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Captain America

Captain America

Captain America

Captain America


For as long as I can remember, I just wanted to do what was right. I guess I'm not quite sure what that is anymore. And I thought I could throw myself back in: follow orders, serve. It's just not the same.

SUMMARY: FC/; Having dealt with being a ordinary boy, becoming Captain America, the War, and being frozen. He awoke to a modern day and joined the Avengers solving many problems. But super heroes are doing harm while doing good even unintentionally.. Creating super villains from business rivals or family members or brainwashed friends. He still feels guilty Bucky was brainwashed and is trying to find and help his best friend. Whether or not Bucky ever remembers isn't important to Steve as his friend's well be

name: Rogers, Steven Grant occupation: Special Operative
playby: Chris Evans alias: Captain Hydra, Nomad
type: Enhanced orientation: Bisexual
legal record: No Criminal Record CLASS: delta / e0170d4-t04
DOB: July 4th, 1918 95 yrs
relationship: single X
POB: Brooklyn, NY HEADQUARTERS: North Bay Avengers Compound, North Bay, NY
height + weight: 6'2" | 221 lbs lb. hair + eyes: blond / brown
religion: team: Avengers
sokovia accords: no registration act: no
waiver: Open to most things, ask first via the Discord.; RATING: 3 | 3 | 3
Utility Belt Worn around his waist when in his Captain's suit, the belt contains a small selection of useful items, A satellite-capable encrypted smart-communicator, Avengers identification ID (Level 7), Handcuffs, 100 yards of high tension nylon line, a coin purse, digital camera, and several butterscotch hard candies (Cap is a senior citizen after all).
Handgun; ammunition capacity of 17+1 (live); Standard S.H.I.E.L.D. issue (same as the C.I.A.), the Glock G5 feature over 20 design modifications from the Gen4 predecessors, including the GLOCK Marksman Barrel, nDLC finish, ambidextrous slide stop lever, the removal of finger grooves and a flared mag-well.
Conviction Captain America possesses great belief in himself, what he is doing, and what he stands for. Captain America is able to stand up to the forces of evil and temptation better than most.
Eidetic Memory Captain America possesses the uncanny ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with great accuracy and in seemingly abundant volume. One of the most useful advantages of this ability is sometimes he is able to remember his dreams with exact detail.
Iron Mind Captain America is resistant to all forms of Telepathy and some Supernatural Senses as well as spells and powers that seek to read or control his thoughts. This makes him completely resistant to most forms of mind attack, this advantage varies depending on the level to mind control and the tiredness.
Multilingual Steve is fluent in English, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, at least some French, and some Italian. He might be lingual in other languages.
POWER GRID FOR Captain America
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Enhanced Mental Facilities In addition to enhancing his physical prowess, Erskine \’s serum also increased Zygon\’s metal capabilities. His mind is able to operate in the most efficient and effective manner possible. This also manifests himself as perfect charisma, eloquence, leadership skills, deductive/analytical skills, and tactical genius. He has demonstrated on numerous occasion the ability to process multiple streams of information and respond with precision and accuracy. He possesses perfect memory recall, and has a near-photographic memory. He is also able to come up with winning tactics and strategy rather fast in the face of adversity and stress; Note that he is not a scientist, he is a soldier and his mental prowess is honed primarily to the military applications and tactics.
Due to Erskine \’s serum, Zygon\ now possesses a muscle mass and bone structure which is far more physically resilient and dense than that of a human being in peak physical condition. His enhanced physiology allows him to exceed the physical limits of what is possible for a human being to do physically; He can bend metal bars with his bar hands, leap over walls in a single bound, and fall from great heights as if it were nothing. Likewise his ability to physically persist and endure has also been compounded into the realm of the superhuman with a pain threshold rivaling the likes of the Wolverine and allowing him to persist without tiring for excessive periods of time and recover from physical exertion, stress, and strain without showing any signs of physical fatigue; For all of this, he is still human and can injured or killed. He has consistently demonstrated the ability to lift several tons, bend and snap metal with relative ease, the strength in his legs can propel him as far as thirty feet in the air. With this strength also comes speed. He can run a mile in nearly one minute and thirty seconds flat and can accelerate to top speed within a few seconds of starting. Steve can jump between buildings, over cars, and even buses. Furthermore, his physical senses and reflexes have enhanced to match the rest of his body. He can see further and and with greater clarity, even in low-light conditions that that of his human counterparts. His ears can pick up sounds imperceptible to those of human ears, and he can detect minimal scent particles in the air with his sense of smell. While these senses might pale in comparison to those shown by Daredevil, they operate hand-in-hand with his superhuman reflexes which has helped to make him the legend he is today.
Cap\'s regenerative healing factor allows him to physically recover and repair strained, stressed, or damaged tissue, bone, and other bodily materials at an accelerated rate. He is immune to all infections, disease and disorders. His healing factor also causes the effects from alcohol, drugs, toxins and impurities to have little to no effect on him. He is able to heal cuts and bruises within a matter of minutes while other wounds such as gunshots take more time. His healing factor is what kept him alive in an almost ‘cryo-stasis’ until he was brought out of the ice 70 years after going into the ice.
Master Spy Rogers is highly skilled in espionage, intelligence gathering, infiltration, and sabotage.
Combat Training He was trained well in the army and the super serum just enhances his abilities. He's quite skilled in combat expecially in hand to hand combat. He was quite evenly matched with Red Skull and Bucky who also had the super soldier serium in their bodies. Training out in the field against HYDRA, the Chitauri and Loki also helped continue his training.
Master Acrobat Rogers is an expert acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes. Combined with his enhanced agility, Rogers has shown expertise in utilizing flips in his attacks and takedowns.
Master Martial Artist Rogers is a master at combat and the field of martial arts. He has an extensive knowledge of melee combat. He also displayed a variety of martial arts in his fighting style. Rogers' combat style composed of a mixture of American Boxing, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Taekwondo and Aikido. In addition, Rogers also showed refined fighting techniques, applying characteristics of Muay Thai, Karate, Savate, and Wing Chun. Captain America's combat skills are considered legendary, making him one of the greatest fighters in the world. Shield Mastery: Over time of training and experience with his unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allow him to accomplish amazing feats with the item. Aside from bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, he is able to throw it with nearly perfect aim, managing to slice Spider-Man's webbing with it mid-air. Rogers can hit multiple targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing him to strike enemies from behind or retrieve the shield without objects to ricochet from. Expert Marksman: Rogers can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim and is well-versed in the use of firearms like the military-issued Colt 1911 or the Tommy Gun during World War II and eventually modern firearms, picking up an assault rifle and using with ease. While he knew how to use the modern assault rifle, he was not use to it and missed his targets each time he fires and even slipped from the platform he was and grabbed a wire to stay on the ship when caught in a hail of gunfire from the men that he was fighting on the Helicarrier. Rogers also shows expertise in knife throwing.
Shield Tossing He threw his shield quite well. He almost never missed. Aside from the occasional super powered being like Loki or Bucky who dodged or caught it. And when he missed he can recover it quickly or use it as a distraction to attack.
Artist Steve is trained as an artist and specializes in pencils and painting.
Master Tactician Rogers is an accomplished strategist. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation.
Leadership With only army training and his super powers he went alone to a HYDRA compound and rescued many captured soldiers including his best friend Bucky. He led them to safety and kept leading them in future missions and later Hydra. He earned the title of Captain by his actions not by promotions from other officers.
Pilot Rogers has at least basic knowledge of aircraft piloting. In the 1940s, he crash-landed Red Skull's plane on the Arctic. After returning, he is able to fly a Quinjet.