner. If you fail to attempt this, do not ask staff to intervene as we will ask to see the communication logs regarding attempted resolution before considering any actions; Failure to follow this policy will result in staff choosingnot to look into the issue.

So, in summary,


See: Will Wheaton's Law for details

Marvel Champions (MCu) strives to be a welcoming, freindly, inclusive community which sponsors a smart, progressive roleplay based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, we expect our members to conduct themselves as mature adults and to not willfully engage in a deliberately hurtful behavior towards others. We do not endorse, nor will we tolerate zenophobic behavoir such as, but not limitied to homopobic, racist, transphobic, or any other forms of generalized hate speech or action; If you voted for or would vote for Donald Trump, we are likely not the right community for you.

Below you will find some simple hard and fast rules for membership to the Marvel Champions Universe.

  1. We ask that all members join our Discord. WHile we post all announcements and updates on our forum, we use our Discord as our primary form of communication.
  2. DON'T BE A JERK: MCu makes every reasonable effort possible to foster an open, inclusive, welcoming environment for mature adults. OIt is expected that all members of MCu will make every effort to help maintain this environment by being respectful of one another and acting in good faith
  3. IF YOUR WRONG APOLOGIZE: Everyone makes mistakes, this is something that we believe everyone can agree upon. If you make a mistake, intentionally or unintentionally, apologize for it, own it, and do what you can to rectify the mistake if possible. You will garner more respect for owning your mistakes then for digging in your heels and refuting that you made an mistake.
  4. DON'T HOLD A GRUDGE:If someone apologizes, accept it and move on. As stated above, everyne makes mistakes. If someone has made a mistake and they apologize for that mistake. Please accept it and let the issue go. It does not one any good to nuture a grudge over an unintended slight. MCu is a space for adults to have fun, part of being an adult is knowning how to and being capable of resolving differences. If you are incapable of this, then MCu is not the place for you.
  5. CONSIDER YOUR TONE: Saracasm, keep it off the public discord as sarcasm typically does not translate well into toneless text-based communications.
  6. TRUST OTHERS: Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people are not trying to offend you or upset you. If someone says or does something which you take issue with, first take stock of yourself and the previeced issue. Ask your self if you are over reacting. If you feel you justified in your beliefs, reach out (to that person first, not the staff) via private discord direct message (D/DM/DDM) and work to resolve the preceived slight in a respectful, adult manner. If you fail to attempt this, do not ask staff to intervene as we will ask to see the communication logs regarding attempted resolution before considering any actions; Failure to follow this policy will result in staff choosingnot to look into the issue.

So, in summary,


See: Will Wheaton's Law for details

Marvel Champions (MCu) strives to be a welcoming, freindly, inclusive community which sponsors a smart, progressive roleplay based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, we expect our members to conduct themselves as mature adults and to not willfully engage in a deliberately hurtful behavior towards others. We do not endorse, nor will we tolerate zenophobic behavoir such as, but not limitied to homopobic, racist, transphobic, or any other forms of generalized hate speech or action; If you voted for or would vote for Donald Trump, we are likely not the right community for you.

Below you will find some simple hard and fast rules for membership to the Marvel Champions Universe.

  1. We ask that all members join our Discord. WHile we post all announcements and updates on our forum, we use our Discord as our primary form of communication.
  2. DON'T BE A JERK: MCu makes every reasonable effort possible to foster an open, inclusive, welcoming environment for mature adults. OIt is expected that all members of MCu will make every effort to help maintain this environment by being respectful of one another and acting in good faith
  3. IF YOUR WRONG APOLOGIZE: Everyone makes mistakes, this is something that we believe everyone can agree upon. If you make a mistake, intentionally or unintentionally, apologize for it, own it, and do what you can to rectify the mistake if possible. You will garner more respect for owning your mistakes then for digging in your heels and refuting that you made an mistake.
  4. DON'T HOLD A GRUDGE:If someone apologizes, accept it and move on. As stated above, everyne makes mistakes. If someone has made a mistake and they apologize for that mistake. Please accept it and let the issue go. It does not one any good to nuture a grudge over an unintended slight. MCu is a space for adults to have fun, part of being an adult is knowning how to and being capable of resolving differences. If you are incapable of this, then MCu is not the place for you.
  5. CONSIDER YOUR TONE: Saracasm, keep it off the public discord as sarcasm typically does not translate well into toneless text-based communications.
  6. TRUST OTHERS: Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people are not trying to offend you or upset you. If someone says or does something which you take issue with, first take stock of yourself and the previeced issue. Ask your self if you are over reacting. If you feel you justified in your beliefs, reach out (to that person first, not the staff) via private discord direct message (D/DM/DDM) and work to resolve the preceived slight in a respectful, adult manner. If you fail to attempt this, do not ask staff to intervene as we will ask to see the communication logs regarding attempted resolution before considering any actions; Failure to follow this policy will result in staff choosingnot to look into the issue.

So, in summary,


See: Will Wheaton's Law for details

*   When and were possible, we will try to make our acronym$apos;s funny and entertaining as well as being on point.