CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Whats Shawarma With You? 3 | 1 | 3

May, Wednesday 05, 2021: It has been three years since UN Embassy bombing in Vienna resulting in the deaths of several delegates including then-king of Wakanda T'Chaka; The Sokovia Accords have since been ratified. The Avengers who refuse to sign the Accords have been forced into "retirement" or declared "Persons of Interest" and warrants have been issued for their arrests. And keepign with the Accords, any known super-powered persons exceeding category tl-5 have been re- classified as WMDs and relocated to restricted campus for their protection.

Nick Fury retains control of S.H.I.E.L.D. following his skill handling of the attempted Hydra uprising which was quietly contained within the hangers of the Tiskeleon. Tony Stark continues to fund the Avengers and has relocated them to a renovated Stark facility in upperstate New York, Natasha Romanoff has assumed the mantle of leadership of the current Avengers lineup. Together they have begun begun the work in keeping with the Accords of making the world a safer place for all peoples of Earth as directed by the Accords; The primary duty of the Avengers, now known as the Innitiative, has become handling of WMD resistant to the Accords; The United States has begun discussions of a second, more specific national registration which would require a mandatory genetic screening at age birth and manual complaince with all people who have not so been tested.

However, not everyone has agreement with these proceedings, most noteably Steve Rogers who retiring from the Avengers has since become a very vocal descenter and activist protesting the the Accords. There have been rumors that he leads a team of super-powered "activists" who run interference when possible to prevent families from being split up by the actions of the Accords and the Innitiative. This group has been covertly with an as yet unidentified sympathier within the initiative from various Wakandan Embassies and a network of numerous underground safehouses (provided by an unknown sympathizer to their cause) to identify and find superpowered humans before S.H.I.E.L.D./Initiative is able to too those found into "protective custody".

From the sidelines, various groups and people of possible interest watch with growing interest ranging from academics like Professor Charles Xavier and the reclusive Doctor Henry McCoy to noted researchers like as Moira MacTaggert and Karl Lycos, revered evangelists such as the good Reverend William Stryker, to industrialists like Emma Frost and Boliar Trask and rising political stars such as Donald J. Trump.

Meanwhile, Asgard has relocated to the oceanside village of Tønsberg now renamed "New Asgard" in Norway in homage to their Asgardian heritage. They have begun the great task of building their great former realm now here on Earth, but the work goes slow as they have become distracted at times with their daliences with mortal Terrains.

DATE May, Wednesday 05, 2021
CLIME: Sunny
TEMP: 78°
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  2. Reach out to a member of staff to discuss a character, once an agreement is reached, you'll get a confirmation code which you can use to create your character.
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  4. Currently we are post Winter Soldier/pre-civil war. Mutatnts are on the horizon and things are a foot and the world awaits her champions!
AFTERNOON; Shawarma consists of meat cut into thin slices, stacked in a cone-like shape, and roasted on a slowly-turning vertical rotisserie or spit. Originally made with lamb or mutton, it is now also made of chicken, turkey, beef, or veal. Aside from being a popular Levantine dish, it also holds a unique place in the hearts of the founding members of the Avengers, especially in the case of the Shawarma Palace located in Times Square.

Formerly Bob's Burgers, the Palace was a little local restaurant which had become something of local landmark due to their relationship to the Avengers. The Avengers were not only the saviors of New York back on May 44th 2012, they had saved the Palace which like the Belcher's former burger joint had never quite found its footing. The Belcher's believed in serving simple dishes made from the finest locally sourced produce the city had to offer at reasonable prices, they were actually ahead of the food trends to come, but yet, somehow that wasn't enough, not for New York anyway. Their former restaurant hadn't been glitzy, their current restaurant was no glitzier either, although it did reflect more of their Greek heritage. No, the Belcher's 7th restaurant was destined to fail like the six prior, so much so that all Bob could do was sigh quietly when their store front literally crumbled before his eyes during the battle of New York, yet another casualty of the Chitauri Invasion.

It should have been the death nail in the Belcher's dreams of being a successful resturant.

And yet, it wasn't, just the opposite actually. As fate would have it, the Shawarma Palace became a symbol of New York's can do attitude thanks to the Avengers and local Daily Bugle intern Peter Parker who had snapped a picture of the Avengers supping in quiet solitude following the battle with Linda, Bob's wife refilling their their water glasses as Tina and Louise, the Belcher's daughters brought the Avengers what Bob thought would be the final dish they ever served.

But it wasn't.

In fact Iron Man, Hawkeye, Captain America, and the Black Widow all mentioned the Palace when interviewed regarding the events relating to the Battle for New York. Fortune it seemed, had finally smiled up on the Belcher's and their indomitable spirit which had somehow stood the test of time and tragedy.

The Avengers had saved New York.

They had saved the Shawarma Palace too. And now, the Palace served as the spot which the Avengers now met at on the anniversary of the Battle of New York.



sunny 78 °
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Bob Belcher:: The day had all the makings of another historic moment in the history of the Shawarma Palace, something which never proved to be a good sign. History had a track record of proving this time and time again sadly. Everything from inappropriate wanna be rock star Health Inspectors to persisting rumors of cannabalism to a landlord who had so little faith in their enterprise that he was continually marching prospective new tenants through their lunchtime rushes. And those were some of the good moments.

Presently there were only a few people in the Palace, a throng of would be patrons werre locked outside. Those inside include the Belchers, and a few other regulars, all of whom had promised to behave while the Avengers were present, and had some how managed to fanagle their way in on the promise that they would behave themselves. Those regulars present included the tenant to the left of Bob's Burgers storefront, Mr. Tician. Mr. Tician, Mort to his friends, was the proprietor and director of "It's Your Funeral". A funeral home and crematorium specializing in custom themed funerals & caskets whose store front display currently offered a special Avengers themed Funereal in memory of all those who had passed during the battle of New York. Mort had become a regular of Bob's following the rumors of the Palace substituing real human meat for Lamb. This wasn't true of course, much to Bob's dismay. Mort liked to regularily re-assure everyone of this fact out of fear that they might think he was the supplier. He did this so often the rumor would never die.

Next to Mort sat Teddy, a handiman of questionable talent who ate at the resturant everyday and was possibly Bob's best friend. He was most excited about seeing the Black Widow up close, Bob knew this to be true given Teddy's statement the day prior regarding the Russian gymnast when Teddy said "She's got interesting collar bones and a perfect forehead."

Secretely, Bob was praying Teddy would be struck by laringitize today.

Glancing up at the wall clock, Bob realized that the Avengers would be here shortly for their anniversary meal, commemorating the moment the Avengers realized they were a team. That had happened right here at Bob's if you could beleive it. He gathered his family together to give them a pep talk. What it lacked in pep, it made up for with huge helpings of liberally sprinkled instructions, most of which starting with the phrase "Don't, under any condition....". As always, his pep talk ended with his traditional re-affirmation of faith he held for his family, which went something like “Listen, All of you. That mean you too Louise. Listen you're my children and I love you. And WE, We love you. Really. We do. But, you're all terrible at what you do here and I feel like I should tell you. I'd fire all of you if I could.

A tired sigh followed these words as he buried his face momentarily in the sweaty palm of his hand. He was sweating. Was the air conditioning working he wondered as something high above sounded off with a tinnie echo — "clunk"

Bob looked up as the bell attached to the door sounded, the Avengers were here; Where was Gene? Please don't let Gene be greeting them, please please don't let Gene be greeting them, not after last year. Please, don't." thought Bob as he took a deep breath, crossed his fingers, and hoped that Mort had gotten all of his affairs in order should he die of mortal embarrassement due to his family — It was the main constant in his sweaty life.

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Black Widow:: Luckily for Bob(?), his wife Lynda was at the door to greet the arriving Avengers and wrangle her children, all of whom were peering out from behind her with glee and a possible glint of endearing madness in their eyes. Arriving were Natasha Romanoff, aka The Black Widow, the first Avenger, Steve Rogers — Captain America, Clint Barton, better known as Hawkeye, Doctor Bruce Banner with a pocketful of Percocet to ensure the Hulk would NOT make an appearance, Tony Stark, Iron Man, who also had a pocketful of Percocet (not necessary for Banner, but you never know), and Thor Odinson. Joining them this day were Scot Lang, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, and Hope Van Dyne, all of them new additions to the lineup; Sam Wilson was skipping the day given the incident with Gene the year prior.

They were usurded in by an elite team of S.H.I.E.L.D agents assisted by New York's finest. Nearby several fire house sat on high alert, a precautionary measure, not because of the Avenger's mind you. No, it had become standard protocal over the years since the Belcher's had joined the neighborhood. Linda lead them to their reserved table which was as far from the other resturant regulars as possible, which meant they had the booth by the bathroom.

Seating them, Lynda remarked to Natasha, "You know Teddy's right, you do have interesting collar bones and a perfect forehead." to wich the Widow replied with a simple, understated albiet curiousily toned " Alright, thank you.".

She looked to her team mates curiousily and silently wished she were with Sam (or anywhere else for that matter).

"Nice to see you again Linda." She added with great civility before pushing on to their awaiting table.

With the Avengers seated, Lynda distributed the freshly wiped menus and promised to be back in a moment with their waters. She then turned and shushed her kids into the kitchen where Bob stood peering out, grumbling quietly to himself about who to fire first.

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Hawkeye:: Seated, Barton, like many of those seated watched as the Linda and her children make their way into the kitchen . He immediately glanced down at the menu, and then at Natasha, "You know, she's right, you do have nice collar bones." he said with a smug half smile. Then turning to Cap, he asked, "Don't you think her collarbones are nice? And that forehead? Its a nice forehead, there can be no denying that. "

Clint wouldn't miss a visit with the Belcher's for the world. They were good people. Honest people. They ran a fine resturant that somehow, for all it's business constantly seemed to be on the verge of collapse regardless of how fine the food was, and the food was very fine. Heck, any time the Barton's were in NYC, they always stopped in for meal; Clint felt it was acutally a crime that the resturant wasn't included in any of the best eats guides that seemed to liter the internet these days.

Looking down at the menu once again, his good humored smile ebbed slightly as he thought about why they were here. He thought of the battle they had fought in New York, and Sokovia and pondered about what kind of difference the Avengers had made in the world, for better or for worst.

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Tina Belcher:: "Whubba hubba, hubba Wubba" Tina said with her trademarked deadpan restraint as she prepared to lift the first of two serving trays containing all of the triple-filtered ice waters in anticipation of the Avenger-ineos arrival.

"!!! Avengerienos Arrival !!!" She exclaimed as she lifted the tray, her personal battle cry was quickly subsumed into a grunt. Water was heavy. There would be a gaggle of them today, hence Linda Belcher had ready two trays and asked her eldest daughter to carry them out to where the Avengers would be sitting and prepare the table.

There would be so much man-meat here today thought Tina with a sense of restrained mania. Sure B4N (aka Boyz4Now) were a group of hotties, and they held a special place in her overly enlarged heart chamber, especially Griffin. Sure there was a time when she had a thing for Boo-Boo, the lead singer of Boyz4now. She had fantasized about the pint-sized lead singer, imagining strapping him to her back and taking him for long walks to remote places and chopping off his arms and legs and keeping his pint-sized remains in a little shoebox underneath her bed but fear thats he might forget to punch airholes in the shoe box had caused her to let go of her desires for him. He was too small. Too helpless, Tina was a whole lotta woman waiting to happen and she wanted someone who would one day be man enough for her and that was Griffin; He owned a pet wolf after all.

A real wolf!

A smile then graced her lips, she often them riding together along the beach late at night, Griffin on his wolf Lamar, and her on her imaginary horse Jericho. Together, racing, barely containing their desire for one another as they pushed their mounts harder and harder and Tina's eye's opened wide as she found herself stumbling forward. While her mind had wandered while she was walking towards the Avenger's table, her foot had had a small dalliance with the foot of a chair and now she was trying to keep her balance.

Surprisingly, she did.

Not a drop spilled. No one noticed. Maybe the fates were with the Belcher's today.

There was another tin-sounding thud from above.

'Oh bouy' thought all the Belchers.

Tina continued to where the Avengers were sitting, and began to pass the glasses of water out, conspicuously looking each one over as she did so; Her mouth watered as she looked at Hawkeye and Quicksilver, and Captain America.

Oh god Captain Ameri-can!

He had the best can's bar none. He was America's ass. If America had an ass, it would be his.

She actually began to reach out for his ass, but she stopped herself, her gestures appearing like she was having a little bit of trouble with her empty trey as she began to nervously laugh in a very stilted manner.

"Heh. Heh. Heh. Heh." she said as Linda rushed out and pulled her back into the kitchen.

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  Captain America  FC/

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Captain America:: Steve smiled as it was good to be back here again. He did admire Bob had created this place and had made it a family business. He knew how he'd lost many restaurants but he never gave up. And that was impressive. Which motivated him to keep going as an Avenger. If Bob could keep his family in a home with food, and clothes. They were barely able to get by in the 40s and it was just him and his mother for a while before she passed away. If it hadn't been for Bucky's family he might have ended up starving before he even became Captain America. Hearing the conversations and grinned at Clint teasing her. He decided to stay quiet on that not wanting to anger an assassin.

He smiled as Tina brought out the waters.

"Thank you Tina." replied Steve.

He saw Linda and Tina head back towards the kitchen. He smiled and called out to them.

"Thank you again Mrs. Belcher for having us. The food is great. And well you kind of remind me of my own mother. Makes me miss her less when I'm here." mentioned Steve.

He glanced back at the menu and back at Bob.

"You got any new specials? Might be fun to try something new." said Steve.

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Bob Belcher:: "Funny you should ask Cap, it's ok if I call you Cap right because you said I could call you Cap if I wanted too last year and I've been looking forwards to calling you Cap all year Cap... It's ok still right?" Bob replied to the Star-Spangled Avenger whom he had been preparing to welcome into his establishment for the better part of a month. He'd considered imagining how it might go, but given the eccentricities of his family, he stopped himself from doing so every time out of fear of giving himself a heart attack.

His family could be a bit much, even for Bob.

Bob smiled as he became aware of the pregnant pause which was occurring and then raised one arm revealing a might pit stain as he did so. His hand raised to the sky, his index finger outstretched sky high, he exclaimed "!!! Anchovies Assembled !!!" Bob then turned to point at the chalk-board where he personally wrote the special of the day every day only to see Louise standing on the counter with chalk in hand.

Fear glazed over his eyes at the thought of what his little bundle of mayhem was doing.

Surprisingly she hadn't done anything horrible. She was actually decorating the Anchovies Assemble special description with little drawings of Avengers fighting An-tauri aliens in honor of the day the Avengers were commemorating.

He turned back to look at Cap, The anchovies add a nice underscore to the Sharma we've prepared for you today. Let us know when you're ready and we'll bring it out. Until then, we have greek salad and bread. I hope you have a wonderful time here today Cap.. it's ok if I call you Cap, right Cap? You said I could call you Cap Cap."

Turning, Bob looked off into the distance, his eyes slightly unfocused, he muttered to himself "I'm Cap too much, aren't I Cap... ooewh.

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Iron Man:: "Huh.. Anyone notice the store sign to the right of here? No? Really? No one noticed " TIRE-RHEA Discount Tire shop " There's a hugh " Explosive Going Out of Business" sign in the window? No one noticed? Really? No one noticed. Huh. " said Tony Stark, aka Iron Man as he entered the Shawarma Palace. He entered just as Bob turned away, thus finding their eyes awkwardly meeting. Tony had heard enough of the conversation that he was able to chime in of course. Not the best sign to have next to a restaurant Bob. You should talk to you're landlord.. or I don't know... someone. Maybe Cap Cap, whadda you think of Cap?" He smiled. What was one or three more 'caps' between friends, right?

He quickly moved to the table and took the seat directly opposite of the Black Widow. " Hi kids, we order yet? " Turning, he looked to the rest of the Belchers, most of whom with the exception of Tina were currently standing in the kitchen looking at the Avengers through the cutaway in the wall which the Belcher's used to pass meals from the back to the front of the house.

"Belchers. Good to see you all once again. Nice sign Boh.

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Black Widow:: The Belchers, odd, unusual, questionably suited to running a restaurant, yet arguably the most suited people to prepare a meal for the gathering company of Avengers. She tried not to smile as Bob's wife worked to usher their eldest daughter into the back who seemed to be having a sudden stroke or possibly her first orgasm having stood within a foot of the good captain. Poor kid, she was barking up the wrong tree there.

Still. It was cute.

And then there was Louise, of all the Belchers, it was Louise whose name you could not forget given the manner in which she carried herself, and the fact that Natasha had elected to start a file on the youngest Belcher who seemed to have the words Criminal Mastermind Waiting to happen here plastered all over her aura, not that Natasha could see aura's mind you, but something about Loise just seemed to scream this possibility so loudly that you didn't need to see a person's aura to know.

She nodded to Tony as he entered the room and was glad he taken the seat across from her, rather then next to her.

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Hawkeye:: Turning from the others, Hawkeye, his head titled slightly to one side retorted " It's arguably better than the one that was hanging there last year, remember that one Tony? Rent Reduced Crime Scene Special sign with a huge vacant in the store window? Hawkeye rolled his head to Natasha as he made a very quiet aside to her that likely was only audible to Natasha and the resident Super-Soldier who had notably keen senses. " If you ever decide to open a business up, and it's not a mortuary, this is definitely not the place to open next to."

Hey Tony, whas up? Haven't seen you in a while. Things good with you and Pepper?"

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Louise Belcher:: With her parents distracted by the Avengers and Tina, this left Louise free to exercise a little creative self-expression. In one hand, she held an eraser. The other, several colored sticks of chalk. And she? She was standing on the countertop before the 'Meal of the Day' sign, a Belcher restaurant tradition reaching all the way back to the second-grand re-re-opening of the Restaurant - also another tradition of the Belchers, re-grand-opens of their restaurants due to the near-constant plague of bad luck that seemed to plague them. The only person who might stop her was her older brother Gene. Louise wasn't worried about this given her brother's own propensity for being self-distracting. She'd tossed a ball of yarn near him, he'd be busy for hours.

"Hmmm... what to write, what to write.... she said to herself as she looked at the current meal which read "Mission A-Corn-Plished Plate. It comes with Corn Salsa. Louise was considering replacing it with something like "Foot-Feta" or "Hit me with your Best Shallot", or maybe just 'The Child-Molester Special- comes with candy'.

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Captain America:: Steve nodded.

"Sure you can call me Cap." replied Steve.

Steve grinned.

"That all sounds good. We could start with the bread and salads if anyone's hungry. I'm ready to eat but I don't know if everyone wants the same thing." said Steve.

He blinked in surprise as Tony arrived and mentioned the nearby store sign.

"Well, that's too bad. I wonder what happened. Did people stop buying tires there? Were they too expensive?" mentioned Steve, curiously.

He raised an eyebrow at Tony calling him Cap 3 times and shook his head.

"Tony's right. Maybe you should talk to someone. The business closing could hurt your business. Although if business improves maybe you could expand into that store. Use it as an extra store room perhaps. Then you wouldn't have to worry if another business comes in." replied Steve.

He turned back to Tony.

"I suggested we start on the bread and salads so we'd have something to eat while people decided on orders." said Steve.

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Bob Belcher:: "... Erh.. ahm.. Mr. Stark. Please to see you again. And yes, I am aware of the name of the store to the right of us, yes....." Bob replied to genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist standing right before him. Surprisingly, Tony was actually a bit shorter than you would have expected him to be. Even upon second meetings, you couldn't help but remark to yourself about how you thought he would be taller. He appeared taller in his armor. He appeared taller in all the publicity stills.

If you saw a publicity still of the Avengers, Stark, who would typically be dressed in his civies to show that he was a man of the people, would appear to be standing alongside Captain America (6'2") and Thor (6' 4") at relatively the same height*. Which, if you thought about it was kind of odd as if he was in his armor, he would appear to be the same height as he was when not in his armor and one only needed to look at his 'Iron Boots' to see that he had 5" risers BUILT INTO those boots; Little known fact:, a fan website, revised their listed height of Tony Stark after receiving a letter from Stark Legal.

"... ahm.. Yes, Mr. Stark. We... I.. We know.. sadly yes we all know the name of the store but they're going out of business.... just like all the other horribly named businesses that seem to find their way to that location next to us." Bob continued, the tone of his voice slowly degrading into the basement of despair alongside where his hope had once summered before having committed seppuku feeling it the only honorable thing to do. Bob himself might have also committed seppuku, but Mr. Fishodors lease was oddly specific about such things. No non-astral seppuku attempts were permitted on the business premise, such things were not covered by the damage deposit, something which the Belchers had long ago drowned in IOUs.

Bob swallowed as he became self-consciously aware of the fact that he was looking down on Mr. Stark. Bob was slightly over six feet in height. He'd meant to wear his loafers today, but they had gotten wet due to the basement partially flooding the day before because it that was Tuesday and for some reason or another, their basement tended to flood on Tuesdays. This started happening shortly after Tire-Rhea's opened next to them. Bob hoped that with their closing, the flooding might pass.

Bob found himself suddenly needing to go to the bathroom.

He smiled.

TRUE FACT: STARK INTERNATION, a true corporate conglomerate owned many companies including Prestige Consumer Healthcare Products LLC (PCHP llc), the maker of many feminine hygiene products.

TRUE FACT: Hawkeye, who was the same height as Cap was typically depicted as being two or so inches shorter than Tony which, if you knew Tony's actual height would make Hawkeye slightly shorter than Natalia.

TRUE FACT: There wasn't a single slanderous or slang-term for any of PCHP llc's various femine hygiene products that someone hadn't been ascribed to Tony Stark in some manner.

Hearing Cap's request, Bob turned to look at Cap, thankful for the save even if it wasn't actually meant to be a save, it still felt like a save, at least to Bob; Linda, watching from the kitchen winced; She would later claim she was cutting onions; Poor Bobby.

"... Salads. Right away Cap. Tina, come with me. Now.." Bob said as he side-stepped over to where Tina was and placed his hand gently behind her back and then proceeded to hustle the both of them back into the safety of the kitchen where he saw the onions that Linda had yet to start slicing.

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Iron Man:: "Pepper and I are... Let's just leave it at that Clint, please." Tony replied to the archer, who would find himself looking up to the Black Widow following the next release cycle of publicity stills for the Avengers; Why did they have an archer on their team? Tony was already a big enough feminine hygiene product to service the organization's entire needs as was.

He returned the Widow's nod, which was a nice step of from the death stare she'd given him not so long ago. As things went, he was going to put this exchange between them in the 'win' column.

He then turned to look at Captain America as he seemed to genuinely lament what could be generously described as timely passing of the Tire-Rhea.

Tony Blinked.

He looked from Cap to the rest of the Avengers thus gathered.

"... Who wants to take this one? Anyone?" Tony said as he reached under the chair where he had taken a seat. Reaching under the seat, he grabbed a small package of flash-dried blueberries which had been secreted there for him by the S.H.I.E.L.D. sweep team that had arrived to secure the location an hour after Bob had finally fallen asleep.

Linda made Bob get up as she had avocado on her face; She wanted to look her best for Tony Stark; Bob had many reasons not to like Tony Stark; Currently, so did Pepper, of which there was none on any of the tables as arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D. at the request of the personal assistant to the secretary of the personal assistant to Mr. Stark's intern.

Opening the silvery acetate packaging, Tony spilled a few blueberries into his hand as he surveyed the table for any takers.

"No takers? Why am I not surprised - No Salad for me Mr. Belcher, thank you. I have blueberries. " Tony rattled the silvery acetate package as he shouted the aside to bob as bob departed.

"Cap. It's called Tire-Rhea. Tire-Rhea... Seriously Cap. Not a great store name as choices go. A very disturbing mental image of possible blowouts comes to mind." Tony's eyes bludged slightly to emphasis how bad a choice of names Tire-Rhea was, especially when you considered the 'Explosive Going Out of Business' sale sign in that store's window.

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Black Widow:: Continuing to remain quiet, Natalia nudged Clint so he would look up and over towards Louise Belcher and where she stood on the countertop with a piece of chalk in hand and a mischievous glint of mayhem in her eyes.

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Hawkeye:: It didn't take a genius to know that Clint had just cost himself another inch in the public's eye if Tony had any say in the matter, and given that the genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist had a very large say in it as he cut the checks, Clint resigned himself to being approached by Walmart to reconsider being their Spokes-Avenger for their Young Men's (Juniors) Athletic Signature Sports line of young men ages 11-14 apparel.

Note, depending on whether or not you included Walmart in the name of the Athletic Signature Sport line determined if the acronym for the line was 'WASS' or simply 'ASS'.

Personally, Clint felt Tony was far more appropriately situated to be their spokesmen, all they needed to do was provide him with a stepping stool so he could reach the mic.

Suddenly, he found his attention redirected by Natalia towards that of Louise Belcher, a little girl who often dressed in the same signature green as commonly worn by a certain would-be Asgardian King.

She was standing on the kitchen counter in front of the sandwich board mounted on the wall. Mission A-Corn-Plished Plate. It comes with Corn Salsa. The board read listed in chalk, although if Louise was to have her way, it wouldn't list that for very long.

Eyeing her, cling took his paper napkin and folded it into quarters multiple times and then halved it diagonally one final time so that he had a little, thick, paper triangle, which he flicked at Louise just as she was about to touch the chalk in her hand to the board; The chalk cracked into dust as the paper football glanced it.

Louise turned to look at Clint with menace in her eye, which she quickly recanted because regardless of how small Tony Stark might depict Hawkeye, in real life, he towered over her and that was an epically good shot. It was so good it was deserving of Hawkeye himself who he was.

He smiled at her in response.

She hopped off the counter.

A moment later, another large 'CLUNK' sound could be heard echoing through the air conditioning ductwork that hung high above them suspended from the ceiling; Inside, several tweens including Jimmy Jr., Regular-Sized Rudy, and Zeck all attempted to remain quiet as they gazed down in unison at all the epic muscle and cleavage on display as seen through the vent the feed into the dining area.

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Captain America:: Steve watched amused at all the conversations around him. Definitely the usual for the Avengers.

"Then maybe we should do something about that. Maybe buy the place, Tony. We could turn it into something. I could sell my art. We could teach defense classes. Clint could give archery lessons. And probably more. If we do more than one thing the business is likely to last longer. Since I doubt all of us would be needed for every mission." replied Steve.

And probably could have SHIELD or local cops use cameras and security guards to keep the building safe and any customers who come in from possible attacks. And to prevent anyone from villains sneaking in to attack as well. When Bob left to get the salads Steve glanced at Tony having blueberries.

"Where did those come from? You keep them in your suit?" asked Steve, teasing him a little.

He sighed.

"It's a horrible name for a store anyway. Terrible pun too if that's what they were going for. We could turn it into something better." mentioned Steve.

He watched seeing Clit fold a football from a napkin and throw it at Louise destroying the chalk she was going to use. He blinked in surprise and chuckled.

"Nothing can get past you. Nice aim Clint." replied Steve.

He paused hearing a strange clunking sound but dismissed it as the air conditioner. Maybe it was just noise but he didn't want something to go wrong and cause an explosion or something. Natasha, Clint, and the Belchers were human. Likely only Tony and himself would survive an explosion out of the people here. He turned back to Tony curiously.

"You think Jarvis could tell if something was wrong? I heard a strange noise and was not sure if it was maybe the air conditioner or maybe an oven. Maybe I'm paranoid but if something went wrong and started a fire or an explosion someone could get hurt or worse." said Steve.

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Fantastic Four

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Human Torch:: Johnny practically flew in with a grin joining the group. The FF4 had recently merged with the Avengers as they were a bigger team. They still lived in the Baxter Building as it was their home but it also allowed him to be out on more missions without having to wait for Sue, Ben and Reed to be available. He liked helping people and "showing off" to his fans and the public that Ben and Reed often accused him off. But he had to put on a good show for his fans.

"Sorry I'm late. So what does this stuff taste like Uncle Steve?" asked Johnny.

He knew Steve was like a great great uncle or something like that. Some younger sibling or cousin was his and Susan's ancestor that allowed them to be created while Steve had his long frozen nap. He smiled glancing over at the Belchers.

"Not sure if it's made the news yet. But the Fantastic Four has joined the Avengers. We thought we could do more good with them. And Steve is the great great great uncle of Susan and me." replied Johnny.

He was exaggerating just a bit which he knew annoyed Steve slightly but he couldn't help it. It was fun being related to another hero and they even looked alike which could be fun for later.

"He ordered a meal himself sitting down at an empty seat and grinning.

"I'm not sure if Sue or Reed can make it. Reed's probably tinkering on some invention. And Sue's probably making sure he doesn't over do it. Ben's probably out with Alicia on a date." mentioned Johnny.

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Captain Ultra:: The Torch, not one of the original Avengers presence added to the mix was unexpected, but given the absence of Thor, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and the Hulk, negligible at best through the man in the heavy raincoat which covered a frame the equal of the good Captain. This was his audition to the FF and he intended to make it count. He wasn't expected to take everyone down, only to display what he had to offer when it came to the mix and he intended to prove himself a key ingredient.

He flex his body, his mighty frame tensed, and his overcoat suddenly hung in tatters about his mighty frame much to the slight surprise of a nearby onlooker and his squat friend. My but I wouldn't want to get into a tuccus with the finely chiseled fellow over there.


"Over there Felix. Right over there. The large man in the custom that would make a clown look conservative - There - Right over there Felix! I can see it plain as day with my one good eye" replied the elder statesmen dressed all in white replete with matching white eyepatch. He looked at his younger brother, he was older than he looked thanks to his professionally dyed hair. He shook his head and rolled his one eye. I think that we shall wait here Felix and watch what happens at Bob's. You something is going to happen. Bob isn't blessed with the kind of luck that the average down trotten are. No. No Bob has a special kind of luck, one no one would envy.

Felix shook his head in silent agreement.

Meanwhile, the would-be member of the FF walked up to the storefront of the Shawarma Palace, then firmly grasped it and with a mighty yank, somehow pulled the enter storefront from the building's facade; Somehow, the large storefront held together.

He pushed it to the side, the crowd quickly pulled back, spilling over into the street and being what would quickly become a large sprawling gridlock throughout Manhattan.

Avengers. It is I Captain Ultra and I have come to prove my metal. I challenge you any and all who dare except my challenge.

Meanwhile, in the ventilation duck that had once been partially secured by the now missing storefront, several would be lookie lous looked at one another with looks of dire concern.

Guys, I dont' think this is a good idea whispered Regular Sized Rudy.

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The Belchers:: Bob, just like Linda, Tina, Gene, and a surprising mute Louise all looked on in mute horror at the man in brightly colored spandex who had just ripped the front of wrenched the front of their storefront from it's foundations. When they regained their senses, Bob would say 'Oh crap', Linda would go right for a bottle of wine, skip the glass, Tina would have a panic attack, Gene would admire the man's costume, and Louise would exclaim 'RATS!' in protest of all the missed comments she might have made.

Most others scrambled or ran, both inside the resturant fleeing for the back door, of those outside who pulled yet further back from the resturant. But not he Belchers.

They stood their ground.

They were stupid that way; Also, they were stunned by disbelief as this was the second time their storefront had been decimated in an Avengers related incident.

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  Captain America  FC/

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Captain America:: Steve raised an eyebrow seeing his great-nephew show up. The likeness was still shocking at times. Even some of the shield agents mistook them for the other out of uniform at first. Johnny had fun with that and even Steve found it amusing at times himself.

"You'll have to try it yourself and find out." replied Steve, teasing him.

He nodded hearing Sue, Reed and Ben were probably busy. So were some other of their teammates so it was ok. Maybe they could join the next one.

Then things went downhill as someone came in knocking the storefront off and came in to accept a challenge.

"You just tore off the front of this building? You could have at least knocked on the door. You not only interrupted dinner but you destroyed their property. Guess we have a new villain to defeat." replied Steve.

He paused turning to Clint and Natasha.

"Clint, Natasha. Get the civilians including the Belchers to safety. We have to clear the area. I don't know what this guy's capable of but we don't want anyone to get hurt or worse. Once that's done come help." said Steve.

Steve rushes forward and swings a punch trying to knock him out onto the street.

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  Human Torch  FC/

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Fantastic Four

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Human Torch:: Johnny pouted at Steve's words.

"I guess I'll try some then." replied Johnny.

Just then the front breaks off as a new villain shows up.

"Wow. And I thought Doctor Doom and Loki were annoying. At least they didn't destroy a store like that." replied Johnny.

He smirked at him.

"I'm not sure if you're brave, powerful or just stupid. Any of us probably could take you out easily but you attacked a shop with a bunch of superheroes. You're going down." replied Johnny.

He stood up and fired a fire ball at his feet hoping to at least give him a hotfoot if Steve's attack didn't work.

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Captain Ultra:: As Cap would soon find out from reviewing the inevitable documentation and reports relating to this incident, the man they were up against went by the non de plume Captain Ultra and he was quite the powerhouse. Capable of lifting far in access of 25 tons, and he was tough as nails. Invulnerable actually at Cap would realize as he struck the man - you could hit this man with a runaway freight train and he would have been unphased as he was by Cap's singular blow. And not that you would know it from this moment, but he was fast, he could give Quicksilver himself a run for his money, and that wasn't all. He possessed enhanced agility, stamina, vision, hearing, and a scream that could blow in a wall to name but a few of his abilities. Yes, Griffin "Griff" Gogol was a regular superman, but even Superman has his flaws, and good ol' Griff possessed a several allergy to fire.

Johnny didn't even need to flame on, he could have ignited a small flame on the tip of his finger from fifty paces, that would have been enough to drop Captain Ultra where he stood. Needless to say, the, one fireball later, and he was in an ultra coma so to speak.

Seeing him fall as he did, the Belchers all look at one another, perplexed by what had just happened.

And then there was a sudden crash as the heating duct gave way and several of the Belchers kid's friends came rolling out one after another. Jimmy Pesto Jr, Zack, Regular-sized Rudy, and more, one after another they rolled out from the hitting duck which lacking support to one end due to the missing storefront had turned into something of a slide and they all came to rest at the feet of the Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Iron Man.

Tony looked at Hawkeye who looked at Natalia who rolled her eyes.

And Captain Ultra, he wouldn't be joining the Fright Four anytime soon it seemed.

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Bob Belcher:: Following the sudden surprisingly swift defeat of Captain Ultra, there was a collected paused silence. This was unbelievable. The villain who had ripped the facade off the building and set it to the side appeared to have fainted at the first sign of fire.

Tony turned to look at Natalia. Natalia's eyes darted over Clint and so on and so forth until almost everyone present had exchanged at least two glances, maybe three.

Sensing the tension in the room, Bob cleared his throat as he felt he needed to say something, after all he was technically in charge. His lips parted. His mustache twitched, he groaned as he looked about his restaurant. As usual, words failed him. Louise on the other hand jumped for joy as she exclaimed that this was the best day ever. Gene turned to his friends with the intention to help them up, but somehow got distracted by a ketchup dispenser and a desire to quench a sudden thirst. Tina started to walk towards Captain Ultra, he was a boy after all. And while the Avengers might have thought that Tina wanted to see if the fallen Captain was alright, Linda, Tina's mother knew her boy-crazy daughter and pulled her close as she covered Tina's eyes saying " No Tina, this one's not for you."

Bob rolled his eyes and muttered to himself quietly "I love you all, but you’re all terrible at what you do here and I feel like I should tell you. I’d fire all of you if I could."

He looked to Linda for hope or inspiration or something to make the moment feel less horrible.

She laughed, smiled, " Huh ha, this is crazy right? Am I right? I'm right. Who wants a drink (of wine?)" Looking down at Tina whose eyes she was still averting she added "Not you Tina - you can have water." She turned back to her husband adding " You have some crumbs in your mustache Bob - Or maybe it's absestos from the big hole that replaced the front of our store" She turned away to look at the front of the store "You have to admit Bob, this is a pretty crazy day. Ha ha. Crazy. Am I right Avengers?"

Bob's eyes grew wide as Linda addressed the Avengers, finally he found his words as he looked to them "Lin, his isn't a cray day." He turned to look at the Avengers, "I mean, at least not here anyway. Sadly, this is a perfectly average day at Bob's burgers. This ind of stuff happens all the time, and I'm sorry you had to see it. You're good people. You deserve to go to nice places. Pesto's is across the street.. they have... pizza." It broke Bob's heart to say that, but the Avengers were good people and their was Pizza across the street.

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Captain America:: Steve was surprised the guy practically fainted after their combined attack.

"I wonder if he's afraid of fire. Well, I guess SHIELD can take it from here. Might want to make sure he's locked up somewhere safe. He might break out of a regular jail." replied Steve.

He turned and shook his head.

"I can get pizza anywhere. But we can only get one of Bob's burgers right here. I'm staying." replied Steve.

He glanced at the Belchers and heard Johnny's words about other kids. He waved at them.

"Is everyone okay? No one's hurt. We could get some doctors if we need to." said Steve.

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Fantastic Four

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Human Torch:: Johnny grinned.

"Exactly. It'd be rude to leave after coming here to get some food. And we can help try to repair the place. The creep was after us or at least one of us. Besides I'd love to know why kids are falling out of air airvents. Or are they super powered too." joked Johnny.

He smiled glancing at the kids.

"And we can't leave our fans. These kids came to see us. I would never let my fans down." said Johnny.

ON DECK: Captain America

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