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hybrid Hero

You shot me in the head? The Head!? Seriously, dude, the first rule of shape-shifting is HIDE YOUR BRAIN! And speaking of brains, I think I'll pound yours into the pavement now.

SUMMARY: FC/; Teddy is a half-Kree, half-Skrull alien raised as a human.

name: Altman, Theodore Rufus occupation: Student, Hero-in-Training
playby: Mason Dye alias: Hulkling, Titan
type: Fc orientation: Bisexual
legal record: No Criminal Record CLASS: delta / f0002d4-t05
DOB: January 1st, 1980 33 yrs
relationship: Teammate X
POB: HEADQUARTERS: North Bay Avengers Compound, North Bay, NY
height + weight: 6' 1" | 211 lbs lb. hair + eyes: blond / brown
religion: team: Champions
sokovia accords: yes registration act: yes
waiver: Please don't hurt me, i do the hurting; RATING: 3 | 3 | 3
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Teammate ;
A member of the CIA, Henry Peter Gyrich has many government credentials and certifications to his credit.
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Teddy is equally capable of performing any task with either hand from writing to rolling dice to acts of slight of hand if they are so skilled that he could give David Blaine a run for his money. This means that Teddy will be able to perform tasks just as well with one hand injured. It's possible he could have even more than one hand.
Teddy is naturally athletic, partaking in team sports and regular outdoor activity. He's attained a few awards over time. Teddy lifts weights, swims, practices sprinting, enjoys long distance running and plays on the wrestling, basketball, and football teams.
Teddy has a habit of turning heads where ever he goes. His eyes are bright and tend to catch the light. His grin is quite disarming but that's if you are even looking up that far. This does make it difficult to blend in or sneak through a crowd. Though, being a shapeshifter, he can alter his appearance if he thinks about it.
Teddy has a natural affinity for detecting others like himself, even when the one being observed has changed to look like something else. To him it's far easier and sharper than gaydar. Upon a first encounter, a mental shiver will alert him if someone is not in their normal form. Teddy doesn't really question how it works. He just knows other shape-shifters when he meets them
It's incredibly difficult to surprise Teddy as he can react in an instant. His initiative can even surprise any would-be attackers who might think they have the jump on him or might otherwise attempt to knock him 'off-balance'. Furthermore, his private training and participation in sports have fueled his ability to move in a sure manner even during the toughest of situations.
Teddy is a hybrid of Captain Marvel a genetically altered Kree and Princess Anelle. The merging of their DNA allowed the Deviant DNA to mutate which normal Skrulls could not without the use of technology. Captain Marvel possessed Solar Energy Absorbtion and Energy Emissions which would explain Teddy's ability to replicate people with energy emissions. Teddy is highly immune to the mind altering affects of Daken and Purple Man and his physiology is considered alien even to Kree and Skrull scientists.
Simply put, Teddy is incredibly difficult to kill. His body and form respond to the situation, allowing him to survive against incredible odds. His mild healing factor and shape-shifting powers attribute to this.
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Description to come
Due to Zygon\'s unique Kree-Skrull hybrid physiology, he is not only the sum of his parts, he the preeminent genetic expression of them. As such he is capable of withstanding extreme amounts of physical an psychological punishment, allowing him to at least temporarily exceed his physical limitations due to pain, weather and other environmental extremes or lack there of, such as existing in a vacuum or minimizing the normal effect of a bullet to something like a small 'welt' or 'bruise'. In monstrous form he can ignore amazing amounts of damage and pain and he's often willing to do so if that's what it takes to get the job done. Additionally he can lift staggering volumes of weight with ease (up to 50 tons with difficulty), and leaping distances of 1,000 yards and a maximum height of 500 yards with a running start.
(Limited) When shape-shifting, Teddy's flesh shows signs of limited invulnerability. Common bullets at typical force bounce off his hide and blades have difficulty cutting into him.
A combination of his natural shape-shifting abilities, animal-mimicry and natural weaponry, Teddy can assume a 'monstrous' from which stand well over seven feet tall and is nearly as wide. In this form his musculature is exaggerated much like that of the Incredible HULK, his fingers become extremely thick and taloned, and his body becomes covered by a tough, plated, armadillo-like hide. Additionally, he can grow 'dragon-like' wings which allow him not only to fly, but to carry an amazing amount of weight.
Zygon possesses an innate ability to understand, analyze and adapt his body to any creature he can scan. He must have access to the creature's DNA via touch or trace to adapt and mimic. This ability gives him a genetic understanding of animal but doesn't
Due to the highly unique of Chimaera's Kree/Skrull genetics and shapeshifting abilities, his body mass can become highly malleable state at will. He can alter his form in a matter of seconds, often much less (depending on the complexity of the shape), and revert to his normal humanoid shape within a similar time. The greater the distance he stretches or the more extended the size of the object he becomes, the weaker his overall strength becomes. Chimaera's transformation to a malleable state is reflexive and nearly instantaneous: if he were in his normal form and taken unaware by machine gun fire, his body would still absorb the bullets' impact through radical deformation; His skin is virtually impervious to laceration or punctures unless he willfully relaxes his reflexive control over small areas of his body. In that case, scalpels and ordinary needles can then penetrate his skin. Chimaera can extend his limbs, torso, or neck to great distances: the maximum length he can distend before his body segments become painful is about 500 feet currently. (Although he can extend discrete body parts, such as a single finger, an ear, or an eye, he seldom if ever isolates such parts in his elongations.)
(Limited) This regenerative healing ability is of a limited form (far below Wolverine's ability) with timing based upon individual damage and plot/storyline needs. Should Teddy be hurt, his enhanced physiology acts to more quickly heal wounds and other injuries than a typical human. Extreme injuries can be regenerated as well but would require extensive time, likely half the time of a typical person. Common viruses fail to compromise his system while diseases are attacked more vigorously. In part, Teddy's shape-shifting works to alter his body to compensate for attacks, moving vital organs, etc. It is not known if he can regenerate after death.
Besides the assumption of his 'Monstrous Form', Teddy can also change his general appearance at will. By shifting the actual atoms of his body, he can duplicate the appearance of any person, place, or thing in exacting detail. His ability to duplicate appearance is exceptional in its ability to mimic others, so exact that not only can he change sex and approximate the humanoid being mimicked's wardrobe, he can precisely duplicate another person down to their retina pattern, finger, palm, and skin-pore patterns, and vocal cords. But, if someone were to run blood or genetic test on him in a disguised form, the results would show that he is not what he appears to be. Teddy can adapt his natural physiology so as to duplicate the natural abilities of other lifeforms which he is exposed to such as an a bird's natural ability to fly, a canine's sense of smell or a fish's ability to breath underwater. When duplicating the natural abilities of an animal, Teddy's body may not appear to alter significantly if at all; instead, existing flesh changes the way it functions. For instance, his lungs might begin to function like gills with his neck developing gill slits. He can not duplicate the abilities of imaginary or mythical animals even though he could be shaped like them. And while other feats of his monstrous shifting abilities are yet to surface, he has shown signs of reactive/adaptive shifting in dire circumstances, and it is possible that if he were suddenly exposed to an airless, cold vacuum of space, his body would likely adapt so that not only did he not only not have to breathe, but that he could survive unhindered in the airless, cold vacuum of space. The full extent of this ability has not been seen or tested. Due to Teddy's natural shape-shifting abilities, he can develop unique and unusual anatomical features that can function as weapons. These adaptions may be of any nature and can be external, internal, or a retractable nature if he so desires. The weaponry chosen can increase the damage he is capable of doing or resisting by up to one power rank.
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No known items exist.