CONTENT WARNING! Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Marvel Champions RP is a mature alternative "WHAT-IF" take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We invite you to join us and see where your Marvel Champions muse takes you. To join, please first join our Discord to request a membership code by DMing any member of staff in our site discord. If no members of staff are available, please leave a request in the requests-channel and we will DM you a membership code ASAP.

Welcome to the Marvel Champions Universe, our version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Before we get to far into about our site, premise, community, or the game, let us steal a moment to state the following. It is our intention to run as fair, honest, and transparent a game as possible. We expect our members to behave themselves like adults, we don't expect that everyone will like everyone else, but we do expect that everyone will treat each other with kindness and respect and keep ALL personal drama where it belongs - between themselves, and not involve others (we aren't you parents - if you can't go get along, go elsewhere. If you are the type to say, if they don't go, I will, you will go. Behave. Act like an adult. Take responsibility for your actions. Resolve conflict. End of story.

Marvel's What If...?

The Marvel Champions Universe (MCu) is an alternate take on the the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Alternate takes are often referred to as Alternate Unverses (AUs). If you are unfamiliar with this concept, please check out "What If...?" on Disney+ as it is probably the best cinematic representation of what an AU is. Unlike other AUs, we are not going to tell you what our "What If...?" is, just know that everything up to the first third of Captain America: The Winter Soldier is cannon unless otherwise specified.
First and foremost, we are an AU in keeping with the What If...? premise. This said, aside from the single over-arching What If...? in play, we allow for lesser What If...?'s referred to as "How Aboutz...?" (HA!)* as well. These little WFs can be signifcant in scope so long as they pertain to one character and wouldn't necessitate any revisions to any other characters currently in play. An example of a HA! could be "Howz About Agent Coulson having not died in the first Avengers Movie.". On the surface this might seem to fly right in the face of our No HA! can affect another character directly rule, but as the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been decononized from the MCU by Disney, this means that no characters would be affected so long as Coulson was significantly injured enough at the time that it would allow Directory Fury to claim that Coulson was in critical condition, that he might die or that he in fact did die. This allows all other events to continue on unabated.

Our Premise...

A little bit about this world, more of which will be dtailed in the history, quickstart guide, story, and timeline pages. We might set the site events to take place starting Winter. We could do the general what if with only a few minor alterations if we want the snap and blip to have happened though. -- This is me thinking about stuff, feedback welcomed.

The Story Thus Far...

Here on Earth 98168, the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have played out very faithfully in accordance with how they have been portrayed on the large and tiny screens upto our deverging point, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Anything upto this point is considered cannon with only a few subtle variations (HA!a) sprinkled about. In addition to the big screen continuity, we also have embraced the continuity of Netflix's Marvel Universe (Daredevil, Defenders, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and the Punisher.) The continuity of Freeform and NBC's offerings (Agent Carter, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Cloak & Dagger, The Inhumans, and the Runaways) are not considered canon to our AU. Characters from those shows can be app'd with the spirit of the characters applied with the exception in the case of the Inhumans series which was roadkill on arrival.


Hyper-continuity is an interconnected flow of realities, where time diverges AND reconnects at certain points from the main timeline. Think of it like a river flowing, you have one main current and within that current you have many smaller currents, all of them going in the same direction with the many smaller currents starting, merging, diverging, and stopping at various points within the main current. A practical example of this would be when someone picks up a new character, a current has been started. Depending on how the character is app'd, something may change such as relationships between other characters, they might even change genders, and with those approved changes, we accept them, Captain Marvel was always female, but now she is a he and always has been. Reality changed slightly. And depending on how Captain Marvel is app'd again, reality could change again. This is Hyper-Continiuity.

N2k, or the Need to Know means that when we run a site-wide storyline, we will put out all necessary information/intel necessary in an OOC formate to help everyone to engage with the storyline. Handlers will determine what their characters do and don't know, we trust them to make those decisions. And based on how characters are app'd and re-app'd, there will be some acceptable "meta wiggle-room" as female Captain America had an affair with Captain America that now didn't happen because two other handles are handling each of the Captains who are both male, unless they choose that that affair still occured; Meta Wiggle-Room.

An example of such wiggle room might be a collective agreement that a character whose handler had to take a leave of abscense was not on the mission in question, thus excusing them from any repercussions or lasting effects of the mission they were not able to participate in; We will all collectively use our ability to pretend to say " They were not part of the droids being looked for, they were never here.". Events will be tailored to the characters in play at the time of the launch with an eye to creating on-boarding points for new characters joining the site.

SITE FEATURES: The Champion Standard

Do you know what the difference is between a premium and a non-premium site is? Our understanding is that it' those little annoying ads that can litter up a site. There are a few additional things too, but mostly it's those little ads. We aren't a proboards or a jCink site, we are a homebrewed site, meaning that we created our own web forum with software we ourselves created so that we could have greater flexibility and control over site content and are free to develope and add new site features we've always wanted but were never possible on a hosting platform such as jCink. Examples of these features include automated claims & reserves for characters and faceclaims, dashboards, pop-up character profiles,single data input - enter a tidbit in once, it's updated automatically everywhere (no information wrangling), summary thread views, true single-user/no account switching login to all sites running our software; I.E. log into one, you're logged into all your sites..

Here you will find clear devisible states between what is In-Character (IC) and Out-of-Character, you can upload all necessary images to our site which will make rotators for you if you so wish. Our site will automatically make place your reserves and faceclaims and update them when a character is approved. You have only one account to manage everything - if you join another OMMMs based site, your login here will work there, the games will be seperate, but the experience will be the same, thus you will only ever need one account and one password to remember. Here you have tag groups so that if you want to alert staff, you can click on the mods button when posting, or if you want to tag everyone on your team, just enter the team name into the tags box. If you want to read all your threads, chose the my threads option within the forum, or go to your threads on your personal homepage from which you can make all of your replies. Here you can get from any point on the site to any point in one click without needed to hop all over the place. Here there are no templates and no need to write any code anywhere, the site will automatically style everything for you. Just click to make a post or a chracter, then start typing away, everything else is done right down to the inclusion of your character images (which you change on any particular post or apply to all of your posts). Here you can set preferences and presets for logging in and what items you do or don't see. If your person RP rating is 222, any content rated 333 will not appear unless you specifically open it. We have help features which we are constantly working on to help you with every aspect of character creation and posting - and we put them were you need them, not off in some help forum which you might not know exists. And most importantly, here, if you have ideas for new features that would make game play easier, you can suggest them and we will try to make it happen. There is a lot more stuff than just this of course, most of it is intuitive, once you start using the site, things will begin to make sense very quickly.

Marvel Champions, our goal is to redefine what a premium roleplay experience not only can be, but should be.

Welcome to the Marvel Champions Universe, our version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Before we get to far into about our site, premise, community, or the game, let us steal a moment to state the following. It is our intention to run as fair, honest, and transparent a game as possible. We expect our members to behave themselves like adults, we don't expect that everyone will like everyone else, but we do expect that everyone will treat each other with kindness and respect and keep ALL personal drama where it belongs - between themselves, and not involve others (we aren't you parents - if you can't go get along, go elsewhere. If you are the type to say, if they don't go, I will, you will go. Behave. Act like an adult. Take responsibility for your actions. Resolve conflict. End of story.

Marvel's What If...?

The Marvel Champions Universe (MCu) is an alternate take on the the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Alternate takes are often referred to as Alternate Unverses (AUs). If you are unfamiliar with this concept, please check out "What If...?" on Disney+ as it is probably the best cinematic representation of what an AU is. Unlike other AUs, we are not going to tell you what our "What If...?" is, just know that everything up to the first third of Captain America: The Winter Soldier is cannon unless otherwise specified.

First and foremost, we are an AU in keeping with the What If...? premise. This said, aside from the single over-arching What If...? in play, we allow for lesser What If...?'s referred to as "How Aboutz...?" (HA!)* as well. These little WFs can be signifcant in scope so long as they pertain to one character and wouldn't necessitate any revisions to any other characters currently in play. An example of a HA! could be "Howz About Agent Coulson having not died in the first Avengers Movie.". On the surface this might seem to fly right in the face of our No HA! can affect another character directly rule, but as the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been decononized from the MCU by Disney, this means that no characters would be affected so long as Coulson was significantly injured enough at the time that it would allow Directory Fury to claim that Coulson was in critical condition, that he might die or that he in fact did die. This allows all other events to continue on unabated.

Our Premise...

Our premise is a simple one, What If... Nick Fury had exaggerated Coulson's Injuries? Here, Agent Coulson didn't die during the first Avengers movie, Fury intentionlly mislead the Avengers to believe he had, or would shortly to give the Avengers that little extra modivational kick that they needed to get past their differences and pull together as a team. Into this divergence, we revise the infiltration of Hydra, lessening it, hence S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't suffer a catastrophic public defeat at the Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Instead, the Hyrda infestation was less, and to this days continues on to some level. The final battle involving the Insight Helicarriers happened out-of-sight, underground within the Insight Helicarrier drydock beneath the Triskelion with Hydra being believed to have been wiped out.

The Story Thus Far...

Here on Earth 98168, the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have played out very faithfully in accordance with how they have been portrayed on the large and tiny screens upto our deverging point, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Anything upto this point is considered cannon with only a few subtle variations (HA!a) sprinkled about. In addition to the big screen continuity, we also have embraced the continuity of Netflix's Marvel Universe (Daredevil, Defenders, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and the Punisher.) The continuity of Freeform and NBC's offerings (Agent Carter, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Cloak & Dagger, The Inhumans, and the Runaways) are not considered canon to our AU. Characters from those shows can be app'd with the spirit of the characters applied with the exception in the case of the Inhumans series which was roadkill on arrival.


Hyper-continuity is an interconnected flow of realities, where time diverges AND reconnects at certain points from the main timeline. Think of it like a river flowing, you have one main current and within that current you have many smaller currents, all of them going in the same direction with the many smaller currents starting, merging, diverging, and stopping at various points within the main current. A practical example of this would be when someone picks up a new character, a current has been started. Depending on how the character is app'd, something may change such as relationships between other characters, they might even change genders, and with those approved changes, we accept them, Captain Marvel was always female, but now she is a he and always has been. Reality changed slightly. And depending on how Captain Marvel is app'd again, reality could change again. This is Hyper-Continiuity.

N2k, or the Need to Know means that when we run a site-wide storyline, we will put out all necessary information/intel necessary in an OOC formate to help everyone to engage with the storyline. Handlers will determine what their characters do and don't know, we trust them to make those decisions. And based on how characters are app'd and re-app'd, there will be some acceptable "meta wiggle-room" as female Captain America had an affair with Captain America that now didn't happen because two other handles are handling each of the Captains who are both male, unless they choose that that affair still occured; Meta Wiggle-Room.

An example of such wiggle room might be a collective agreement that a character whose handler had to take a leave of abscense was not on the mission in question, thus excusing them from any repercussions or lasting effects of the mission they were not able to participate in; We will all collectively use our ability to pretend to say " They were not part of the droids being looked for, they were never here.". Events will be tailored to the characters in play at the time of the launch with an eye to creating on-boarding points for new characters joining the site.

SITE FEATURES: The Champion Standard

Do you know what the difference is between a premium and a non-premium site is? Our understanding is that it' those little annoying ads that can litter up a site. There are a few additional things too, but mostly it's those little ads. We aren't a proboards or a jCink site, we are a homebrewed site, meaning that we created our own web forum with software we ourselves created so that we could have greater flexibility and control over site content and are free to develope and add new site features we've always wanted but were never possible on a hosting platform such as jCink. Examples of these features include automated claims & reserves for characters and faceclaims, dashboards, pop-up character profiles,single data input - enter a tidbit in once, it's updated automatically everywhere (no information wrangling), summary thread views, true single-user/no account switching login to all sites running our software; I.E. log into one, you're logged into all your sites..

Here you will find clear devisible states between what is In-Character (IC) and Out-of-Character, you can upload all necessary images to our site which will make rotators for you if you so wish. Our site will automatically make place your reserves and faceclaims and update them when a character is approved. You have only one account to manage everything - if you join another OMMMs based site, your login here will work there, the games will be seperate, but the experience will be the same, thus you will only ever need one account and one password to remember. Here you have tag groups so that if you want to alert staff, you can click on the mods button when posting, or if you want to tag everyone on your team, just enter the team name into the tags box. If you want to read all your threads, chose the my threads option within the forum, or go to your threads on your personal homepage from which you can make all of your replies. Here you can get from any point on the site to any point in one click without needed to hop all over the place. Here there are no templates and no need to write any code anywhere, the site will automatically style everything for you. Just click to make a post or a chracter, then start typing away, everything else is done right down to the inclusion of your character images (which you change on any particular post or apply to all of your posts). Here you can set preferences and presets for logging in and what items you do or don't see. If your person RP rating is 222, any content rated 333 will not appear unless you specifically open it. We have help features which we are constantly working on to help you with every aspect of character creation and posting - and we put them were you need them, not off in some help forum which you might not know exists. And most importantly, here, if you have ideas for new features that would make game play easier, you can suggest them and we will try to make it happen. There is a lot more stuff than just this of course, most of it is intuitive, once you start using the site, things will begin to make sense very quickly.

Marvel Champions, our goal is to redefine what a premium roleplay experience not only can be, but should be.

Welcome to the Marvel Champions Universe, our version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Before we get to far into about our site, premise, community, or the game, let us steal a moment to state the following. It is our intention to run as fair, honest, and transparent a game as possible. We expect our members to behave themselves like adults, we don't expect that everyone will like everyone else, but we do expect that everyone will treat each other with kindness and respect and keep ALL personal drama where it belongs - between themselves, and not involve others (we aren't you parents - if you can't go get along, go elsewhere. If you are the type to say, if they don't go, I will, you will go. Behave. Act like an adult. Take responsibility for your actions. Resolve conflict. End of story.

Marvel's What If...?

The Marvel Champions Universe (MCu) is an alternate take on the the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Alternate takes are often referred to as Alternate Unverses (AUs). If you are unfamiliar with this concept, please check out "What If...?" on Disney+ as it is probably the best cinematic representation of what an AU is. Unlike other AUs, we are not going to tell you what our "What If...?" is, just know that everything up to the first third of Captain America: The Winter Soldier is cannon unless otherwise specified.
First and foremost, we are an AU in keeping with the What If...? premise. This said, aside from the single over-arching What If...? in play, we allow for lesser What If...?'s referred to as "How Aboutz...?" (HA!)* as well. These little WFs can be signifcant in scope so long as they pertain to one character and wouldn't necessitate any revisions to any other characters currently in play. An example of a HA! could be "Howz About Agent Coulson having not died in the first Avengers Movie.". On the surface this might seem to fly right in the face of our No HA! can affect another character directly rule, but as the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been decononized from the MCU by Disney, this means that no characters would be affected so long as Coulson was significantly injured enough at the time that it would allow Directory Fury to claim that Coulson was in critical condition, that he might die or that he in fact did die. This allows all other events to continue on unabated.

Our Premise...

A little bit about this world, more of which will be dtailed in the history, quickstart guide, story, and timeline pages. We might set the site events to take place starting Winter. We could do the general what if with only a few minor alterations if we want the snap and blip to have happened though. -- This is me thinking about stuff, feedback welcomed.

The Story Thus Far...

Here on Earth 98168, the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have played out very faithfully in accordance with how they have been portrayed on the large and tiny screens upto our deverging point, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Anything upto this point is considered cannon with only a few subtle variations (HA!a) sprinkled about. In addition to the big screen continuity, we also have embraced the continuity of Netflix's Marvel Universe (Daredevil, Defenders, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and the Punisher.) The continuity of Freeform and NBC's offerings (Agent Carter, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Cloak & Dagger, The Inhumans, and the Runaways) are not considered canon to our AU. Characters from those shows can be app'd with the spirit of the characters applied with the exception in the case of the Inhumans series which was roadkill on arrival.


Hyper-continuity is an interconnected flow of realities, where time diverges AND reconnects at certain points from the main timeline. Think of it like a river flowing, you have one main current and within that current you have many smaller currents, all of them going in the same direction with the many smaller currents starting, merging, diverging, and stopping at various points within the main current. A practical example of this would be when someone picks up a new character, a current has been started. Depending on how the character is app'd, something may change such as relationships between other characters, they might even change genders, and with those approved changes, we accept them, Captain Marvel was always female, but now she is a he and always has been. Reality changed slightly. And depending on how Captain Marvel is app'd again, reality could change again. This is Hyper-Continiuity.

N2k, or the Need to Know means that when we run a site-wide storyline, we will put out all necessary information/intel necessary in an OOC formate to help everyone to engage with the storyline. Handlers will determine what their characters do and don't know, we trust them to make those decisions. And based on how characters are app'd and re-app'd, there will be some acceptable "meta wiggle-room" as female Captain America had an affair with Captain America that now didn't happen because two other handles are handling each of the Captains who are both male, unless they choose that that affair still occured; Meta Wiggle-Room.

An example of such wiggle room might be a collective agreement that a character whose handler had to take a leave of abscense was not on the mission in question, thus excusing them from any repercussions or lasting effects of the mission they were not able to participate in; We will all collectively use our ability to pretend to say " They were not part of the droids being looked for, they were never here.". Events will be tailored to the characters in play at the time of the launch with an eye to creating on-boarding points for new characters joining the site.

SITE FEATURES: The Champion Standard

Do you know what the difference is between a premium and a non-premium site is? Our understanding is that it' those little annoying ads that can litter up a site. There are a few additional things too, but mostly it's those little ads. We aren't a proboards or a jCink site, we are a homebrewed site, meaning that we created our own web forum with software we ourselves created so that we could have greater flexibility and control over site content and are free to develope and add new site features we've always wanted but were never possible on a hosting platform such as jCink. Examples of these features include automated claims & reserves for characters and faceclaims, dashboards, pop-up character profiles,single data input - enter a tidbit in once, it's updated automatically everywhere (no information wrangling), summary thread views, true single-user/no account switching login to all sites running our software; I.E. log into one, you're logged into all your sites..

Here you will find clear devisible states between what is In-Character (IC) and Out-of-Character, you can upload all necessary images to our site which will make rotators for you if you so wish. Our site will automatically make place your reserves and faceclaims and update them when a character is approved. You have only one account to manage everything - if you join another OMMMs based site, your login here will work there, the games will be seperate, but the experience will be the same, thus you will only ever need one account and one password to remember. Here you have tag groups so that if you want to alert staff, you can click on the mods button when posting, or if you want to tag everyone on your team, just enter the team name into the tags box. If you want to read all your threads, chose the my threads option within the forum, or go to your threads on your personal homepage from which you can make all of your replies. Here you can get from any point on the site to any point in one click without needed to hop all over the place. Here there are no templates and no need to write any code anywhere, the site will automatically style everything for you. Just click to make a post or a chracter, then start typing away, everything else is done right down to the inclusion of your character images (which you change on any particular post or apply to all of your posts). Here you can set preferences and presets for logging in and what items you do or don't see. If your person RP rating is 222, any content rated 333 will not appear unless you specifically open it. We have help features which we are constantly working on to help you with every aspect of character creation and posting - and we put them were you need them, not off in some help forum which you might not know exists. And most importantly, here, if you have ideas for new features that would make game play easier, you can suggest them and we will try to make it happen. There is a lot more stuff than just this of course, most of it is intuitive, once you start using the site, things will begin to make sense very quickly.

Marvel Champions, our goal is to redefine what a premium roleplay experience not only can be, but should be.

*   When and were possible, we will try to make our acronym's funny and entertaining as well as being on point.