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Outta the way!


name: Shepherd, Thomas occupation: Student, Hero-in-Training
playby: Lucky Blue Smith alias: Tommy
type: Mutant orientation: Bisexual
legal record: No Criminal Record CLASS: delta / m0010d5-t06
DOB: November 1st, 1998 15 yrs
relationship: single X
POB: HEADQUARTERS: North Bay Avengers Compound, North Bay, NY
height + weight: 5' 8" | 155 lbs lb. hair + eyes: silver / brown
religion: team: Champions
sokovia accords: yes registration act: yes
waiver: ; RATING: 3 | 3 | 3
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Mostly as a result of his days as a juvenile delinquent, Zygon\’s very skilled at blending into a crowd when necessary. Through a combination of previous skills and his super speed, Tommy is a fairly skilled pickpocket, and has experience breaking into buildings. He’s been given some training to enhance these skills as well.
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Zygon\'s body burns through calories and nutrients so quickly that he is constantly hungry. This is amplified through the use of his powers. Though it would be near physically impossible to count the exact number of calories his body would need to sustain himself through constant power usage his physiology adapts, regulating him to a sustainable level of caloric intake — still far and away above the needs of the average human, or even superhuman. He's almost always gorging on some kind of junk food to keep the pep in his step. Essentially, his body is adept at maintaining energy levels better than those of other people, but it still has to function at a higher level to maintain his own baseline.
Zygon\'s brain is capable of processes information at an accelerated rate to match that of his bodily speed, enabling him to perceive and anticipate his surroundings while traveling at high velocities; For Speed it is as if the world is in slow motion
Zygon\'s physiology is well-tailored to his personal philosophy: Live fast, or die trying. His body internal operations are finely tuned like a high-end European sports car, allowing blood to flow, muscles to breathe even when operating well beyond the limits of human capability. Fatigue toxins take longer to set in, and the time at which it takes him to recharge is considerably faster. His internal organs are well-adapted to withstand intense strain of the speeds with which he is capable of obtaining; Additionally, his body is exceptionally resilient, well equipped to dealing with the stresses caused by sudden impacts and sudden stops and or acceleration.
Given the speed at which Zygon is capable of moving, and his ability to perceive objects moving at fantastic speeds, he can often react to them as if they\'re moving extremely slow or even as if they\'re at a near complete standstill.
While much of his physiology is geared to movement, Zygon is actually quite strong. His upper body is capable of lifting up to 800 lbs, while his lower body is capable of lifting up to one ton. His reflexes, agility, and perception are at peak level, capable of resisting inertia and stopping on a dime, turning with precision, and making out faces even when at peak velocity. Though his speed force offers some additional durability, bullets and energy attacks cut right through him.
A delta class mutant, Zygon is capable of accelerated speed, and movement. While his peak movement rate has yet to be clocked, he is able to move at speeds faster than the eye can follow. He\'s been clocked at supersonic speeds, well above the threshold for breaking the sound barrier; How fast he is unaware of. His coasting speed, the limit at which he can run without tiring himself, is a notch below 750 mph. So long as he doesn't push too far beyond this, he retains the stamina of a well-trained marathon runner: a few hours before he needs to stop and catch his breath. At faster speeds, he can move at blazing speeds, but only for a few minutes before the strain on muscle fatigue sets in. His relative lack of technical training means he is classified a fair bit slower than what his potential extends to. A top-tier of speedsters, he has the potential to move at considerably faster speeds though more training and better conditioning to raise his upper limits rise. Tommy considers Mach 1 (767mph) a "running start", capable of both sprinting distances and longer tracks. Still, an hour or so of constant use will leave him tuckered out and sore the next morning.
He can send out hyper-kinetic vibrations that accelerate and destabilize the molecules in matter, causing solid objects that he directs these vibrations at to explode. The difficulty of doing this is based entirely on how close he is to an object, as well as how large it is. The further away he is and the larger an object, the more draining it is; because of this setback, he rarely uses this ability, and generally limits himself to smaller explosions when he does.
By altering his personal vibrational harmonics, Zygon is capable of becoming altering his molecular valence, rending him physically insubstantial, a state which he can maintain for up an 15 minutes before tiring from the effort.
Zygon\'s body generates a powerful vibrational shield which is meant solely for one thing, to prevent him from being ripped apart when moving at high velocities. This shield will also protect over anything he is carrying, whether it be his clothing or a person. The amount he can carry is equal to that of his physical strength; while the aura does offer some protection against physical harm, it will not completely negate the effects of things such as bullets or energy blasts.
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He is able to analyse different subtleties & see things from many different perspectives with a quick, accurate eye for detail. Whether he does this consciously or not is another question.
Even before his abilities began to manifest, Tommy had already figured out how to handle himself in the worst of neighborhood. First and foremost, he is a survivor. He has experienced a lot of what life has to offer, both some of the good, and a lot of bad, and he's grown all the wiser for it. He can handle a butterfly knife with the best of them, and he knows how to break a jaw with a set of brass knuckles, he can read a gang sigh a mile away, and differentiate between when they're hype, and when they're legit. He knows how to find food, clothing, and shelter when he needs it, even if he doesn't have the funds to get such things, either by hook or by crook, he'll get what he needs to survive. Tommy was built for life on the streets.
Tommy has learned over time being underground how to track people down & find locations of persons or places of interest. He had to learn how to do this when undergoing emergency runs or field missions for the Mutant underground.
No known items exist.