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The Next Fanboi-Sorcerer Supreme

Anything is possible if you just believe...

SUMMARY: FC/; The possible son of the Scarlet Witch, Wiccan is mutant of exceptional power whose abilities allow him to literally alter reality through the sheer force of his personal belief. He must speak his desires out loud to actually alter reality.

name: Kaplan, William Edward occupation: Student, Hero-in-Training
playby: Louis Partridge alias: Chant, Asguardian
type: Mutant orientation: Homosexual
legal record: No Criminal Record CLASS: alpha / m0003a4-t05
DOB: July 9th, 1998 15 yrs
relationship: single X
POB: Wundergor, Transia HEADQUARTERS: North Bay Avengers Compound, North Bay, NY
height + weight: 5' 8" | 137 lbs lb. hair + eyes: black / brown
religion: Jewish* team: Champions
sokovia accords: yes registration act: yes
waiver: If your character is capable of doing it, I'll try to roll with it. If it would result in the permanent damage of my character (psychological or physical) please consult me first to discuss; No permanent damage to character without prior consent.; RATING: 3 | 3 | 3
Journal Billy's personal hand-written daily record of his personal activities, reflections, and his feelings.
Smart Phone; A sophisticated smart-phone the equal of Apple's iPhone and Stark's SMART SX smart phone. It can perform all the same basic capabilities of any other smart phone on the market including making calls, text messaging, internet browsing, running apps (all apps regardless of OS configuration/needs), superior security and 64 byte encryption.
Like a backpack but hopefully cooler (Billy hoped), his messenger bag is an old fashion styled replica of a 1940's Newsy messenger bag. Worn slung over the shoulder, the olive grey waterproof bag provides ample room for his books, change of clothing, water bottle, and more.
Combat Hesitance Chant is still very green when it come to battle, as such he plays a very defensive game often calling up his defense before fully entering into combat. As such he can take up to several minutes before actually engaging. If he uses his primary power, the ability to alter reality, he insists on observing the situation so that he can call an effect which is appropriate, but not overwhelming so as to limit the potential for unintended damage.
Curiosity Chant has an incredible curiosity that not only overrides his common sense, but causes him to ignore the the good advice of others. Meaning that not only does he often gets into all sorts of trouble, but that others have to come bail him out. And while praise for his finds is not infrequent, when on a mission, Billy is often paired with the most sensible person on the team.
Enunciation For Zygon to make use of his greatest ability, altering reality, he must be able to speak and he must be able to do so in a clear and understandable tone. If he is gaged, or in any way unable to speak in clear manner such as from having bit his tongue or having had a shot of novacane while at the dentist office, his ability to alter reality will be neutralized for the duration he is unable to speak in a clear concise tone.
Chivalrous If Zygon witnesses any wrong-doings, he will try his damnedest to right them just as his heroes Captain America, Iron Man and Thor would. Furthermore he will try to right a situation regardless of what physical harm or emotional hardship he might befall him in so doing.
Secret Identity The world does not know that Chant is, was or even suspects that he is actually a bonafide super hero. Of all the secrets he possesses, this is his most guarded, and while some people may know about his secret identity as Billy, by and large his identity as Billy is guarded secret. When dealing with normal society Billy may have to go to great lengths to maintain his double-life; working a day job, running errands and stuff like that and then rushing off into the night as Billy. And somewhere in the midst of all of this, he still needs to find time to eat, sleep and crap. When he gets the tar beat out of him, he has to invent excuses for what happened, why it happened, and when it happened. AND, the excuses have to be believable which can be a tall order sometimes. The Secret Identity is a lie, which may exist for the noblest of reasons, but is still a lie, and a lie which compounds itself and combines itself with interest. He can't really have any close friends that aren't also in the know about his secret.
Trusting Zygon grew up spending a lot of time in books reading as much about magic as did does about the real life exploits of Captain America, Iron Man and Thor, his favorite Avenger. As such he has bought in to a certain belief structure about the world and how it operates, and that belief structure is founded on the belief that people are inherently good at heart. So while there might still a bridge with his name on it, he wouldn't trade his trusting nature for the world
Naive Zygon spends a lot of time in books reading as much about magic as he does about the real life exploits of Captain America, Iron Man and Thor (yes, he claims the the Scarlet Witch is his favorite Avenger, but did you see that issue of People Magazine with Thor in a wet t-shirt on the cover?). As such he has bought in to a certain belief structure about the world and how it operates, and that belief structure is founded on the belief that people are inherently good and trustworthy. Somewhere out there is a great big bridge with Billy's name on it and salesmen waiting to sell it to him.
Cute There's no getting around it: Zygon handsome, boyish good looks are kind of adorable. He just has that kind of face, and combined with his self-effacing attitude and his tendency to put on an upbeat and sometimes ingenuous face, well... even acquiring a certain amount of scruffiness couldn't change the fact that he's ridiculously cute. And while he may one day grow into a handsome, sexy, even striking young man one day, right now he's - 'cute.' Whether he likes it or not.
Disciplined Zygon is a disciplined young man, both mentally and physically. This allows him keep his mind sharp and his body in reasonable physical condition.
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Flight Chant can fly very much like Superman through unassisted and unknown means. However unlike Superman, he is limited by the laws of physics and human anatomy; He can go no faster, fly no longer or higher then his own body can endure.
By manipulating light from around him, Billy is potentially capable of producing a force field of a blueish-white hue around himself and up to three other people. While not as powerful as the force fields that are produced by those naturally capable of generating a force field, Billy's are still quite capable of protecting those inside of the field from small and medium arms fire and or moderate physical or energy based attacks. Billy is capable of holding a force field up for only a few minutes at this time assuming that he is able to hold his focus. His field can be brought down if a force greater than that of medium fire arm is directed at it. Should his forcefield be shattered in such a way it is unlikely that he would be able to erect a new one before 24 hours have passed.
He can create realistic three-dimensional images, animated or otherwise which appear to be hyper real due to the inherent hypnotic quality they possess. The images appear solid, possessing all the olfactory and auditory characteristics one would expect of the illusion cast. And while these illusions can be visually registered by mechanical and electronic means, it is only the visual and auditory components which will be picked up, the hypnotic quality will not translate across artificial means, it is this aspect which separates this ability from Hallucinations or other such illusionary abilities. Any damage caused another by this means of attack is completely psychosomatic, individuals struck by illusionary lightning will feel as though the strike was real and may even manifest burns or other damage. It is possible that Chant’s illusions could even cause the breaking of actual bones with the damage actually being caused by victim’s own muscles constricting so rapidly and tightly as to break actually fracture or even break their own bones. That said, typically, most victims will fall unconscious when attacked in so sever a manner, waking with a mild disorientation which is quickly shaken off in a matter of minutes; All of this said, his illusions can not cause or actually affect any mechanical device other then being registered by the device in question. He may appear on camera as if he were another person, but a key crafted from a glamour will not open an actual door. The illusions created can take on any size or appearance he wishes, limited only by his imagination. This Illusion can be a realistic simulation, a fanciful creation direct from his own imaginings, or an abstract display of light blinding light. He can use his illusions to over dub noise, masking, distorting, or otherwise revising them. Anyone sentient enough to be affected would hear the hallucinatory sounds, while a mechanical device would detect both sounds but otherwise would not be affected. He can cast his illusions for as far as he can see, but he must have a direct line of site to caste them. Once cast they will last as long as he concentrates on them, or he can leave as a running program, but such continuing illusions must be of a very simple nature such as the appearance of a room or a wall of fire.
It has yet to be determined if Zygon is actually alters the very fabric of reality, re-ordering probable outcomes, or simply wills what he wants into happening. What is known is that he can alter reality to suit his deepest wishes and most heartfelt desires by simply wishing for it to happen very, very hard. He does this by chanting over and over again, focusing his mutant ability to control magic forces distort and reshape the reality around in him in near limitless ways. Simply put, he can change the laws of physics around him at least temporarily. His only limits are his desire and imagination, endurance and level of training. Using his abilities, Billy has willed force fields to fade, machines to falter and even for villains to fail in their most determined of determined actions. He may even be responsible for Clay Aiken's phenomenal success following his loss to Ruben Studdard on the first season of American Idol. Zygon distorts the local reality around himself by focusing his emotional core on a single, solitary desire. He does this by picturing what he wants to happen and then starting to recite short mantra usually beginning with the phrase "I want " or "I wish" or "I need" and followed by a short, concise, descriptive tag of no more than seven to ten words that describe what he wants to happen. By doing this over and over again, his abilities will reorder the local reality around him. It is important to remember that reality does have laws and when one upsets these laws, it may not without consequences. Tip the scales too much and Zygon may risk a karmic backlash based on the events he set into motion. The more he pushes things, the more likely it is that 'reality' will push back in an attempt to correct 'itself' in ways and with consequences that he may not have considered when using his ability. At present, Billy is able to influence an area equal to that of the distance he could be heard if he were to shout loudly during typical weather conditions (144 yards). Since nearly murdering his former school's bully, Billy has been extremely cautious when using his powers to the point that he would rather not use them than risk causing immeasurable harm to others. However, he has continued to practice with his powers and he has successfully found a number of smaller uses for his powers that he can reproduce without risk of serious side effects which he refers to as his 'rotes'. Thus far he has demonstrated the ability to create force fields, fly unassisted, generate 'magical' lightning, and teleport both himself and others as explained elsewhere. He is likely capable of producing many, many other seemingly 'magical' effects. All this said, if he can't speak due to being bound, gagged, being awestruck, suffering from laryngitis or other ailments, or any other limitation which keeps him from being able to speak, then he cannot use his reality shifting abilities.
Zygon, with brief periods of intense concentration, can gain knowledge of a subject's location. It is notably difficult, though not impossible for him to locate those he is unfamiliar with, or only loosely associated with. With those he has a strong emotional connection to, its nearly automatic
Zygon can create clothing, decor, objects and food from seemingly nothing.
Zygon can fly unassisted by magical means; By allowing his entire bodily musculature to to 'relax', he has found that he can also relax the effect of gravity on himself, and in doing so, Billy has learned that he can fly much like Superman can. However, as magical as his flight might be, he is still bound by the rules of the physical world; Unlike Chimaera or Speed, his body is not built to withstand high speeds. As such, he is restricted to traveling at speeds of roughly fifty miles per hour and cannot exceed an altitude of one thousand meters at this time. Outside of this, he is capable of reproducing flight almost as well as any other mutant capable of flight; it just requires him to put the practice in to be able to pull it off as well.
Zygon can produce a magical blueish-white hued forcefield around himself and up to seven other people. While not as powerful as the force fields of the Invisible Woman, his are capable of protecting those inside of the field from small and medium arms fire and or moderate physical or energy based attacks. He can maintain a forcefield for up up to an hour assuming that he is able to hold his focus. His field can be brought down if a force greater than his own is directed at it. Should his forcefield be shattered in such a way it is unlikely that he would be able to erect a new one before 24 hours have passed; He does not need to incant to use this magical effect..
Zygon is capable of creating glamours which don't so much disguise his appearance, but simply cause people not to recognize him, or even to be aware of him. He can surround a small space with such a glamour so as to shield it from general detection. These glamours are generally recognized on a subconscious level, causing others to avoid him when he is concealed or has concealed something or some small location.
Zygon can quickly heal others through the use of this magical rote (e.g. "I want to heal this man, I want to heal this man!"). However, the effectiveness of the healing can be greatly vary depending on his willness to do it. When healing an enemy, the healing process could be considerably diminished than when healing someone he genuinely has an empathetic desire to heal
By extending his hand and outstretching his fingers so as to gesture at a specific target, Zygon can cause the air to erupt with a powerful bolt of magical lightning strong enough to stun or disarm an enemy of average weight and size. Targets must be standing within direct line of sight (144 yards) of him in order to be struck. He can not call it down from the skies or do any sort of trick shots with it - it is always directly from point A to point B. At present he can create roughly two to three bolts per minute for a sum of twelve to fifteen before needing to rest for at least half an hour in the case of twelve bolts cast and up to an hour should he have pushed himself to his full range of 15 bolts. As he is still learning this rote, there is always the chance that he may accidentally fire off a bolt unintentionally, lose control of a bolt cast or simply fail to cast one all together because of improper gesturing on his part; He does not need to incant to use this magical effect..
By concentrating on a specific location where he wants to be, he can spontaneously appear there. Due to the magical nature of his teleportation, there is no risk to him or those traveling with him in terms of them materializing within an object. While he needn't be familiar with where he is attempting to go, the less familiar he is with his destination, the more likely it is he will materialize somewhere else; Teleporting back to where he was is considered to be an automatic action. The key for him to be able to achieve arriving where he wants is likely in tightening up his concentrating and practice; He does not need to incant to use this magical effect.
Billy can location a person, place, or thing bye concentrating intently on them subject he wishes to find. To do so, he must have had contact with the subject within the last 24 hours and not feel emotionally ambivalent towards the subject in question. He must have a strong emotional connection in order to find the subject.
Billy has only attempted this a few times so far, and every time he has tried it he's ended up in his mom's bed of all places. By concentrating, he is currently studying how to envision where he wants to be and then spontaneously appear there. As he is passing through a small wormhole in time and space to reach another location there is no risk of him materializing within an object as his rote is folding space rather than deconstructing and reconstructing him elsewhere. While he needn't be familiar with where he is attempting to go, there is a strong chance that he will teleport directly to the walk in closet inside of his mother's bedroom; Teleporting back to where he originally started from can be challenging due to his closet issues. He can make two or three jumps in a day before he is too physically drained and unable to attempt this or any other rotes for the day. The key for him to be able to achieve arriving where he wants is likely in tightening up his concentrating.
NeXT Program As a rIDent member of the NeXT Initiative, Zygon has access to many of the facilities resources including labs, housing, medical, financial, and other amenities; Access is based on his security clearance.
NY Library System The proud owner of a New York Library card, Chant has access to all that the New York Library system has to offer including educational seminars, microfiche records and even free DVD rentals and online streaming video and music.
Occult(ish) Library Since coming into his powers, Chant has gathered a rambling collection of texts, tombs, scrolls, artifacts and other oddities which reflect his growing interest in paranormal phenomena. The items in his 'occult library' range from Chinese menus that denote astrological signs to the latest new age self-help books and even old Stevie Nicks albums. And while most of his occult library is more novelty then fact, there are a few scrape books of newspaper clippings that suggest he's beginning to learn what might be of an occult nature vs. what some 'rube' might spend a month's allowance on in some dark flea market alleyway.
METROpass Chant possesses a current METROpass which allows him to ride any bus or subway that is part of the New York transit system